-Part Six- Commoner Styled Sleepover

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Dinner went by quickly. It had been a long time since we had so many guests over who weren't there to discuss business. Kyouya doesn't count. lol.

I uploaded all my files to my computer after Atari reminded me again, so I had lots of space to record and snap pictures again.

We all filed into my room and us girls changed in the bathroom into our pajamas. I realized that this would be very awkward if I let it be. My pajamas consisted of a short lacey camisole type top and short shorts. All pink of coarse. Haruhi had on a baggy tank top and shorts that werent as short as mine, as hers reached her mid thighs. Aisuri wore a shorter sleeved night shirt that reached her mid thighs. They had all called and sent for their things, and Aisuri's maids sent extra clothes for Haruhi

"You really gonna go out there like that?"Aisuri's question made me sigh.

"The rest of my pajamas are in the wash. So i don't really have a choice here." 

"Alright are you girls dressed yet?" Aisuri hollered to the boys before we filed back into the room. Before I could really say anyting, I was tackled by two troublesome twins.

"SO CUTE!!!!"


"I can't believe this... We're actually taking part in a commoner's style sleepover...!"

"This is so exciting Tama-chan!" "You know... You don't have to be what you call a commoner to enjoy sleepovers..." I muttered somewhat annoyed. 

"Oh, Miaka-chan!~" The twins sang once all of the futons were set up around my room.


"Let's play a game!" They chirped in unison.

"Ummm ok? What game?" They exchanged a mischevious grin, stuffed their hair into hats, then shuffled around me before hooking arms with eachother and standing before me in a weird pose.

"The 'which one is Hikaru' game!" The hats really made no difference in my opinion.

"Oh that's easy! You're Hikaru, and you're Kaoru!" The room grew silent, awaiting the twins response to see if i was right.

"Uh oh, you got it wrong!~" I gave them one last look, then giggled.

"No, you're Kaoru, and you're definately Hikaru! I know i'm right. I mean you guys are so different, this shouldn't even be a game."

"What's your reasoning?" Kaoru asked skeptically.

"Yeah. If you're so sure then explain." Hikaru added. I took a big breath, then sighed. "Well..." Everyone peered closer to hear my reasonings.

"It's simple really..." I lifted my finger up to point at Hikaru, then at Kaoru. "You're the 'Pitcher' and Kaoru's the 'Catcher'. After getting to know you guys it's really easy to tell you apart." Their faces were taken over with shock, then, they both started laughing.

Before they could say anything else, I hit Hikaru with a pillow across the face, then dodged out of the way when he tried to hit me back, causing him to accidentally hit Aisuri.


When the twins came after me, I ran and jumped behind Tamaki, which resulted in Hikaru sending Tamaki flying into Hani-senpai, who immedietly became competetive, and grabbed a stray pillow and chased Tamaki with it. Kaoru was still chasing me, so I ran and jumped onto Mori-senpai's back, then hoisted myself up so my stomach was resting on his shoulder.

"HA! I'm finally taller than you!! MUAHAHAHAHA- AHHH!" Kaoru threw the pillow anyways, sending me falling to the floor before Mori-senpai could catch me. "Owwie...!" I pretended to cry and immedietly had Tamaki fauning over me. "D-d-daddy!! Hika and Kao h-h-hit me!" He was gone in an instant, hitting them both furiously with pillows


"GAHH!" Kaoru yelled, just barely dodging his hits.

"Cut it out mi'lord!" Hikaru added in, failing to dodge all of Tamaki's hits.

I turned to Mori-senpai, who was still in his original spot as i was still sitting on my knees. "Senpai... W-why didn't you catch me?!" I sobbed louder and he was freaking out. "Mommy...! Daddy's friend let me faaaaalllllllllll!!~" I whined in a musical kind of way. I saw him smirk before he dug out his notebook and started taking notes on whatever. He turned to go sit on one of the couches in my room and I ran and jumped on his back.

"Kyoooooo-chan!!! why don't you join in?" then I turned to Haruhi who was sitting and reading some things on my desk. "What about you Onee-chan? Don't you wanna play too?" I teased. She sighed and shook her head. "Kill joy." I muttered comically.

Near the couches in my room, there was a tv. "Lets watch a movie!!" Hani-senpai yelled excitedly. him and the twins ran over to the cabinets on either side of the tv and began pondering what movie they wanted to watch. Tamaki soon joined them. 

After them arguing over what to watch they played rock paper scisors. Hikaru ended up winning and we started watching a scary movie.

Mid movie Hani senpai and I were at the edge of our seats the whole time. "Don't go in the closet...!" I whispered harshley.

"HE'S GOING INTO THE CLOSET!!! NOOOOO!!" Hani-senpai yelled, hiding his face in Usa-chan's back. Slowly, the idiotic character of the film clasped his hand around the door nob, then thrusted the closet door open to see four zombies drag him in and eat him alive.

"Oh my god. Oh. My. God...." I muttered as what had just happened began to sink in. "OH MY GOD! OMYGODOMYGODOMYGOD!! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!"

"OH NO! MIA-CHAN! WE HAVE TO HIDE!!!!!" Running in circles we were taking this movie a little too seriously. After running for what seemed to be about five minutes me and my senpai ran into eachother and fell to the floor, both passing out with little swirlies in our eyes.


okie dokie im slowly updating everything I have on here hopefully you allenjoyed this chappie! :D

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