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It's been a few days after the date and I've finally gotten everything fixed so I can open up again. Smiling in excitement I look up when Lionel comes in for his shift he giving me a little smile but I notice there's something off about him. "You alright?" He gives a little nod keeping the smile on his face. "I'm fine I promise." I slowly nod but decide not to push him instead I motion for him to follow me to the back room where I start showing him how to make bouquets and everything. He picks it up pretty quickly and we chat occasionally until it starts getting around lunch time when I hear my front door ding. Curious I step out to the front only to be surprised when I see Jay standing there. "Jay? What are you doing here?" He gives me a bright smile. "I thought you could take a break and we'd go to lunch together." I blink a little a blush tinting my cheeks but I hesitate. "I don't know I don't want to leave Lionel here by himself." Said young man walks out of the back room giving me a kind smile. "I'll be fine by myself for a little while. You taught me basically everything I need to know and do. Go spend time with your soulmate." I blink before giving him an appreciative smile. "Thank you so much. If you need me don't hesitate to call." He waves me off and shoos me towards Jay I smiling and take his hand before he leads me out of the shop and down the street to a restaurant. We enter and the waitress takes us to a small back room where we'll have privacy. We order our drinks and then I look at Jay curiously. "Didn't you have practice or something today?" He smiles and shakes his head. "We have a day off before our comeback." I give a little nod in understanding when Jay speaks up. "You know your new employee isn't what I expected." I nod in agreement. "I know right? He looks so intimidating but he's a big sweetheart who's always smiling and doing everything he can to be helpful." Jay nods a little staring at me with a strange look and I raise an eyebrow at him. "What?" He shakes his head and I eye him for a second before my eyes widen. "Jay are you jealous?" He immediately shakes his head in denial. "Who me? No way." I give him an amused look. "You are. You're jealous of Lionel." He pouts and I smile gently taking his hand holding it. "Don't be jealous he's not my type." Jay's expression turns a little hopeful and I give his hand a little reassuring squeeze. "My type is a guy who's taller than me, a guy who loves to cook and enjoys food and a guy who's passionate about music and other things like cartoons and old folk remedies." I see him blush a little as I slowly pull my hand away when the waitress comes with our drinks she asking for our orders and Jay and I give them over to the waitress. Once she leaves I look back at Jay with a smile. "So are you excited about this comeback?" He immediately brightens up and nods smiling. "Yeah definitely." We continue to chat about music and stuff I saying a little softly. "I wish I could dance. I have two left feet and wouldn't be able to dance even if I tried." He tilts his head at me curiously. "I could teach you a few things if you want." I immediately perked up a little. "Really? Won't you be too busy?" He immediately gives me a smile. "I'll never be too busy for you." I immediately blush and feel my heartbeat speed up a little. "Well if you're sure you aren't too busy and have some time I would love to learn a few dance moves." He grins and nods. "I'll let you know when we can meet up." I smile and nod then our food arrives we eating in comfortable silence. Once we're finished I go to get my wallet out when Jay hands a card over I immediately giving him a look. "I could have helped." He shakes his head. "It's fine love I got it covered." I immediately feel my cheeks heat up at the term of endearment I clearing my throat and get up. "I should head back to the shop." He nods and gets up after he receives a receipt we walking out of the restaurant and to my store holding hands. Once we arrive though I see Lionel outside seeming to be arguing with two older guys who are dressed similarly to him I immediately looking a little curious and concerned. Just as I'm about to step in though the two guys leave after shoving Lionel harshly into the wall. Frowning I rush over helping him get steadied on his feet. "You aright?" He smiles reassuringly at me. "I'm fine." I look him over and frown. "Who were those guys?" He shakes his head. "Just some jerks I know. It's fine though." I'm a little hesitant but decide to take his word for it I instead turning back to Jay after Lionel excuses himself and heads back into the shop. I make my way over to Jay with a little smile. "Thank you for taking me to lunch I really appreciate it." He smiles assuring me he was happy to spend time with me I blushing and hesitate before I lean up and peck his lips before quickly pulling away saying a quick. "Text me later" before I run inside my cheeks flaming.

Upper side dreamin (a Park Jongseong/Jay x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now