Ch 7

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Once I'm ready for my date I wait down in the store anxious but excited. Soon a van pulls up and I see a figure get out of the back in a cap and mask they entering the store I recognizing Jay when he fully steps inside and removes the mask. He gives me a little smile as I head over to his side. "Are you ready to go?" I nod smiling and he puts the mask back on before taking my hand and leads me outside helping me into the backseat of the van before getting in himself. I buckle up and the driver immediately pulls away I looking at Jay curiously. "So what exactly do you have planned?" He just smiles at me since he's taken the mask off and takes my hand intertwining our fingers together making me blush. "You'll see." A slight pout comes to my lips but I sit back against the seat looking out the window looking curious as we seem to be approaching a building. The van stops and Jay gets out helping me out as well before he heads to the trunk and grabs a picnic basket I looking confused but he just grabs my hand with the one not holding the basket and starts leading me inside the building that leads us to an outside garden I immediately looking around in awe. I then look at Jay who's smiling at me. "I figured we could look at the flowers and have a picnic together." I grin at him happily and step forward hugging him quickly before pulling away I bouncing on my heels excitedly. "Let's go!" He chuckles and leads me through the garden I admiring all the flowers happily until we reach a little picnic area I watching as Jay spreads out a blanket and then we sit down while he distributes the food. We then start eating happily chatting a little. "So how's your new employee doing?" I blink before giving a little smile. "He's really nice and helpful. He got the word painted over and is going to make a little mural. I feel bad for him though because he's got a tough home life and can't really be himself or anything." Jay looks curious and I explain. "He's in the closet because his brother's homophobic and he's hiding his dream of being a fashion designer because his brother doesn't approve." Jay's expression turns a little sympathetic. "That's horrible." I nod in agreement taking his hand and intertwine our fingers together. "I'm glad my moms always been supportive of me and my dream. Especially when I moved here." He nods and soon we continue chatting about our lives and everything until it's almost time for the garden to close it really late. Pouting I get up and help fold up the blanket as Jay puts everything back in the basket. We then start heading back to the front entrance I sighing. "I don't want this night to ever end. But I know that you probably need to get back to the dorm." He gives me a little reassuring smile. "We'll see each other again tonight in our dreams and we'll go on another date really soon." I give a little happy smile as we get in the van and it starts driving back to my store. Once we arrive Jay and I get out he walking me inside taking his mask off once he's fully inside the building and I give him a little shy smile before I lean up kissing his cheek. "Goodnight Jay." His cheeks tint pink and he gives me a shy smile back. "Goodnight Colin." He then turns and heads back to the van I locking up behind him then head to my apartment upstairs where I clean up a little before I eventually climb into bed eager to see Jay again in my dreams.

Upper side dreamin (a Park Jongseong/Jay x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now