"Breakups happen everyday, you don't have to lose it."

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|"Breakups happen everyday, you don't have to lose it."|


Now, don't take this the wrong way. She........ liked Camp Half-blood. As much as she possibly could.

But, look at it this way. Would she if she didn't have people that she cared about here? The answer is: absolutely the fuck not.

To put it more simply.

She would never not in a million gods dam years risk her life for this camp. At least, not out of her own free will. And if she did, it was because of her friends. Not because she actually liked this god forsaken camp.

She had a sort of resentment. To this place.

She dug around in her purse, and pulled out her camp half-blood necklace. She never really wore it. She used to during the summer, but not during the winter. It had nine beads on it. Same number as Annabeth's, representing how many years she'd spent at camp. Her face scrunched up in disgust.

Sure, she had some good memories from camp. But, it always reminded her of one thing.

You aren't supposed to be here.

You were never supposed to live.

You. Shouldn't. Be. Alive.

Ms. Jackson (we all know it's gonna happen sooner or later), was talking about all the amazing stuff the camp had to offer. She forgot to mention that it was wonderful place for kidnapping demigods. Or, Celeste was just being salty.......... Let's go with the first option.

While Athena's mini me was talking about only god knows what, Celeste's thoughts started to drift to her recent dreams. And, one particular goddess.

"Hello, Celeste......." The bitchty voice in her head spoke. "Still a bit annoyed, aren't you?"

Celeste frowned. She didn't like this voice. It had been nagging her most recently for the past few weeks. She knew exactly who it was. And, she was not happy about it.

Though, to be honest. It'd been more like several years, since little miss bitch possessed her.

Celeste rubbed the back of her neck. She was getting extremely uncomfortable. This goddess was starting to creep her out, more and more. And annoy her. But regardless, that was concerning. When you've been experimented on, been thrown into the pit of Tartarus, seen the true horrors of Nyx's palace, seen Tartarus for what it truly is, been in a fucking war, died twice, got blasted out of a volcano. And, been in countless life threatening situations. Nothing really phases you anymore. Though, she had a pretty good idea about who this goddess was.

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