-Part Two- Welcome To The Host Club!

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I had just dropped my brother off at the grade school section and made it to my class.

“Alright we have a new student today. Miaka Saitori, please come in.” Standing at the front of the class I saw the whole class erupt into chatter. I heard gasps and gossip already begin. After a quick intro of myself I took my seat in the back by the window.

Once classes were over for the first half of the day, I headed to lunch and sat at an empty table. I was quite used to sitting alone. Sure I had a couple friends here and there, but frequently moving schools almost constantly didn’t help me. It felt like I spent more days being a new student, than I did just being… Well, me.

Once I took a seat, someone else sat next to me. She had light brown hair that reached a couple of inches before her shoulders and was slightly spiked at the end. She was also wearing a boys uniform. “How’s it hangin?” “And you are-” “Aisuri Yamata at your service!” She exclaimed, taking my hand and shaking it profusely. “Nice to meet you-” “The pleasure is all mine Miaka-Chan! I’m a big fan by the way. I saw your last music video a couple months ago and I love it. When’s the next one comin?” I shook my head. “No clue… Wait… My videos haven’t been released to the public, so how’d you-” She laughed. “Umm, because I’m awesome?? Besides, my family owns most of the recording studios you’ve used, so I get a sneak peak. I think my father is the one who’s directed most of them.” “Ahh. Good to know.” I went into thought about her. Her family made instruments and owned a lot of music studios. My mother and hers were also business partners when it came to the music department.

“So, when will you go public with your videos?” she asked curiously. I sighed. “I’m not sure I will… But since not many people know that I’m a singer… I guess I should do that soon… Hmm…” I went deep into thought as we continued to eat lunch and talk about other things. We were quick friends.

“What the fuck is a host club?” I asked Aisuri. She laughed from my left. “It’s a place where hot guys entertain desperate girls who have no chance with any guy what so ever.” I gave her a confused look. “Then why are WE going?” She grinned. “Why? To shake things up of coarse!”

We met the door to the third music room and stood there. “So. Now what?” I asked. “Now, we enter, and have some fun with these pervs.” My eyes lit up. “They don’t know the meaning of the word. I’m the biggest pervert I know.” She laughed, throwing an arm around my shoulder. “You are now my new best friend. Let’s show these guys that we can’t be tamed!” I laughed. “And that my friend, is our new theme song!” We laughed, then both reached for a separate door handle, opening the door to the music room. Rose petals flew out and there was a blinding light to the room. Then I saw five gorgeous guys before me, while the other one was adorable, and the last was… A girl. “Welcome.” They chorused. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Aisuri for guidance. She just gave me a mischievous smirk, that I gladly returned to her. She hooked arms with me and walked further into the room. We were the only guests in the room thus far. “Ahh! I see you’ve brought someone new with you ms.Yamata.” the hottie with glasses said in a serious tone. Definitely not my type. But he was really good looking. “Welcome, to the host club, young princess.” The blonde came up and kissed my hand. I raised an eyebrow at him, not sure how to react. I heard Aisuri snickering in the background. “Are you… Gay?” I asked with a straight face. His was taken over in shock, and he went to a little emo corner and sulked. Two twins, that I recognized from mine and Aisuri’s class sauntered over, laughing their heads off. They each wrapped an arm around my shoulder, slightly leaning in. “Hey, you’re in-” “Our class. New girl-” “Really cute. Why are you wearing-” “A boys uniform?”One started and the other finished. I sighed, then came up with something to say. “Because.. It makes me less rape-able.” Aisuri bursted into laughter as the twins were somewhat shocked by how straight forward I was. Aisuri shoved the twins aside and took their place by throwing her arm around my shoulder. “Seriously. You are my new best friend. Do you by chance-” “Make a fool out of myself in public on purpose just to get a laugh? Why yes. Yes I do.” She laughed. “We’re hanging out from now on.” After a moment of silence I noticed, “So… You gonna introduce me or what?” I smirked as recognition flew through her vision. “Ahh! Right!” she laughed out, then began. “The blonde you think is gay, is Tamaki Suoh…” “Hey blondie. Are you gonna sulk all day?” I asked with a smirk on my face. He then went back to his happy self. Bipolar much? “Glasses over there is Kyouya Ootori.” He pushed up his glasses and a gleam shielded over his eyes. “The little cutie pie over there is Hanninozuka Mitskuni. But we all call him Hani-senpai. To his left is Haruhi Fujioka, and to his right is Morinozuka Takashi, but goes by Mori-senpai.” “Wow. Sure like to cut me a piece of that cake-” I winked at her and slightly nudged her with my elbow. She snickered, and erupted into laughter when Hani-senpai came up to us with a smile. “Did you say cake?!” “Uh yeah… A metaphorical cake of sexiness and kinkiness.” He tilted his head in confusion as Aisuri could no longer stand, falling to her knees and laughing her butt off. As chatter began I raised my hand. “Question.” “What is it princess?” Tamaki asked in an attempt to sound dreamy. I ignored it. “You’re a host club of mostly guys. Sooo does that mean you get a lot of lesbians in here?” I had no problem with gay people. In fact, I loved them. I just asked the question as I did just to throw them all for a loop. They all reacted frantically. “W-w-what are you saying?! Haruhi is a BOY!” I gave Tamaki a mischievous look, slowly bringing a smirk to my face. “Who said ANYTHING about Haruhi?” He gasped, then began stuttering again. I walked past him and came face to face with Haruhi, with Aisuri at my side. We both peered to look at her closer. “Now that you mention it… Haruhi IS a female name…” She said in suspicion. “And she’s way to feminine to be a guy. I mean, the rest of them, excluding Hani-senpai, have a huge testosterome(sp?) level that you can smell from down the hallway. But you… You’re a girl aren’t you?” I asked, finishing off our suspicions. Before anyone else could pipe in, she sighed. “Is it that obvious?” I nodded. “Plus the fact that I can see a little bit of your camisole poking out from the collar of your white shirt.” She looked down and quickly hid it. 

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