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Chapter 9

Inaya POV

Dinero Pizza has been around since before my mother was born. The place has seen many faces and hardships. It has given back to Its people, since I was able to work a couple summer jobs during high school.

It doesn't have the same atmosphere as it once did, but I believe it was the memories that drew everyone back. This includes me.

Dinero Pizza is notable for its large pizza slices and pizzas in general. So I discovered a nice little area for the stranger and myself to enjoy. So far, I was familiar with her features, her close-set eyes, and the way she wore her hair. She has worn three distinct styles since I met her, the third being this one. Which all sculpted her face.

I worked out each drew ink on her skin, much like a coloring book. I assumed they all meant something. She may also just perform freehand painting on her body.

"Awesome location." She complimented, then bit into her pizza. I shrugged; with her being so wealthy, I doubt this is the first location she thinks of when we say we're going on a date. Heck, I had no idea what kind of chemistry we had or why we were on a date in the first place. It's not every day that someone walks into a store, and before you know it, you're all at a fast food restaurant, sitting face to face and sharing a giant box of pizza.

"Be honest, this isn't what you had in mind." I looked around the pizzas that had been torn up. I'll admit, we bit into it like hungry hyneas. She didn't seem to mind eating pizza at two in the afternoon.

"Why not?"

"You're rich." My hand nodded toward the obvious.

"You are adorable. I'm not wealthy. When I stack that retail center, everyone gets paid. I'm broke."

I smiled; she is such a liar. She has certainly made a profit; it may not be every day, but I am confident she does.

"You, are exceptional. Not like everyone else."

I nearly spit out my Pepsi; she had just declared I was exceptional and distinct from the others. I had forgotten that she certainly dated other females and guys.

I, on the other hand, did not have a large sheet of dates and histories. I've gone on a couple dancing date. I was a geek in college and didn't have time for dating. After college, I dated one girl, who then moved away. I've been lazing around, squandering my life and not making any moves. Sincerely speaking, I wouldn't have made an attempt to get close to her if she hadn't been attracting my attention.

"Did you experience any heartbreaks or simply heartburn from the food?" I chuckled.


I flushed as she reached for my fingers, our greasy hands interlocked. "How about you? Come on, tell me about yourself."

"I suppose I've told you everything." I responded, tossing down the crust of my pizza; I typically carry them home and toss them in the oven with garlic oil and cheese.

"You have not. Still unsure if you are a chef or not."

"I still don't know your name."

"But I told you to look it up.

"I'm old-fashioned; please tell me your name."

"I will tell you later."

"Then I'll tell you if I'm a chef or not, later on."

We were both staring at each other. We tried not to laugh, but our attempts were unsuccessful, and we both started giggling.


I came to a stop near her car. She opened the door for me. "I still do not know your name."

She laughed. "I'll tell you shortly."

It was too soon to trust her. It was too early, or so I thought, to get into her car, but with the door open, it looked so tempting.

I fidget back and forth on my legs, the enormous pizza box containing only two slices of pizza and more than a dozen pizza crusts.

"I merely live near here; I can walk." I responded, pointing to the directions surrounding the pizza shop. "I pledge to tell you my name."

I gaze at the opening door. "Only this once." I muttered, then walked in.

"I do not want to be dropped off at my house. Just a few entrances down, is good enough."

"Are you sneaking around?"

"Maybe." I grinned and pulled the seatbelt across my torso.


Her car slowed down only five entrances from my house. After turning off the engine, she faced me.

"When will I see you again?"

"Want to see me again?" I inquired, giving a closed lip grin.

"Only an idiot would refuse, Inaya."

"Whenever you want. I'm very much at home, playing tag of war with my sister; I really need some time away."

"Ah, using me to get away from your sister, I see."

"Something like that." We both laughed. Following our shared chuckle, we fell into a brief period of silence. She unfastened her seat belt. I was so comfy that I didn't know I was still wearing my seatbelt. I unclasped mine.

"I typically do not do this. But fuck it." She muttered and then kissed my lips; her palm rested softly on my neck, and her thumb stroked up against my nape, causing me to gasp.

I felt my chest constrict while kissing a stranger. She knows everything about me, but I knew nothing about her. This was only our first date. Gosh! Were we going to have sex on the second and then be married on the third.

Her tongue licked over my upper lips, allowing her lower lips to press against mine. "Karib Tates." She whispered.

"Uh?" I couldn't comprehend what she was saying to me since I was astonished. She kissed me, but why?

"I simply told you my name."

My eyes expand. My lips felt heated, as they had just received the most wonderful kiss ever.

Leaving that aside, I still didn't get her name.

"I did not get it."

"Karib Tates."

"You have a lovely name."

"It's a regular name."

"I have never heard of somebody named Karib."

"I suppose that is an unusual name." She laughed.

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