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Chapter 16

Inaya POV

I sighed.I wanted to know which blonde haired female was in Karib's life and purportedly damaged them. The phone felt sweaty in my palm since I was holding it for too long for comfort. I tried to call her, but all I got was voicemail. I could essentially imitate the voicemail voice.

I tossed the phone to the side and slipped down into the carpet; I'll probably fall asleep here for the night. During our trip, I became accustomed to her and I in bed, but thereafter, it wasn't the same.

I flipped my bag over and dumped everything out. I had collected a few more mails to see what I might discover. I haven't uncovered any more handwritten letters that could reveal who this girl actually was. But what I did discover were further letters from the counselor and therapy center. So it appeared she was attending a therapist, but for what? I understand that may not be a huge problem, but if it wasn't, she would have informed me.

However, it is unclear what sort of therapist she was seeing. I read that another therapist would take over. Even with just the location and phone number, it did not provide any answers. I couldn't just go in and demand them either.

I groaned and reached for the real estate letter; I knew where this place was, but it didn't include an address. All it said was "Welcome to Your New Home."

So basically, if it's not one thing is another. She was skilled at concealing her tracks, because none of these letters give anything useful, but I couldn't help but gaze at them, because I believe the solution is staring back at me.

I yelped when I heard a banging on my door, followed by a loud yelling. I've been on edge for the past few days, for a variety of reasons, including the fact that I had just paid off my family not to irritate me this week, so why the heck were they here?

It hasn't even been five hours.

I stand, running to the door but gazing back to see all the jumbled mail. They were nosy like me, so I couldn't let them see it. Despite the yells, I dashed back and hastily stuffed everything into my purse, swinging it to the side. I raced back to the door and opened it without glancing through the peephole.

My brow wrinkled when I saw Divya carrying what appeared to be a plate of food.


"Hey." I smiled awkwardly and looked out the door to see if anyone else was with her. I was astonished that Fatima wasn't with her. She typically hangs out with Fatima.

What are you doing here? I wanted to inquire, but I didn't want to appear disrespectful. I just wanted to be alone and gaze at my troubles until a solution occurred to me.

"Sorry, I just showed up. You appeared stressed the previous day, so I decided to make some butter chicken and Naan.

Oh, she is so adorable. To cook me food.

"Come inside." I murmured. I guide her into the kitchen. I doubt she really prepared the food, and my family simply utilized her to come by. They simply can't leave me alone can they?

"Have they sent you?" I inquired in a sharp tone.


"My (gold-digging) mom."

"No. The other day at the boutique, you appeared a little, you know, not here with us, so I thought my favorite dinner, when I am down, could cheer you up." She exclaimed as she lifted the cover dish, revealing the aroma of wonderful curries and freshly baked Naan.

I sighed, feeling awful about treating her like a fugitive. "I'm sorry, I've just been stressed—"

"No need, I understand you are stressed. Weddings and engagements, as well as family gatherings, may be very stressful."

"Here, take some with me." The least I could do was serve her some of her own food.

I was stressed to the brim, but I knew it didn't excuse me from acting like a bitch to her or anybody else.

"Is Karib around?"

"Not yet. She hasn't returned from work. She mentioned that there is a lot going on in the mall." I lied effortlessly.

"Really, because I was just there, everything is perfect."

Ok! I believe I lied smoothly. "Uhm...with stocks and so forth. The uhm supermarket has a few losses." I lied again. My fiance had abandoned me, and I couldn't tell her that. The worst part was that this was her second time doing it.

I put the dishes on the counter, and she started sharing the food in them. "After it cools, you may put it in the fridge."

I nodded. I wasn't sure whether I'd recall anything about eating once I started overthinking.

"I understand it's not my place. But you don't look like a joyful soon-to-be wife."

"I'm at least a hundred days from my wedding. Nothing about me will change soon. I really wish everyone wasn't so enthusiastic about this wedding."

"Because a wedding celebration is something to be joyful about. After all, two spirits had met and agreed that their destiny were sealed right there."

I nodded and walked to the center table, sitting on the carpet with my feet spread out like a star. "You may sit anywhere you want." I grumbled as I dipped my naan into the butter chicken.

I believe that Karib and I were supposed to be. I sincerely want us to be. No matter what, I have no regrets about saying yes. I am in love with her.

"To me, it is more than a party." I need to find out more about Karib. I simply want to know I can trust her. I still trust her, but with her current inability to remain, I'm losing optimism in that department.

"What else are you looking for?"

I know the answer, but it was only handed to Karib. So I just shrug my shoulders. "I'm not sure what more I want. But I promise you, it is not money." We all laughed when I stated this.

"Fatima informed me that she would be holding the engagement celebration."

I raised an eyebrow. I honestly don't care. Whoever wants to throw the party can. I just hope Karib ass shows there, because I don't want to spend the entire night answering for her. I can only lie so long.

"That is fantastic for her. I kind of paid them to handle the tension." Tomorrow, bright and early, I was heading to the counseling and therapy facility to look around. So far, I know who was treating her, for God knows what reason.

"So, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me. I don't have a life, therefore I spend most of my time at home doing nothing."

Not sure, I want Divya around more than normal. Whatever was going on, I had it covered—or so I thought.

"Thanks. You are welcome to visit me on occasion. But don't just turn up, like you did today. Kindly call. I have a number; don't be afraid to use it."

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