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Slowly waking up the next morning I feel warm and comfortable only to blink in confusion when I open my eyes because I don't recognize the room. Then I go to move only to feel arms wrapped around my waist I pausing and turn my head slightly only to see Jay spooning me with his face buried against my neck. It's then that everything comes back to me it hitting me like a ton of bricks that I'm homeless now and don't have a job either. Feeling tears well up in my eyes I quickly wipe them away trying to calm myself down when I feel Jay start to stir he letting out a little groan before he lifts his head up and looks at me I trying to give him a brave smile. "Good morning." His expression softens slightly and he kisses my temple saying softly. "Good morning. How are you feeling?" I blush a little but say honestly. "I still feel upset and broken. I don't want to even think about having to buy another apartment let alone try and get another shop. I don't know how I'm going to afford it." I don't notice my breathing starting to pick up until Jay cuddles me. "Hey now calm down or you'll make yourself sick with anxiety. You can stay here with me as long as you need to until we find you somewhere else to live." I slowly calm down a little but still feel anxious. "But Jay I don't want to be a burden to you guys." He gives me a reassuring look. "You won't be a burden babe I promise." I frown before saying a little reluctantly. "Okay fine. But I'm not staying unless the others say it's okay as well." He frowns but nods and slowly lets me go. "Let's go ask them then." I nod and get up stretching before I follow him out of the room and towards a living room area where everyone seems to pause what they're doing and stare at me. "Wow we weren't expecting a guest first thing this morning." I go to apologize to Jungwon when Jake speaks up with a smirk. "Well at least you guys were quiet and didn't wake us up." I immediately blush bright red and splutter a little defensively. "T.... That didn't happen! Nothing like that happened!" They all stare at us as Sunghoon speaks up a little bluntly. "Then why are you here and wearing hyungs clothes?" I go to say something when Jay says seriously. "His apartment and shop was burned down last night by the people who destroyed it last time. So I brought him here because he doesn't have anywhere else to go." Their eyes all widen in shock Ni-ki saying gently to me. "Are you okay hyung? Did you get hurt?" I give him a weak smile. "I managed to get out unharmed but everything I had was destroyed." They all give me sympathetic looks and Jay says firmly. "Is it okay for him to stay here?" They all agree I thanking them in relief and then say in a fake chipper tone. "I'll go make you guys breakfast. Jay you can stay here and talk to the others." Before he can protest though I'm heading for the kitchen starting to get everything ready.

(Jay's Pov)

Watching Colin rush off with a frown I look back at the others. "He's trying to hide his emotions and pretend to be okay. I'm glad he didn't get hurt but I feel bad that he lost everything." They all nod in understanding Sunoo speaking up. "Hyung how did he get out?" My frown deepens and I say a little frustratedly. "His coworker busted in after his brother and his brother's friends disabled the sprinklers and caught the place on fire. He got Colin out but I think he should have stopped it from happening in the first place." They all look shocked and in disbelief. "So this guy just let his brother and friends catch the place on fire?" I nod feeling a little annoyed. "Yeah he's currently at the police station for questioning." Jake suddenly gets a weird look on his face I looking curious but decide to ignore it for now I instead looking towards the kitchen worriedly I about to go check on Colin when he steps out saying cheerfully. "Foods done everyone." We all head to the kitchen and take a seat as Colin hands out plates I immediately frowning in worry when I don't see him make himself a plate. "Aren't you eating?" He shakes his head no reassuringly. "I'm fine I'm not hungry." I go to say something when suddenly his phone rings he excusing himself from the kitchen and I sigh eating my food silently feeling worried.

Upper side dreamin (a Park Jongseong/Jay x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now