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Bold & italic = dream world

(Jay's Pov)

Watching as Colin leaves I wait for our van to get here before I hop in the back buckling up Jake sitting beside me. I stare out the window quietly until my phone buzzes signaling a message and I quickly grab my phone to answer it smiling when I see a text from Colin thanking me for making him feel better. I respond assuring him it's fine and we keep texting until Jake clears his throat I looking up curiously only to blink because we're at the dorm. Blushing a little I climb out and follow them inside I heading to my room to change into more comfortable clothes before heading to the kitchen to make dinner. As I'm cooking I can't help but to think back on Colin and immediately feel bad that he's going through a hard time. Once I'm finished cooking we all sit down with each other and eat happily chatting until we're finished eating. I then head to my room once it starts getting late and lay down slowly dozing off.

Opening my eyes I immediately see myself in the usual meadow and sit up looking around when suddenly I feel a set of hands grab my shoulders making me jump a little in surprise I turning my head to see Colin I actually able to see him clearly now instead of the blurry blob. "Geez you scared me." He gives a little giggle smiling. "Sorry but I thought I'd pay you back for the hands over my eyes stunt." I shake my head a little smile on my face. "I'm glad I can actually see you now." He nods in agreement sitting beside me. "Yeah it was annoying having to talk to a blurred figure." I agree it quiet between us for a moment before I speak up. "Did the police say anything about getting the people who destroyed your store?" He lets out a little sigh. "They didn't get to my store in time for the suspects to be arrested but they mentioned getting fingerprints and stuff to hopefully get who did it. I'm just glad the people didn't find a way upstairs to my apartment." I frown a little feeling worried. "You were right above them the whole time? Colin what if they come back and find a way to get you?" He stays quiet before saying softly. "I can't afford to move Jay. I don't have the money to get a new place or anything." I immediately go to offer him help but he gives me a stern look. "You are not buying me a place to live. I'm not some moocher or gold digger." I grumble a little when I suddenly feel myself starting to wake up. "I'm waking up now. I'll see you later okay?" He nods wishing me a goodbye and the meadow immediately starts fading.

Waking up with a slight groan I open my eyes to see Jungwon standing there. "Come on we're going to head over to Colin's shop soon." I nod immediately sitting up and watch him leave I quickly grabbing some clothes and change before waiting for my turn in the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. Once everyone is ready we head to the van after I get Colin's address to give to the driver. Soon we reach a small shop I immediately frowning when I see all the windows broken I heading over to Heeseung and Killian as they motion us inside. Once I take a step inside being careful of the glass all over the floor my eyes go to the large slur spray painted on the wall I grimacing as the word fag takes up the whole wall the bright red paint sticking out against the light grey wall. I see the other members look around wide eyed as they fully enter. I then see Colin come out from a back room he sighing. "I know it's a lot of damage but if we can just get the glass and trampled flowers taken care of I can take it from there." I look at him a little sympathetically but say in a cheerful voice. "I'm sure we can get this handled." A little smile crosses Colin's face and I give him a reassuring grin as we get started cleaning we carefully sweeping and picking up the glass with protective gloves. Once the glass is taken care of we start cleaning up the destroyed flowers. After awhile of cleaning we take a break I immediately heading over to Colin and say softly. "Hey how are you feeling?" He gives me a small reassuring smile. "I'm okay. I'm just grateful that they didn't rob me." I nod and my eyes go to the slur on the wall. "I think you'll probably have to repaint your wall to get rid of that." He nods in agreement going quiet and I gently nudge him. "Hey. You sure you're okay?" He nods giving a tiny smile. "Yeah. I really appreciate you and the others helping out." I give him a reassuring smile. "It's fine. You're a part of us now and we're happy to help a friend." His smile brightens a little more before he clears his throat and gets up. "It's getting late and I don't want to keep you guys." I go to protest but he just smiles at me reassuringly. "I'll be fine Jay. Besides you all helped me out a lot today and we got a lot done." I hover around Colin for a little until the van comes to get us and I reluctantly leave heading back to the dorm.

Upper side dreamin (a Park Jongseong/Jay x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now