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Chapter 6

Inaya POV

If a palm reader, some cosmic reader had told me that the upcoming week, my life would be hell. I would have withdrawn my arm and smacked them in the face. The cup of cold tea failed miserably to relax my tense nerves. Following the brief call between Karib and me. I told my family that everything was still on.

But nothing was okay.

But that was all they needed to hear to pack every woman in my family into my living room like a sardine can. I was just unable to figure my way out when they were all whispering things to me.

I was more concerned about Karib than how a dress would look on me. We did not even host an engagement party. Which was due this month.

Thus far, the only things I have managed to get from the engagement are a brand-new house, a one-month vacation to Peru, and a debit card loaded with cash. Those were all nice times, when Karib wasn't so cold and aloof from me. Those gifts were lovely, especially as she was waking me up in the morning. She expressed her unwillingness to live together. Not yet. We truly have a lot to learn about each other. But all I receive in exchange is brief phone calls.

I flinched as a hand curled over my shoulder. I turned to look at Divya. She was the only one whose eyes shone with care and concern. Everyone was ecstatic, and money greed. After all, $75 million is on the line.

"This should be a good time, you know." She whispered. Divya was Fatima's friend, so I'm not sure I can trust her, but she sees straight through me at the time. She notices that my eyes convey a different narrative, despite the beauty all around me. I could see something was wrong with Karib, and she refused to accept my aid. So, what should I do?

"I'm happy." I lay a reassuring hand on my shoulder and transferred it to my lap. "Just didn't get enough sleep last night."

"It feels more like days, even weeks."

I shook my head. Karib and I just came back a week ago. I had more than a good amount of sleep with her. "In days, not weeks."

"Listen, this is your moment. Don't let anyone ruined it for you."

"What is that intended to mean?" I believed her statement included some subtle signals. Because none of this felt like my moment. It seemed as if I were marrying this woman for her money. When I was actually intrigued about who she was, I fell in love with the mystery.

There were still several doors to unlock. However, with her new conduct, it appeared that more doors were slamming shut than I had unlocked.

She sighed and placed her palm over mine. "Mothers, aunts, and other females who become engaged in these situations tend to want to take control. You have to be strong."

She spoke as if she had done this before. "Are you married?" I gazed down at her fingers. I didn't notice any rings. Or was she in the process of taking off her ring? She's so young, even if she's married it wouldn't be that long.

"No, my sister, stepsister, and mother." Her tone exudes sadness. It appears that she, too, wanted to marry. It was never on my priority list to marry. Heck, I was considering having a child before getting married.

"Really. Tell me more." I said, curious, drowning out all of the commotion. I simply wanted to know that everything would be well. I'd want to know what the experience will be.

"Everyone seems to forget that it is about you, not them. You choose a black dress rather than a white one. You want to have your wedding at an amusement park rather than in a church. Despite their ignorance of the meaning of the tradition, everyone wants you to intrude on their customs."

I nodded. As I looked around, I noticed that this was precisely what was happening. All these women, I love them. They are family. But I don't want to stress about my wedding when I don't know who I'm actually marrying.

So why did I say yes.

"I know it will be difficult, but you will eventually hit your boiling point. Your cup will be too full to hold everything, and you'll let them know where you stand." I wanted to let them know where I stood. Just like Karib desires space. I, too, want some distance from them.

"I hope Fatima doesn't object if we hang out sometime." I whispered. "I'm not actually swimming with friends."

"Of course. I will give you my phone number, and you may call me at any time."

"You are going to find someone who loves you. Simply comprehend them before you say yes." I was offering myself and her counsel in the same breath.

"So we've decided." My auntie remarked with a big smile. She indicated for Divya to move. She sat down and squeezed my body against hers. "I am really proud of you. "First in the family to marry such a successful woman." Her Egyptian blue eyes glared across at my mother.

My mother snickered as she drank from the glass of orange juice. "He is my father." I whispered.

"An unreliable father. How could he murder himself and leave just his mother to care for two children? I must say, Inaya. You have turned out to be an excellent fruit." Her soft fingertips caressed my jawline, but her words were sour. Suicide inside the family was a taboo issue. And they constantly argue that it would have been better if my father had fled rather than putting a shot in the head. But God knows what that man was going through. How much my father was suffering, most likely from mental illness.

Soon after, my mother sat alongside me.

"I reared Inaya nicely. She found a wealthy lady; we don't like the idea that you're marrying a woman; what about children, and so on. But after your wedding, you'll be flush with cash. We'll all be swimming in cash." My mother exulted like a monarch as she lifted her glass, everyone raising theirs. My gaze focused just on Divya. Who had her glass down? Perhaps if she were family, her glass would be raised. So she had nothing to celebrate.

This was all wrong...

"Soon after, you can even divorce her. You will receive a large quantity of riches and rewards. My mother's fingers were now cupping my face." Their touch was so delicate, sweet, and kind.

Which a mother should give, but it wasn't for the proper reasons. My mother was not delighted that I married for love; rather, she was proud that she will soon appear like an uptown princess.

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