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Chapter 15

Inaya POV

I didn't have a car, and I chose not to have one because I couldn't drive, but I had told Karib that I would learn soon enough, which would come in helpful at the moment. Considering that I needed something to move around on if I wanted to sniff around. Since I simply needed to be active in whatever I was doing, I was unable to utilize a driver.

The city bus didn't have a stop anywhere in the suburbs, so picture my dread when I had to walk for at least an hour just to stand in front of a house that appeared to be haunted by ghosts.

The home stood out like a sore thumb because the grass was overgrown, with green branches stretching over to the curb and tickling my feet. "What's happened?" I whispered to myself. Nobody lived here any more. I walked up the driveway and stood to the side of the house. I didn't want to be caught peeking around. But I simply had to. The rear yard was worse, as the once-oceanic blue pool was now greener than a stinky swamp.

I returned to the front, walking up onto the barren porch, only to step on mails.

I groaned and bent down to pick them up. "The mailman could've positioned them better on the mail—" As I looked up, I noticed the mailbox was filled with mail and retail fliers.

"I see..." I grabbed for the doorknob and twisted. I took a step back when the door squeaked open. How did this happen? Perhaps some squatters broke in, but so yet there is no evidence that anyone did. Perhaps she was too preoccupied to take care of the home. I began gathering as much mail as my hands could hold and pushed the door open with my elbow.

"Hello!" I called from the well-furnished residence. Despite the fact that it appears to be a disappointment from the outside, it is actually fairly satisfactory. So I figured she was too busy. "Karib! I'm only here to check on you!" I shouted, closing the door. I placed a few mails beneath my chin and used my hands to seal myself in. So, if squatters were present, terrible luck for them...or perhaps bad luck for me.

I hastily stumbled into the kitchen, but a few mails fell between my legs. "Fuck!" I cursed. I placed the heaps of mail on the counter. I then opened the fridge to see it lighting up. Good. Electricity was still present.

The further I went, the more I understood that perhaps she was simply too busy to properly maintain the house. She could only do so much. But if she had just allowed me in, the yard would have been cut, the pool cleaned, and the bill paid. I wasn't just there to waste her money, as she presumably perceives it. But to truly assist her, lift the weight off her shoulders when she can no longer handle.

Did she forget that she had always wanted me to be her partner in crime?

I turned on the lights and screamed when I noticed a few of cockroaches spread about, like shattered glass.

"Then again, maybe she wasn't around?" I groaned and took a seat around the high countertop. I yawned, staring at the mound of mail that probably wasn't my responsibility to sort through. But I was getting married to her, so it may not have been such a huge deal. The one-hour stroll exhausted my limbs, and I found myself placing my head on my outstretched arm.

"Wake up!" I grumbled to myself. I groaned and leaned back up, but all I wanted was to collapse in the bed upstairs. I recalled visiting here perhaps five times before and never again. Did not have to. She got engaged to me, purchased me a house, and I smuggled her in numerous nights.

I didn't feel comfortable sleeping over knowing my mother may break down my door and discover I wasn't there.

I laughed, recalling when I was caught walking out, or rather coming in. My mother left no place for me to explain myself; all she said was, "I want to meet him tomorrow, and he better show himself."

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