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Chapter 3

Inaya POV

3 days later.

My sleep came to an end on the floor when I heard my door banged. I didn't have a chance to reached up to my bed last night, only to find the cheesy potatoes chip splattered throughout the olefin carpet.

After turning off the TV, I made my way to the entrance and noticed the silhouettes of two bodies. I looked through the drapes that covered the glass door. I sighed, feeling a weight return to my shoulders as I saw my sister and mother on my doorstep.

'Can't they give me a break?' I hesitated before opening the door. I just can't take a beat to my back, about Karib.

I phoned all night last night and wasn't sure what else to do.

My body pressed against the door, which opened up just slightly. "It is freezing out here; do you realize how long I have been knocking?" My mother yelled with irritation. "Well, let us in. Don't leave us here to freeze to death."

I wanted nothing more than for them to freeze to death. So I can have some rest.

"What're you doing here?" My raspy morning voice inquired, and my blurry eyes saw my mother's lips shoot open.

"What are we doing here? We have a wedding to arrange."

"What wedding, mom?"

"The one that's booked five months from now."

I groaned; I had no idea where Karib and I were at the time, and they were talking about the wedding?

I nonetheless opened the door. I didn't get much rest, because I was eagered to get on call with my own Fiance. She probably simply wanted some space. I understand that. What I don't understand is why she didn't tell me that. And why was my family turning it such a big deal?

"Have you got any tea?"

"Coming right up." I answered tiredly as I proceeded into the kitchen. I promptly prepared them a cup of black tea and sat down next to my sister on the sofa. My gaze shifted to a heavy brown book on my center table.

"What is this?" I inquired, reaching for the thick-covered book.

"It contains photographs of flowers, cake, and other wedding items."

"Mom, let's take it slow. I still haven't received..."

"We cannot take it slowly. There is $75 million on the line."

I believe she uttered that one sentence more than she said she loves me in her entire life.

"I haven't even got through to her."

"That does not mean the wedding is off. Just stay busy till you get through to her."


"Make sure you don't stop calling until she answers. She needs to respond at some time. Remember, 75 million dollars are on the line."

"Yes," I said, shoving my mother and sister out the door.

I dragged my feet back to the phone. I'm glad I can have some alone time again. I exhaled out, praying and hoping that this time, a muscle would rise in her arms, that God will would move her to just answer the phone.

The phone trilled until I heard a beep. My eyes widened when I realized she had answered the phone.

"Oh, God, Karib. I'm worried sick." I sprang from the couch and started pacing around the room. I couldn't sit still, even if I wanted to.

In response, I received nothing but her twisted breathing. I started to worry, and it became worse. She sounded like she was hurt.

"Karib!" I called. "Are you there?"

"What do you want?" Her voice caused a chill to run down my spine.

"What? I miss you. I have been phoning you all week. You weren't replied."

She grunted.

"Are you sick? Are you in pain. I miss you." I started to sniffle.

"Just leave me alone." She grunted.


"Leave me the fuck alone." She hissed. "I made a mistake."

"What mistake?"

"Bye." She muttered drily, and hung up the phone. Which mistake was she referring to? 

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