When They Fall

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When people fall, they have a multitude of reactions. Some cry, some laugh, some get angry. Then there's a select few who have no reaction at all. They don't bat an eye as they dust themselves off and get up again, because falling is second nature to them. Penelope Featherington was one of the few. She had been falling her entire life, so she was practically an expert on it. Falling down, falling asleep, falling in love. It was all the same to her, since she was alone in every case. No one had made her realize that more than Colin Bridgerton.

They met in much the same way. Falling, right off of his bike in Hyde Park. It would have been quite the romantic meet cute had it not been for the fact that he clearly only saw her as his kid sister's shy, fat friend. She was just Pen to him, and that's all she would ever be. It still didn't stop her from tumbling down that cliff, chasing after her heart as it went in search of his.

Twelve years later, here she was standing in the corner of his mother's birthday party, stirring at her rum and coke as she watched everyone else dancing and having fun, wishing that she had the sense to give up on her stupid crush. Cursing herself for never growing the balls to move on and find someone new to pine after. She was twenty-eight years old and she'd never had a serious boyfriend, all because none could measure up to the man she really wanted. God, she was pathetic.

At least she had her job, and good friends, including Colin who, despite travelling to foreign countries at the drop of a hat, kept in steady contact with her. He may never love her, but he at least liked her. Watching Eloise and her girlfriend being all cutesy and coupley in the corner, she wondered to herself if Colin was coming home soon. He said he was in Paraguay, but she hadn't heard from him in a few days. Surely he wouldn't miss his mother's birthday.

Just then, the man in question emerged in the middle of the front entrance, dressed in slacks and a sleek black shirt, two buttons undone, looking like sex on a stick. Penelope's nerves bubbled as she realized she hadn't seen him in person in over a year and she quickly downed the rest of her drink in a few gulps. Then, just to be safe, headed for the bar to arm herself with another one. Colin, however, caught sight of her immediately and made his way to her side.

"Pen!" He exclaimed, pulling her in for a hug. He smelled good too, she thought grumpily. And had he grown more muscular during his time away? "I missed you," he whispered in the gravelly voice of his that sent shivers down her spine. She bet he had left a string of gorgeous latina women behind, reminding herself that he was just her friend. Just a friend.

"How was Paraguay?" She asked nervously, pulling herself from his arms before she decided to make a home there.

"Fantastic! I wish you could have been there, Pen. The rainforests are just gorgeous."

Penelope smiled, watching as he recounted the details of his last trip. He was so passionate about his travels, from the people, the food, the culture. She loved that about him. She loved him. She quickly shook herself from her thoughts. "I might have to plan a trip sometime, soon as they finally pay me enough for that sort of thing," she said when he had finished.

Colin smiled back, regarding her with an expression she couldn't quite read. "Maybe I'll just have to take you with me next time."

His intense stare made her nervous and she quickly changed the subject. No topic was safe from thoughts of wanting to jump his bones. Except his mother. "Did you wish your Mum a happy birthday yet?"

Colin's eyes grew comically wide. "Don't tell her I came to see you first. I'll be back in a bit," he said in a rush before weaving through the crowd to find Violet.

Penelope couldn't help but laugh as she wandered back to the bar for a refill. "Another rum and coke, please," she said, pulling out her card to pay. She'd learned long ago not to open a tab or she'd forget her card. Her memory wasn't great sober, but after a few drinks, it was terrible.

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