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"Anyways wanna get breakfast?" Cyno asked. Tighnari nodded and the two set off. After they had been walking for a while, Tighnari was growing curious.

"Hey, where exactly are you taking me? We passed all the breakfast joints..." He asked. Cyno said nothing for a moment and took a deep breath.

"You'll see." He said, expression still blank. Tighnari decided to not push farther for information. As they were walking, Tighnari couldn't help but to look at Cyno. Walking with such confidence, his muscles gleaming in the early morning sunlight. He was gorgeous. Cyno glanced over at Tighnari, catching him looking, and he looked away quickly, blushing. 

"Nari is there something you want to tell me? You're acting weird, and I've known you for years." Cyno asked. Tighnari, still blushing, replied:

"Oh, uh, nothing's wrong. I'm just tired, like I said." 

Cyno looked at Tighnari once more, eyes squinted, but looked away shortly after and continued to walk with the same stride as before. Tighnari kept his head straight in front of him, but from his peripheral view he was still watching Cyno intensely. 


After walking in silence for a few minutes, Cyno started up the conversation again. 

"I had to bring one of the damn Eremites to justice. Another Deshret believer. Stole a vision off a dead person." He said calmly. Tighnari's eyes widened.

"He stole a vision? How?!" He asked nervously. Cyno shrugged.

"Doesn't matter. But I gave him what he deserved." He said.

"Condemnation?" Tighnari asked, playfully raising an eyebrow. Cyno nodded.

"Yes. Ah, we're here." He said. Tighnari glanced around, seeing nothing noteworthy. 

"....But there's nothing here...?" Tighnari said, a bit worried. Cyno sighed and held Tighnari's head by his jaw. Tighnari blushed a little as Cyno moved his head, facing him towards one of the side entrances to the Akedemia. Once Tighnari could see, Cyno released his grasp on Tighnari's face.

"We're at the school. I thought you said we were getting breakfast...?" Tighnari asked, still unsure of Cyno's intentions. 

"Nari, you're an idiot. For a forest watcher, you don't seem to watch anything." He said. Despite the rude words, Tighnari had learned to know that Cyno's love language was insults.

"Well so-rry! I'm tired, cut me some slackkkkk!" Tighnari groaned. Cyno just exhaled heavily and grabbed Tighnari's hand, leading him into the building. On one of the tables was a beautifully arranged with a display of foods. It was beautiful.

"Damn... You did this all for me?" Tighnari asked.

"Don't mention it, Nari." He said. Cyno pushed Tighnari forward a little, messaging him to eat. Tighnari glanced back at Cyno for a moment before sitting down and tying a napkin around his neck. 

"Aren't you going to eat too, Cy?" Tighnari asked, loading pancakes onto his plate. 

"Also, how did you arrange all this?" He watched as Cyno slowly walked over to the table and sat down as well.

"Doesn't matter. And I'm not hungry, don't worry. I already ate. Enjoy your meal." He said. 


After successfully filling his stomach, Tighnari pushed back his chair and stood up. 

"That was good. Thanks again, dude!" He said warmly. Cyno nodded, giving back a small smile in return. 

"Well, I gotta get to work, and I know you want to work more. Would you be up for a game of TCG  later though?" Cyno asked. Tighnari laughed a bit.

"Yeah, you know I playing TCG with you." He said. Cyno waved and walked out the door, leaving Tighnari alone.

What the actual fuck just happened? He thought to himself. Cyno was quite the observant type, and naturally he would've caught onto Tighnari's weird behavior.  Shaking his head, Tighnari sighed and threw away his scraps, before going to study more at the library. 

The entire walk there, Tighnari kept thinking about that entire interaction. Cyno normally spoke more often, and certainly smiled a lot more when he was with Tighnari. Maybe something was up with him as well.

Tighnari reached the library and sat down in the chair he had sat in the previous day. He pulled out his book, flipping through the pages and trying to find where he had last left off. Once he located his page, he immediately lost it because his phone buzzed and it startled him.

It was another text from Cyno.

(Over text:)

Cyno--Hey sry to bother but do u mind if Kaveh and Al join as well?

Tighnari--Sure why not

Tighnari--What time

Cyno--Idk like maybe 7 if that works for u

Tighnari--Yea that's fine see you later :p

(End of text)

Kaveh and Alhaitham had such a cute relationship. Tighnari felt jealous that he couldn't be all adorable like that with someone else. Besides, those two had already had sex multiple times despite only being together for a few months! You do you, I guess, Tighnari thought, thinking back to what Kaveh had told Cyno and him whilst drunk out of his mind.

There was no point in worrying now; it would only distract Tighnari from acing his test. 

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