Ch 2

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Bold & italic = dream world

Opening my eyes I blink when I'm in the meadow again I looking around for my soulmate. Just as I get to my feet my vision goes dark making me jump only to relax when I hear the familiar voice of my soulmate. "Looking for me?" I whine a little. "Yes now pull your hands away." He does so and I turn around to see the usual blurry figure. "So how was your day? Mine was extremely boring." He hums before saying cheerfully treading around his words so his words won't get jumbled into a static like mess. "Mine was filled with multiple errands and I got to hang out with friends so it wasn't bad." I give a little hum it quiet between us before I say softly. "Do you think we'll ever meet?" His tone immediately turns cheerful it full of hope. "I'm sure we will. Sometimes you just have to wait for a good thing to happen." I sigh a little. "But I don't wanna wait." I feel him take my hand and give it a little squeeze I staring at the dream flowers. "I just feel so restless and lonely. Especially since I don't really have any friends." He immediately says a little softly. "We'll find each other soon. I know we will." I sigh a little. "Hopefully." Suddenly I feel myself starting to wake up I immediately frowning. "I'm waking up so I guess I'll talk to you tomorrow night." He makes a disappointed noise giving my hand a little affectionate squeeze. "Alright talk to you tomorrow."

Waking up I immediately look around in confusion wondering what woke me up when I suddenly hear crashing noises from downstairs. Eyes widening I scramble out of bed and grab my phone calling the police to tell them there's intruders. I rush to make sure my doors securely locked then just sit and listen anxiously as the crashing gets louder until it suddenly stops once the sun starts coming up. Taking a shaky breath it's about twenty minutes later before I hear a knock on the door. "Mr Lee it's the police." I hesitantly make my way to the door before cautiously opening it relieved when I actually see a police officer. He gives me a sad sympathetic look before saying softly. "You might wanna put on some shoes and come with us." I frown but do as he says pulling on some sneakers before following him downstairs where I immediately freeze when I walk into my shop it completely destroyed. Slowly looking around the room I see broken glass everywhere, my flowers are all knocked over and trampled on then I suddenly tense when I see the word fag spray painted on my walls. Swallowing I hold back tears and ask in a shaky voice. "Did you at least catch who did this?" The officer gives me a sad look. "Unfortunately they were already gone by the time we arrived." I let out a little shaky breath running a hand through my hair. The officer assures me they're getting fingerprints and that they will do everything possible to find the culprits they not leaving until around eight in the morning. Looking around the ruined shop I feel my heart break completely when suddenly the door dings I looking up anxiously only to blink when I see Heeseung he looking around with a frown on his face then he seems to stare at the word spray painted on the wall. He then turns to me a worried look on his face. "Are you okay?" I sigh and mumble a little stressfully. "Physically yeah. But it kinda hurts that someone destroyed my shop and wrote such a hurtful thing on the wall." He gives me a sympathetic look before saying softly. "You know what. Why don't you come to the amusement park with me and my friends? You can even meet my soulmate Killian." I frown a little at his suggestion. "I don't want to intrude." He immediately waves me off. "You won't be intruding I promise. You're my friend as well and I'd like you to join us." I hesitate a little but see his kind smile and hopeful expression I immediately sighing in defeat. "Fine I'll come. But only because I can't work right now and because you're basically insisting I go." He grins a little. "Good. Now go get dressed and we'll head out." I look down and suddenly remember I'm still in my pajamas I quickly rushing upstairs to my apartment and pull on some jeans and a blue t shirt then brush my hair and teeth. Once I'm finished I grab my phone and wallet then head back downstairs to Heeseung saying a little reluctantly. "Alright I'm ready." He smiles and puts on a mask and cap then motions me to follow him I doing so quietly as he leads me to a small apartment complex. "Wait out here I have to go get Killian then a car will come pick us up." I slowly nod and watch him enter the building I shifting a little letting out a little sigh. After a few minutes of waiting I hear the door open and I look up seeing a really attractive guy with strawberry blonde hair and emerald green eyes he immediately giving me a curious look as Heeseung leads him over. I give a polite bow before saying softly. "Annyeong I'm Colin. You must be Heeseung's soulmate. You should know he never stops talking about you." The guy immediately looks a little surprised as Heeseung's cheeks tint pink in embarrassment. "Really? Well it's nice to meet you Colin I'm Killian. You're coming with us to the amusement park right?" I give a small smile and nod. "Yeah Heeseung's basically forcing me to go." Said guy speaks up defensively. "You needed to get out of that shop. Seeing it like it was can mess with your mental health." Killian looks at us in confusion and I sigh before explaining. "I own a flower shop and someone decided to break in and destroy it and wrote a hurtful slur on my wall." Killian immediately looks sympathetic. "Well then Heeseung's right you shouldn't stay surrounded by that kind of thing. Try and have some fun today." I sigh mumbling a little softly. "I'll try." Soon a van pulls up in front of us I immediately looking a little curious as the window rolls down revealing an older guy with dark brown hair and eyes. "Hop in guys so we can leave." I blink as I see the van empty Heeseung and Killian taking the middle I sitting behind them asking in confusion. "I thought you said your friends would be going too?" Heeseung turns his head to look at me with a smile. "We're meeting them at the amusement park." I give a slow nod before leaning back against the seat and look out the window silently. Soon we reach the amusement park and come to a stop all of us getting out except for the driver who says he'll just pick us up later. I then spot a large group of guys and next thing I know Killian's grabbing my hand after Heeseung pays for all three of us and drags me over to the six very attractive guys. I swallow nervously as they stop talking and look at me curiously Heeseung speaking up cheerfully. "Hey guys I hope you don't mind but I brought a friend to join us and I hope you all treat him kindly." Heeseung then turns to me and starts pointing out each of the guys I getting a weird feeling when my eyes meet with Jay's. Jumping when there's suddenly a hand on my shoulder I turn my head startled and wide eyed seeing a concerned Heeseung. "You alright? You were zoning out." I give him a little reassuring smile and nod mumbling just loud enough for him to hear. "I'm fine hyung." He slowly nods before saying softly. "Go ahead and introduce yourself then." I immediately feel anxiety run through me swallowing but turn to the six boys and bow politely before speaking up nervously. "Annyeong. I'm Lee Colin. I'm twenty years old and I hope we can all get along." I see Jay's eyes widen and I give him a confused curious look when Heeseung suddenly says cheerfully. "Alright everyone grab a buddy or group and we'll meet back here in a couple of hours." I look around as everyone pairs up until I feel my hand being grabbed and gently tugged I looking in surprise as Jay starts leading me away I feeling a tingle run up my arm. After a moment of walking he suddenly stops and turns to me I giving him a confused curious expression. "Hi I'm Jay and I'm pretty sure that we're soulmates."

Upper side dreamin (a Park Jongseong/Jay x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now