Jason loses his memory

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|Jason loses his memory|

EVEN BEFORE DYLAN TURNED INTO A TORNADO, Celeste was having one of the strangest days of her life. And, there'd been a lot of them.

Was she a troubled kid?

You could say that.

Or you could say that she was just a teenage girl, with an unhealthy obsession with Mary Jane heels, aesthetic outfits, the Witchy Academia aesthetic, and crystals. Oh, and sage. She had a mildly unhealthy obsession with sage.

But if you wanted to get to know Celeste, you'd have to picture someone very specific.

HAVE YOU EVER MET SOMEONE so unironically problematic, chaotic, and positive that you just can't help but be friends with them? Celeste was basically that kind of person.

She was practically the epitome of what happened when a chaotic, anxious, overwhelmed, introverted bisexual met, fell in love and had a child with an overly sweet, cheery, smart, and patient extrovert.

Despite that complicated ass explanation, Celeste was actually really nice. Half the time anyway. The other half she was a rude ass bitch with a god complex. But everyone loved her so who cares. Though, she was also a bit of a people pleaser. Or more so, she just liked to make people happy.

There was nothing wrong with that, right? Right?

When Celeste woke up, she realized fairly quickly that she was sitting next to a strange boy with curly black slightly brownish hair, a cheerful baby face and tanned skin. He also had an impish grin that told you right that he should not be allowed around fire or sharp objects. He basically looked like a Latino santa's elf.

When the boy noticed she was awake, he grinned at her.

"Finally awake, mi amor?"

Celeste sat up and chuckled at the boy's comment. She recalled that the boy's name was Leo, her best friend and partner in crime. She always took pride in being the only person in their friend group (their friend group being Celeste, Piper, Leo, and Jason), who could understand Leo's little comments in Spanish.

Since she could understand his Spanish, he would always say the funniest shit around her. Or just make jokes. And, talk shit about people.

"Leo," Celeste said as she sat up.

"For the last time, you do realize that I can understand what you say when you talk to me in Spanish right? I can assure you that I am not your 'love'. Not that you would have one. Im pretty sure you told me you didn't want one."

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