Playing Chicken

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The Bridgertons had always been the competitive sort, and they managed to turn everything into a game. Every argument was a test of smarts, every eating contest a test of endurance, every race to the car a test of speed, and every stare down a test of will. Penelope knew this because her family was quite the opposite. The Featheringtons weren't cowards per say, but they weren't the athletic type, and they opted more for the easy way out which included lying, scheming, and cheating their way to a win.

Penelope was nothing like either of the two, so she mostly sat out of events and watched. Colin and Eloise, the Bridgertons she was closest to, and arguably the most competitive of the bunch, always tried to rope her into their games, and her protests didn't get her very far. It was so hard to say no to them. Especially Colin.

Today was a game of strength. The Bridgertons were hanging out in their backyard pool as they always did when the English sun became too unbearable. Penelope had sat on a foldout chair, sipping at her lemonade as she cracked open her latest novel. Not two pages in, Colin and Eloise bounded over, providing a nice shade from the sun which might have turned her into a overripe tomato within minutes.

"Penelope, please come play chicken with us! Ben and me against you and Colin," her friend pleaded.

"Come on, Pen, you and I can easily take those two," Colin persuaded, as if that promise could ever convince her to straddle her giant thighs on the sides of Colin's head, potentially crushing him. Just as she was about to make up some excuse, Ben scooped Eloise up and dragged her with him into the deep end, laughing as she squealed and splashed at him in revenge. Penelope stifled a laugh of her own, returning to her book in the hopes that Colin would leave her alone. "Pennnn," he whined, kneeling in front of her and carefully tossing her book to the side.

"Hey, I was reading that!" She pouted.

Colin took her hands in his, which instantly shut her up. How did the most innocent of actions feel positively indecent when it was with Colin? She licked her lips, suddenly feeling incredibly thirsty.

"Why don't you wanna play chicken with us, Pen? You scared we'll lose?" He teased, all too sexually in her opinion. It was just a game, for Christ's sake! Why did he care? Couldn't he just get Fran or Hyacinth to play? Even Gregory was still small enough to sit on his shoulders. Not her though. She'd probably drown him, and then she'd never be able to come back to the Bridgerton's house again.

"I'm too big," she whispered, hoping it was loud enough that she wouldn't have to repeat it.

Colin stared at her incredulously. "That's absurd."

Penelope glared at him. "No, it's not. There's no way you can lift me like that, Colin. I'll crush you."

Colin scoffed. "Whoever put that idea in your head is in an idiot. Of course I can lift you."

"Colin, there's no need to pretend," she said, glad that Eloise and Ben were too distracted with their water fight to pay mind to their conversation. "I'm fine just staying here and watching you guys. Go ask someone else."

"You wanna bet?" He asked, that twinkle in his eye that each of the siblings got when they set their minds to something. "If I can lift you, which I for sure can by the way, you have to agree to finally go on a date with me."

Penelope scoffed. This was clearly another one of his jokes that he liked to play on her. She couldn't remember when it started, but every time Colin saw her, he'd always beg her to go out on a date with him. She knew it was a joke because Colin flirted with everyone, and he couldn't possibly want to go out with someone like her. He could have anyone he wanted. She often played along, mostly because it was easy to do so, but also because it was kind of nice having him interested in her, even if it was pretend. 

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