Chapter Seventeen

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Lauren was taken back by Camila's sudden movements, almost literally. When Camila leaned in for the kiss with fervor Lauren had to catch herself so she wouldn't stumble back. Both of their hands were still loosely intertwined during the open mouthed kiss, and Lauren felt herself relax after tensing.

Camila pulled back after, but Lauren found her self stuck between wishing the kiss would have never ended or had never happened. She stood there agape, with her jaw shut tight. Camila brought her hand up to Lauren's cheek and grazed her thumb across it.

"Please don't hate me." She frowned for a second.

"Camila I..." Lauren took a moment to take a look around her. Hailee was standing there next to Normani, along with the blonde haired boy. "I think we should talk." She pulled Camila by the hand immediately, dragging her out of the crowd of people.

Camila felt her stomach drop and her cheeks go red. Was Lauren mad at her? What had she been thinking, of course she was mad at her.

Camila stayed silent as Lauren dragged her away to an empty, quieter spot on the street, then turned to her.

"What were you thinking?" She asked, keeping calm and not yelling.

"I-I..." Camila trembled before reaching forward and hugging Lauren as she cried into her chest and whimpered.

"Camila? Why are you crying? Can you just tell me what you were thinking and where you were?" Lauren asked with a concerned look on her face.

"I wanted to know whether or not you love me." Camila tried to wipe the tears from her eyes.

Lauren stood there confused and astonished.



"Yes I do care about you, and want to be with you. Yes I do love you. I love you romantically Camz, and I may not be ready to scream it from the roof tops, but as long as you know it and I know it, I think we'll be okay." Lauren promised her, bringing her hand to her cheek.

"Are you mad? That I kissed you?" Camila asked. Lauren thought for a moment.

"I just wasn't ready to tell people or let them know, and I wish you would have asked me before doing that, but I'm not mad at you, Camz." Lauren said.

Camila smiled. "Can we kiss again?" She asked innocently. Suddenly the thought of having a public relationship with Camila didn't seem too bad. She had spent all the time worrying about what other people would think, she didn't think about what she really wanted.

"Yes we may." The instant she said that, Camila threw her arms around the girl's neck and kissed her on the lips again. Lauren surprised by her eagerness, but allowed her hands to fall to Camila's hips.

"Do you think they saw that?" Camila asked, referring to the girls across the street who they had kept waiting.

Lauren looked over to see Normani and Hailee both giggling a bit in their direction. "I think." Lauren shrugged.

"Good." Camila grinned, and dragged Lauren back towards the crowd.

When they got back to them, Lauren was blushing like crazy.

"Is there something you're gonna tell us?" The blonde haired boy hoped everything had went well.

"Lauren and I are girl mates." Camila nodded her head despite the blonde boy's slight confusion, he nodded along.

"There we go. I'm Scott by the way." The kind boy shook hands with Camila. "Hopefully I'll see you later"

"Thank you Scott!" Camila called, accenting the T at the end and smiling.

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