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CELESTE TURNED LEO OVER. He was still groaning and muttering incoherent things. She wasn't entirely sure how to break the news.

She glanced over towards the railing. In the last thirty minutes; she'd seen Dylan turn into a not-so cotton candy mini tornado, who then proceeded to throw Celeste and Leo off the fucking Grand Canyon. Coach Hedge turn into a sayter (which honestly didn't suprise her). Blonde Superman get hit by lightning, then recover from said lightning and defeat the other not-so cotton candy mini tornadoes. Piper fall over the railing. Blonde Superman jumping over to save her, and Coach Hedge get dragged into a vortex like hole in the clouds.

"This day is fucking weird....." Celeste muttered.

Shadow landed next to her, and nodded. "I agree."

Leo's army jacket was soaked from the rain. His curly hair glittered gold from rolling around in monster dust. But, at least he wasn't dead. "Stupid......ugly........goat....." he muttered.

"Shush," Celeste said. She collapsed back down onto the skywalk. She probably needed to train more often. She'd barely even used her powers, and she was already exhausted. Though, she fully blamed that on the experiments, and not her recent lack of training.

"Please don't tell me he actually saved my life," Leo groaned.

"Partially," Celeste said. "I'm the one who actually saved you."

"Thanks, Es."

"You're welcome, crafty boy."

Leo chuckled weakly. "I guess that really is fitting name, huh?"


Leo sighed. He was most definitely in shock after what he just saw. Hell, Celeste was a demigod, and even to her that shit was weird. Then again, her life was weird.

Leo lifted his head a bit. "Is that a glowing bird?"

Shadow glared at him. "I am a phoenix, you imbecile."

"A talking bird that likes to insult me," Leo said. "Cool."

"Peachy," Celeste agreed while trying not to cry from how much her body hurt. Gods, why was she ever born a demigod? She really whished she wasn't.

Suddenly, a; WHOOSH sound came from behind them. Celeste turned to see; Blonde Superman and Kaleidescope land on the skywalk. OG Superman and Lois Lane style.

"You can fly?" Celeste questioned. Jason was most definitely the person Reyna asked her to look for. He was also probably a son of Zeus. Why? He just seemed like one. Then again, he also seemed like a stuck-up son of a bitch. Which he was so...........

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