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Special edition chapters 001

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Special edition chapters 001



Thank you all so much for all the support you've shown on this story!

Now, I kinda wanna go do a special chapter. Like I did for Roses and blood. And, I might do what I did for that special. Or, if guys want I can do something different.

Now, I wanna say this. I know 2k or 3k reads might not be a lot to you. But, it is to me.

Considering at this point, I really never thought I would ever get 2k reads on this story. Or any story. Because when I started Wattpad, I really had no plans to start writing. But thanks to some peer pressure (from myself), and just pure boredom. Boom. My account was born.

Now, truth be told. Chaos was never the first story I ever wrote on Wattpad. It was actually a different story called "Love's Child." And, I actually deleted it. Because (in my opinion) it was predictable, boring, and the oc Rosabella. Had what I like to call a "love interest" personality.

Now, I kinda realized this while reading
infantwomanro's Do's and Don't's story. Which is kinda like a guide on how to write a good PJO fanfic. When she mentioned that in the beginning of the story, her oc "Barbie" had a love interest personality. If you don't know what that means, I will happily explain it to you.

So basically, a character that has a love interest personality. Means that their entire personality revolves around them being a love interest. And, unfortunately this is EXACTLY what happened to me with Rosabella.

Her personality wasn't fully around her being a love interest. But it was enough so, that I noticed it. I really didn't want to fully rewrite her character, so I deleted the story. And, now it's forever lost in the pages.

I might republish the book at a later date, or whenever I catch up on the stories I'm currently writing (meaning never probably lol).

The bad part is, that story was supposed to be a Percy fic. And, I really enjoyed writing it. I loved Rosabella's backstory (ignore the fact that I changed her godly parent fifty times. Celeste almost had a sister). I loved her family dynamic. The godly parent I eventually did pick out for her, was perfect given her personality and I just loved her overall. Also, I absolutely adored the relationship she and Percy had. It was very much a cheesy friends to lovers story line. But, I still liked it a lot.

So, maybe when I get through act one of Roses and Blood, and Chaos. Or, sooner. I'm inpatient. I might reupload the story.

But, besides the fucking rant I just wrote. I wanna know what you all think about Chaos.

If you think it's good, if you think it's bad. If you like Celeste and Piper, or you don't. If you like Marcus, or you don't.

If you think I'm a terrible writer, and should just delete this story or my account in general (haha. We love imposter syndrome). Don't be afraid to share your thoughts!

Anyways, I love you guys so much. And, really thank you so much for all the support you guys have shown I this story. Wether you comment, vote, or just read. I appreciate you all.

Also, I promise I will post another chapter soon. I've just been having a bit of writers block. And, HEAVY imposter syndrome (haha. I hate my life right now. You guys make it better, though).

I love you all so, so, so, sooooo much!


XOXO: Rosy~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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