Airplane Mode

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June 10, 2023
Colin: The view here is beautiful
You'd love it
Penelope: Well, the view here is dreary as always
You're lucky you don't have to deal with London weather right now
Colin: No, but I'd kill for one of your homemade brownies 🤤
Penelope: So the authentic Italian cuisine is that bad, eh?
Colin: The cuisine, no
The dessert is kind of shite though
Penelope: Lol
I'll have a batch ready for you when come home
Colin: You're the best, Pen
I miss you
Penelope: Miss you too
See you on Tuesday

September 23, 2023
Colin: Okay, I know I said I wouldn't text you until I landed...
But I had to tell you about the guy sitting next to me on the plane
He's wearing the most obnoxious yellow vest
Do you reckon he's a long lost relative of yours?
Penelope: Alright, fuck off 🙄🖕
Colin: Such sweet words to remember you by on my travels
Penelope: As if you're not going to call and text me everyday while you're in Greece
Colin: But this plane could crash, Pen
What if those are the last words you said to me? 😟
Penelope: Then it'll teach you not to tease your friends
Colin: It wouldn't matter cause I'd already be dead
Penelope: Colin
Have a safe flight
Text me when you land
Colin: Bye Pen 😊

January 1, 2024
Colin: Penelope, I'm sorry!
Please answer the phone
Pen, I'm so sorry
I should have never said that
I'm a fucking idiot
Please talk to me
Penelope: It's fine, Colin
Colin: Can we talk?
Where are you?
Penelope: I went home
Colin: Can I come over?
I really think we should talk
Penelope: I have to get up early tomorrow
Colin: Pen, please
Penelope: I said it's fine, Colin
Happy new year

March 16, 2024
Colin: Pen, are you dating John Debling?
Tell me it's just a rumor
Penelope: Why do you care, Colin?
Colin: Are you?
Penelope: That's what you wanted, right?
You can't be upset that your advice actually worked
Colin: And you can't just pretend that what happened between us didn't happen!
Penelope: I don't know what you're talking about
Colin: We kissed, Penelope!
Fuck sake, we need to talk about this in person
I'm coming over

April 7, 2024
Colin: What time am I picking you up tonight, babe?
Penelope: I get off work at 6
Are we stopping at the store before we meet your Mum?
Colin: Yeah, we should probably pick up another bottle of wine
Penelope: What happened to the one we had in the cupboard?
Colin: Last Friday 😏
I think I still have rugburn from that night
Penelope: Please do not mention that in front of our families
Colin: Only if you promise a repeat of those events when my birthday rolls around
Penelope: We'll see
Colin: I love you
Penelope: I love you too

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