Kiss Me More

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"Pen, I really think we should talk-" Colin whined, chasing her out of the Tesco where they picked up a few things for his mother's birthday.

Penelope rolled her eyes, throwing the bags in the back before opening her door. "Just get in the car, Colin. We've still got two hours to make it to Aubrey Hall."

"Does this mean you'll talk to me?" He asked hopefully.

She rolled her eyes again. "It means, get in the car, Colin," she ordered.

Despite the uneasiness he had felt around her the last few days, Colin grinned. "I love it when you're feisty."

"Shut up," she growled, though he noticed her cracking a smile.

They rode in silence for all of two minutes, barely reaching the country before Colin pleaded with her again. "Pen, can we please talk about what happened?"

"Nothing happened," she insisted, her eyes intent on the road in front of them.

"Penelope, we shared an amazing kiss!"

She shrugged. "It was okay."

"Okay?!" He yelled, his voice echoing through the small car. "Just okay?!"

"Yeah." She shrugged again, her face indifferent which aggravated him to no end. "Just okay."

"What do you have notes?" He asked bitterly. Before she could answer, he felt the need to add, "I'll have you know that several women have told me that I am a great kisser."

Penelope scoffed. "Well it's not me. Even Eloise says I'm a good kisser."

Colin's face took on a look of pure disgust. "You kissed my sister?!" He exclaimed.

Penelope turned on the radio, as if slowly trying to tune him out without him noticing. He wasn't about to let it go that easily. "Yeah, you know, high school, experimenting," she explained. "How do you think El found out she was gay?"

"I can never look at her again," he groaned, feeling like he might throw up.

She had the gall to laugh at him. "It's really not a big deal, Colin."

"It is a big deal!" He yelled. "You think I'm a bad kisser!"

"I didn't say you were bad," she reminded him, the gentleness in her voice doing nothing to ease the sting of her rejection. "Just not 'amazing'," she added.

"Pull over," he demanded.

"Colin, I told you, we have two hours to go. If we stop again, we won't-"

"Pull. Over," he said again, hoping it sounded authoritative and intimidating.

Penelope sighed, then carefully pulled off to the side of the road, watching for other cars even though they hadn't seen one since they left the city. "Okay, what is it?" She asked impatiently. "Do you have to pee or something?"

"Kiss me."


"Kiss me. Show me what you think an amazing kiss feels like."

She giggled, as if the notion was entirely ridiculous. It probably was, but he needed to kiss her again, especially if she didn't enjoy it the first time. "Colin, this is-"

"Show me," he repeated.

Penelope sighed, then unbuckled her seatbelt and turned so she was closer to him. "Fine. If I do this, we drop the subject and never speak of it again. Got it?" She asked, waving a finger in his face to drive the point home.

"We'll see," he whispered with a devilish smirk. 

His face turned completely serious as he watched her inch closer and closer, bridging the gap between their bodies. Her lips touched his and it felt like he was on fire. He worked quickly to deepen the kiss, spreading her lips open with his tongue and tangling it with hers.

She made a strange noise before pulling away. "You're using too much tongue," she noted. He nodded. This was about making it better for her. He had to read her cues. He kissed her again, this time with less tongue. She set the pace, massaging her mouth against his. "You can touch me, Colin. I'm not made of glass."

"Where?" He asked nervously, his hands hovering over her hips.

"Anywhere. Run your fingers through my hair," she instructed, resuming their kisses. "Give it a tug. Ah, Colin!" She yelped and he let go quickly. "Softer," Penelope said, showing him with her hands.

"Sorry," he apologized sheepishly. He gave her hair a light tug, her soft moan spurring him on."Better?" He asked, kissing her again. They seemed to finally find a rhythm, their bodies melding together in the tight space of the front seat. His lips moved to her cheek, then her jaw, her throat, and behind her ear. He grinned when each kiss made her grow increasingly louder.

"Much better," she agreed. "Colin," she moaned. "Colin, we have to stop," she said breathlessly, weakly shoving him off of her.

"Why?" He practically pouted. It was just getting good. Penelope shot him an embarassed look, clenching her thighs together. "Oh. That good, eh?" He asked smugly.

"Shut up," she grumbled, shoving her blushing face into his chest.

"You know," he said huskily in her ear, tracing his fingers along the soft flesh of her thighs. "I'm much better with my hands."

Penelope looked up at him, her eyes wide and dark with desire. She smiled challengingly at him. "We'll see."

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