Chapter Five

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Normani anxiously rubbed her hands together, waiting for one of the two girls to open the door. She didn't know how you'd explain to someone that you have some weird wolf hybrid thing as a pet. Well, not exactly a pet rather than a child. 

The door was opened to Ally, who smiled widely when she saw Normani standing outside of the door.

"Where's Lauren and the dog?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows and looking around.

"Oh, uh, Lauren and Camila are still getting ready to come on over." Normani started, and Ally interrupted her.

"Come on in." She said, gesturing for the girl to step through the door frame and into their apartment, which shared a similar structure to their own. "So, Camila?"

"What?" Normani asked after walking in and towards the kitchen, where chips and dip were set out on the island. 

"Camila. That's what you named her?" Ally clarified as they both took a seat on the bar stools.

"Um, yeah. Well about that you should really know that she's not a normal pup... dog." Normani began.

"Oh, I think that's perfectly fine, I don't think it matters if she's any different from other dogs. All dogs are unique." Ally said, smiling.

"Oh god, did Lauren and you fall for a dog with three legs. I thought you guys had more self control." Dinah joked, walking into the room and taking a seat next to them. Normani tried to speak again but as soon as she opened her mouth, there was another knock at the door, and she only managed to curse under her breath.

"I'll get it." Dinah said, getting up and walking towards the door. She opened it up to see Lauren, and by instinct wanted to scan the ground for the puppy they were talking about, but another person standing behind Lauren caught her eye, and she grew confused, but not as confused as she was when she noticed the ears on top, and the tail near her waist. "Holy shit." She said, and the girls invited themselves in, Camila holding onto Lauren's arm.

Ally turned around in her seat to face the entrance to the apartment with a smile, but it quickly faded when she saw Camila. 

"Guys, this is Camila. As we said she's not so normal but..." Ally had already jumped up, running over to the girl.

"Hi, I'm Ally." She happily introduced herself, bringing her hand forwards for Camila to shake.

"My name is Camila." She smiled back, not knowing what to do with the hand, and instead giving it a playful high five. This made Ally laugh.

"Dawg, them ears though." Dinah said, giving the dark brown, fur covered ears on top of Camila's head a tug, which made the girl look up at the taller Polynesian. "I'm Dinah." She said, with a goofy smile, giving the girl a rough pat on the head.

"Okay, you guys are taking this surprisingly well." Lauren laughed, seeing as the two girls were all over Camila.

"She's so cute, I'm just trying to figure out what breed she has in her." Ally said, looking at Camila's tail and ears observantly. 

"Definitely a bit of chocolate lab. And some wolf."

"How can you tell?" Ally asked. She hadn't been a dog trainer for too long, but she was sure she would have been able to tell a dogs breed if Lauren could.

"The first day she was here. She wasn't always half human." Lauren said. Dinah and Camila had walked off into the living room, talking. "You sure you're not at all surprised or scared? Me and Mani were practically losing or shit when we figured out our dog had turned part human." Lauren laughed.

"I mean, it's a bit strange yes, but I think it's cool. I mean, try and tell me you haven't thought about some cool type of werewolf thing actually existing before." Ally said, looking back at Camila in the other room.

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