A sayter? Not surprised

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|A sayter? Not surprised|

THE STORM CHURNED into a mini hurricane. Tendrils of electricity snaked along the skywalk, like a big ass jellyfish.

Thinking of jellyfish made her think of Percy. The son of Poseidon would have probably taken it as an insult and smacked her. Or, said that she was the one who was a jellyfish. He was funny like that. Though personally, she fucking hated jellyfish.

She missed him. She'd heard from Will solace (one of the only demigods she actually kept in touch with), that he went missing a few days ago. She really hoped he was okay.

Kids screamed and ran for the building. The wind ripped away notebooks, jackets, and hats. Celeste skidded across the skywalk and almost fell off.

"I don't think this is Zeus," Shadow commented.

Celeste rolled her eyes. "Oh, really? You think?!"

Leo lost his balance and almost toppled over the railing, but Piper grabbed his jacket and pulled him back.

"Thanks!" Leo shouted.

"Go, go, go!" Coach Hedge yelled.

Dylan was holding the doors open, herdinh the other kids inside. Once Leo was on the skywalk, Piper ditched them and, ran to the doors. Expecting Leo and Celeste to the same.

In their defense, they did try but-- they ultimately skidded across the skywalk like a baby deer on ice. Or ice on a hot surface.

Celeste hated deer.

She hated a lot of things, to be honest.

When she looked up, Piper was holding the doors open with Dylan. Her snowboarding jacket was flapping widely in the wind and her hair was covering her face. Celeste figured she must've been freezing but, she looked pretty calm and confident. Reassuring the others, telling them to keep moving.

Celeste, Leo, Jason, and Coach Hedge ran to them, but it was like running through quicksand.

"Storm spirits," Shadow said, a hint of distaste in his voice. "Vile creatures."

Celeste definitely agreed with that last part.

Piper and Dylan pushed one more kid in, before they lost their hold on the doors.

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