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Staring at him in complete shock I immediately recognize his voice from the years we spent together talking. "Oh my god." Before I can help it tears are streaming down my face he immediately looking concerned. "Are you okay?" I sniffle a little and wipe my eyes quickly. "Yeah sorry it's just been an extremely stressful and rough day." He frowns before asking gently. "You wanna go sit down and talk about it?" I hesitate before I murmur a little softly. "Sure." He nods and grabs my hand leading me to some tables where we take a seat he immediately putting all of his focus on me. "So what's going on?" I sigh running a hand through my hair anxiously. "Well I own and run a small flower shop that's really important to me and everything. Well remember when our connection cut off?" He gives a little nod and I take a breath before saying anxiously. "Well some people broke into my shop and completely destroyed everything. From the displays and vases to the flowers." I take a shaky breath before saying pitifully. "And t... they spray painted the word fag all over my shop walls." He reaches forward gently taking my hand in his and says softly. "I'm so sorry. I bet that had to emotionally hurt you really badly." I blush slightly feeling tingles run through me at his contact. "Yeah and then Heeseung saw how my shop was destroyed and basically kidnapped me to come here." I then say a little shyly. "But now I'm glad he made me come." Jay's cheeks tint a little pink before he clears his throat. "So do you want to just keep sitting here and talk or....?" I immediately speak up softly. "Let's walk around and see what there is to do." He nods and we get up starting to walk around when I ask curiously. "So what exactly do you do?" He looks at me in slight surprise. "Me, Heeseung and the others are Kpop idols actually." My eyes widen and I splutter in complete shock. "R.... Really?!" He nods and I just gape at him for a moment. "Wow so my soulmate is an idol. Wasn't expecting that." He looks me over with a slight worried look in his eyes. "Does it bother you?" I blink looking at him saying honestly. "No. It doesn't bother me." He immediately looks a little relieved and I smile before spotting a beautiful little garden I instinctively grabbing Jay's hand and tug him over to it. "These flowers are so pretty and they're actually well taken care of." Still holding onto Jay's hand I observe the flowers it having hydrangeas, violets and roses as well as snapdragons. I start babbling on about the different flowers and how I admire them and how impressed I am by the care they've had. I then realize that I've been babbling on and I immediately go quiet looking over at Jay a little sheepishly. "Sorry. I'm a big flower nerd." He gives me a kind reassuring smile. "It's okay you're cute when you're passionate and babbling on." I feel my cheeks heat up and stutter shyly. "Um t... thanks." He smiles down at me and I clear my throat changing the subject. "Let's go find some rides to go on." He nods and we start walking again going on a few different rides before we start heading back to the entrance after Heeseung texts Jay that we're leaving. As we walk back Jay looks at me curiously. "So how exactly did you and Heeseung hyung become friends?" I immediately smile. "When he was apologizing to Killian he came into my shop to get him flowers and then he's come in every week since then to buy him different flowers. We've talked and chatted and he's my best customer and we just got close." Jay gives a little nod and goes to say something when I hear our names being called I turning and seeing Heeseung giving us a curious confused expression his gaze going to our hands and it's then I notice we've been holding hands all this time. Blushing I pull my hand away looking a little shy as Jay seems to give Heeseung a slight look. Clearing my throat I say a little softly. "I should probably head back to my shop. I need to start cleaning up." Heeseung and Jay both frown at me Jay speaking up protectively. "You shouldn't deal with that alone. We'll all help out with cleaning. We can come over tomorrow and have a clean up day." I immediately go to protest but Killian speaks up excitedly. "That's a great idea Jay! We'll all meet up at the shop at around nine in the morning." I blink in surprise as Heeseung and the others agree. "You guys really don't have to I can handle it." Surprisingly Ni-Ki speaks up. "It's alright hyung. Killian hyung and Heeseung hyung told us what happened and we don't mind helping." My lips twitch up into a small smile and I say appreciatively. "Thank you all so much. I really appreciate it." They all give me smiles and Killian looks at his phone before speaking up to me and Heeseung. "Our rides here." I nod and look at Jay who gives me a smile. "Can I have your number so we can keep in contact while we're awake?" I blush slightly but nod giving him my number and getting his before wishing him a shy goodbye then rush over to the van that's taking me home I hopping in feeling my heart racing. Killian gives me a little knowing look. "You guys are soulmates aren't you?" Heeseung looks at me in surprise as I shyly nod blushing. "Yeah. He recognized me first and told me that we were soulmates but I immediately knew when I heard his voice." They both smile softly at me and I shift shyly quickly getting out when the car stops at my shop. "Bye guys I'll see you tomorrow." They both wish me goodbye as I head inside grimacing at the sight but immediately head upstairs and rush to my apartment where I change into pajamas and text Jay until I end up falling asleep.

Upper side dreamin (a Park Jongseong/Jay x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now