Chapter Six

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"I wanna watch Lilo and Stitch again." Camila stated as they got back to their own apartment. It was still pretty late, around ten.

"I have a better idea, how about you take a bath." Normani teased, and Camila made a face.

"I'm going to bed." Lauren said quickly, but Normani stopped her.

"No, I taught her how to take a piss, you're telling her how to take a bath." Normani said.

"But that's going to take too long. I'm tired. Can't we do that tomorrow." Lauren asked, sighing.

"She smells like a garbage can." Normani complained, gesturing to the wolf girl.

"Fine. Come on Camila." Lauren said, motioning for her to follow her into the bathroom.

"Why are we going to the bathroom? I do not have to pee." Camila smiled obliviously.

"You, are taking bath." Lauren said, locking the door behind her.

"I... I don't wanna take a bath." Camila pouted, ears pulled back with hostility. Lauren ignored her as she started the water.

"You need to clean yourself, Camila. You're taking a bath." Lauren casually told her, pulling out the bag they had from the store, which had the brush, some kids shampoo and some shampoo for dogs.

"No." Camila sat on top of the toilet, crossing her arms.

"Camila, seriously. It's late. The sooner we get this over with the sooner we can go to bed, okay?" The bath continued to fill with water. "Just start taking your clothes off, you can jump in, get clean, then cuddle up in a nice towel and sleep." Lauren suggested, but when the girl did nothing she decided to take matters into her own hands.

Lauren reached for her sweatshirt, but Camila let out a low growl, showing her white teeth. Her canine teeth her abnormally long and sharp, and the growl sounded strangely like a dog considering it came from a human mouth, but a tail and ears must not have been the only thing the girl had kept when turning part human, Lauren assumed.

"Camila!" Lauren scolded, pulling her hand back. "Stop putting up such a fight." She made an other attempt to pull up the girl's sweatshirt, but was met with more than just a growl when she saw the hybrid's jaw snap shut on her hand. "Fuck!" Lauren cursed, pulling her hand back quickly as it began to bleed. It looked just like a dog bite.

"Are you okay Lauren?" She heard Normani call from the other room. 

"Shit." Lauren turned off the running water with her left hand, unfortunately also previously injured that day, before running out of the room.

Camila heard the voices out of the bathroom. Normani was freaking out, though there wasn't much blood because the bite hadn't been too deep. She sat there, remaining in a defensive position, with her ears pulled back and eye brows furrowed.

It had been quite a while until finally the door opened again.

"Hey, Mila. We're goin to bed okay? You don't have to take a bath right now." Normani said a little anxiously. Camila realized what it was causing the quiver in her voice. Fear. They were scared of her? All she did was defend herself. Protect herself from... Camila shook it from her head as she looked back at Normani.

"I moved your bed back out to the living room for now. I think Lauren just need some space." Normani winced, hoping the girl didn't get to upset, or even angry. Camila's ears drooped and her eyes became shadowed with a hint of sadness. She stood up, lowering her head and tucking her tail between her legs before walking around Normani and out of the bathroom.

She didn't want to hurt Lauren. She never wants to hurt Lauren, but she wasn't sure what to do when "No." didn't get across her point.

Lauren, unfortunately, had assumed the girl was just being stubborn because she didn't want to get wet. It was a bath though, everybody has to take bathes. It wasn't an unreasonable thing to ask, was it?

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