-Part Five- Miaka's Home Visit

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“MOMMA!!!” Tamaki yelled into his phone, complaining to his friend and classmate, Kyouya. “What is it, daddy?” He said somewhat sarcastically. Tamaki ignored his tone. “We have yet to go and visit Miaka at her home! My daughter must feel so left out that daddy hasn’t gone to visit her!!” They had already visited Aisuri recently, since she did have a small get together with them. Kyouya sighed. “You’re just now realizing that?” Not completely agreeing with his friends statements, but simply stating they hadn’t seen her home. “GET THE HOSTS TOGETHER! WE’RE GOING TO VISIT MY LITTLE MIAKA-CHAN!!!”


They all stood outside of the Saitori estate, admiring the fountain, and long driveway that lead to the front of it.

Aisuri was the first to knock, while everyone stood behind her. A maid answered the door. “Ahh! Ms. Yamata! Good to see you again. And you brought friends! Are you all here to see ms. Miaka-san?” They all nodded, and were lead into the living room after passing their huge entry room (or whatever it’s called) 

“YOU’LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!” They all heard Miaka yell at the top of her lungs before she came barging into the room, with two nerf guns and a nerf amo strip around her waist and another one crossed over her right shoulder. She was wearing dark green jean short shorts, a camo spaghetti strap tank top that reached three inches above her belly button, and face paint on her cheek bones (like football players wear). She ran right past the host club who were sitting at the coffee table, stepped on the couch and flipped over the side of it,(running on the back, not noticing Kyouya or Mori and hani seated on it) landing behind the arm of the couch. You could hear a couple of clicks, as she re loaded. Next two more figures entered the room. One, an older male, the second, a young boy. 


“You can’t hide forever mimi-chan!” Tetsuya yelled. I peered slightly to see where they were standing. I then ran to the wall a couple feet away, ran up a couple feet then kicked myself off, doing a flip/cartwheel in the air, as I shot both of the nerf guns, aiming for only my father, who was hit with every shot. He let out a fake groan as he dramatically fell to his knees clutching his ‘injuries’. Tetsuya reloaded slowly, and I stood there, patiently waiting for him to ‘shoot’ me. Once he did, I dramatically fell backwards. “I’ve been hit!” I yelled with slight laughter in my voice. Tetsuya dropped his nerf gun and ran to my side as I pretended to be ‘dead’. “Oh no! MIMI-CHAN!!!” Once he was close enough I sat up fast and grabbed him “I have been revived and possessed BY THE TICKLE MONSTER!!!!!” “GAH!!! MOMMY! MIAKA’S POSSESSED!!!” He laughed, and attempted to squirm away on the floor, but I kept pulling him back by his ankles. I giggled at how frantically he tried getting away. “N-n-no! MI-MI-CHAN!!! I’M GONNA PEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!” He yelled, causing me to laugh and stop tickling long enough for him to get away, and for my father to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder. “I have risen from the dead! FOR MY REVENGE!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!” “Oh NO!!! TETSUYA!!! SAVE ME!!” I said in a cheesy way. He ran up and kicked dad in the shin (although it didn’t hurt) he let out a fake cry of pain and fell to his knees in fake defeat, ranting about how he was defeated yet again, then plopped on the floor face first. I just sat there on his back, then picked Tetsuya up and onto my shoulders. “AND THE CROUD GOES WILD!!!” I imitated the sound of a crowd cheering for him. “YAY! I’m a hero!!” He giggled out, which was followed by my, very embarrassing and very girly, giggle. That’s when I realized… The host club, sitting on the couch and at the small coffee table. I still held my original position. “Oh… Hey guys. You’ve been there the whole time haven’t you?” They just nodded, all but the girls slightly red for whatever reason.


Tetsuya sat in my lap as I sat in between Aisuri and Haruhi, and across from all the guys after introducing them all to him, and then my father and mother who had recently joined us. My father sat in a chair, that was to the right side of the couch (next to where she was hiding before.) “So you’re all Miaka’s friends from school?” most of them nodded. He sighed. “Figures. Most of them would be guys.” He laughed as I threw a pillow at him. “Shaddap!” I laughed, then turned to thank my mother, who had just returned with tea the maid had fixed up. “So, are you all just here for a friendly visit?” My mother asked sweetly. Before they could answer, I spoke up. “Well actually… I asked them… Well I asked Mori-senpai over because I needed to speak with him. The rest of them tagged along I guess…” I nudged Aisuri and Haruhi, then unnoticeably winked at them. Tetsuya noticed and smiled. I stood up and stood next to where he was seated (right side of the couch, kyouya on left closer to her father, hani in the middle). I placed my right hand on Mori-senpai’s shoulder and sighed I gave him a playful look that told him to play along. “Well since everyone’s here, they might as well know…” “Know… What?” Tamaki hesitantly added. I took a deep breath. “I’m… Pregnant.” “WHAT!?” Everyone yelled. Aisuri, Tetsuya and Haruhi faking their way through it. Mori-senpai’s eyes grew wide. “You’re… Pregnant?” He sounded scared. He was a good actor. I nodded. “Yes. And you’re the father.” GASP!! Almost immedietly, he stood up, turned, and bowed to my parents. “I’m very sorry about this. But I will take full responsibility. I’ll marry her and everything will be fine. I’ll raise this child with her, and be the best father I can be.” Bravo Mori-senpai. Bravo. “B-but… How… WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN?!” My father yelled, outraged. Tetsuya hopped up and ran to me, tippy toeing so he could put a hand on my stomach. “You have a baby growing inside your tummy…! I get to be a uncle!” He yelled excitedly. Before my mother fainted, I bursted into laughter, followed by Tetsuya and Aisuri laughing hysterically. Haruhi giggled, and Mori-senpai chuckled. “And WHAT IS SO FUNNY?!” My mother yelled. “S…Sorry mom… Hahahaha… I’m not really preggo. We didn’t ever do anything.” A sigh left her lips. My father was still shocked. “Why would you joke like that?!” Tamaki slightly yelled. I laughed even more, hunching over and holding my stomach, then pointing to my father. “That’s… That’s what you get for dying my hair! Told you I’d get revenge!” He started with anime tears and began whining. “B-b-but Miia! Purple suited you!” “The hell it did! You know I HATE purple!” My mother rolled her eyes and stood up sighing. “You two and your pranks, are impossible.” She left the room shaking her head with a slight smile, heading to, what I guessed to be, the library, like she usually did…

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