Chapter Eleven

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"I want to sleep with you every night." Camila said, waking up on Saturday and stretching as she say Lauren was already up and getting ready. It wasn't as early as it had been on Friday, so Camila was rather content with the amount of time she had gotten to sleep beside the girl.  Lauren rolled her eyes at the girl's wording, knowing she hadn't meant for it to sound like that.

"You can as long as you don't argue about having to get out of bed every week day." Lauren laughed.

"I won't. I promise." She smiled and shook her head enthusiastically. "Uh, where are you going?" She asked curiously, tilting her head to the side and letting her ears flop over.

"I'm going to the store but Mani's still here, she's still sleeping I think." Lauren said, grabbing her phone from the charger and her wallet off of the nightstand.

"Can I come with? Maybe we can get more long shows and we can get some more magazines to decorate my wall!" Camila smiled, jumping up.

"If only you were this excited about getting up on weekdays." Lauren joked. "Plus you don't even sleep on your bed anymore."

"But I still spend my time there when I can not be on your bed. When you're busy with projects and papers." Camila reasoned.

"We'll see what they have there. Plus I'm going to the grocery store, not Walmart." She said, kneeling down to tie her shoes.

"Grocery store?" Camila looked confused.

"It's where you go buy food." Lauren smiled, standing up once more.

"I wish to buy food." Camila stated, standing up and looking through the dresser to get her own clothes out.

"Okay, but it's not as fun as you think." Lauren laughed.

"It'll be fun if I'm going new places with you." Camila smiled, innocently. "Now leave. I need to get into new clothes." She said, giving Lauren a light push.

Lauren walked into the kitchen, and saw Normani already up and eating breakfast.

"Morning," Lauren greeted, grabbing an apple for herself.

"Hey, I saw Camila was sleeping in your bed." Normani said, lifting her eyebrow and taking a sip of her coffee.

"Oh yeah. She was just not sleeping very well I think. Maybe her sleep running was a sign." Lauren laughed, hoping Normani didn't suspect anything.

"Yeah?" Normani asked.

"Yeah." Lauren shrugged it off.

"Camila, if you can't keep up I'm not going to allow you to push the cart." Lauren said, but Camila was rather stubborn.

"I've got it. It's just heavy." She sighed. "Why do we need so much food?"

"Because there's three of us and we won't have to stop by here too often if we get it all in one trip. And most of what I got is ramen and soda. The four bags of Pizza Rolls you got are what's really slowing you down." Lauren said, slowing down so she was by the girl. "Here, let me help." She suggested, coming up to Camila from behind and putting her arms on either side of her so she was pushing the cart with her.

Camila smiled to herself, now pushing the cart with more lax.

"Okay, we need more milk... what else." Lauren asked, knowing exactly what Camila's answer would be.

"Fruitloops! We need fruit loops!" Camila exclaimed.

"Shh, you're being loud." Lauren laughed making the girl blush.

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