Chapter Fourteen

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"Okay, so when there's an E at the end of the word, it means the vowel in the middle isn't gonna sound like it normally would." Dinah began to explain Camila until the phone rang. She jumped up, walking out of the room for a second before returning with the phone wedged between her ear and shoulder.

Camila picked at the carpeting, a little bored, but she jumped when Dinah let out a sharp gasp. "Shit, is she gonna be okay?" She asked worriedly. Camila couldn't make out what the other voice said over the phone. "Wow, okay. Yeah that's fine she can stay with us, but... what do we tell her?" Dinah tried to hush her voice so Camila wouldn't hear but she had sharper hearing than she thought. "Okay. I mean flat out is nice... Yes I know she's not an infant she'll understand... Okay.. . Tell Lauren I hope her Mom get's better... Bye." The phone made a beep as she hung up, and she turned to see Camila with all of her attention set on her.

"Okay, so... You're sleeping over! Yay!" Dinah tried to say enthusiastically, clapping her hands together.

"What happened?" Camila asked, seeing past the girl's attempt to lighten the mood.

"Everything's fine, Camila." She sat down next to her.

"Is Lauren okay?" She continued.

"Mila, really she's okay." Dinah assured her, though Camila wasn't done.

"Did she get hurt?"

"No. Lauren didn't get hurt. It's just her Mother isn't doing too well." Dinah said. "Now back to reading-"

"Why do I have to stay here instead of going home with Lauren?" Camila asked.

"Uh, Normani's going with Lauren to the Hospital." She explained. Camila's ears dropped.

"Will I see her tomorrow?"

"I don't know Fido. I'd hope so." Dinah said, looking down. Camila stayed silent but only until she found another question to ask.

"Can I visit her?" She asked, looking up at her.

"I don't know. Lauren's going through a hard time right now." Dinah responded, rubbing the girl's back.

"I want to be there for her. I want to see her." Camila said, standing up.

"Woah, calm down, Mila I don't know how good of an idea that is." Dinah tried to make her sit back down but Camila wouldn't.

"Girlmates are there for each other. That's what Lauren told me. I have to be there for Lauren. I have to show her I care." 

"Mila sometimes showing people you care means giving them some space, okay?" Camila finally stopped trying to leave. "It's already five, you wanna order a pizza and watch a movie?"

Camila nodded slowly. She would have to settle with this rather than actually going to Lauren. For now.

It was around 7:00, when the movie they had been watching, Marmaduke, was all finished, and Camila struggled to get off of the couch without waking up Dinah. Even when the cushion lifted Dinah's head up as Camila stood up, she didn't wake.

Camila made her way carefully towards the door, wincing when the floor creaked. Ally was still out at a clients house, so Dinah was the only one she had to worry about. And judging from this, Camila assumed Dinah was a heavy sleeper.

Camila put her shoes and back on, and grabbed one of Dinah's snapbacks hanging next to the door. She silently opened the door and squeezed her way through it, then closed it gently. She had to go to find Lauren and talk to her, even if she didn't know where to go.

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