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Chapter 10

Inaya POV

Karib opened the door, allowing practically every woman in my family to enter the house. I didn't see any need for my house in the last two days; it's been nothing but noise. I just wanted to spend time with Karib. I need space where she can tell me what happened.

But since she arrived, all that has happened is her and I making love. I have no problem with this, but it was taking away time for us to truly talk, and now my family is barging in.

I take a big swallow of my tea, pushing back the frenzied sensation in my gut. Something seemed odd about Karib. Her eyes spoke it all. But what?

My mother placed her arms around Karib as they headed to the kitchen counter. I rolled my eyes; the only reason they were so kind to her was that $75 million was on the line. I seem repetitious, but it's true. And it was slowly making me sick and nuts that mom or anyone else don't love or care for her as much as I did. But Karib, enjoy the fact that they are okay with the money, "As long as I have you."

"So, what brought you all here today?" Karib asked her soon-to-be mother-in-law. Karib was very much encircled by hungry lionesses, ready to devour away her money, but she doesn't know it.

Well, she decided to disregard it.

"We wanted to bring Inaya to look for some dresses. She didn't tell you."

Since Karib only wanted to have sex, I was unable to go. Whatever she was going through, I'm guessing she used sex to deal with it.

"Perhaps she forgot to inform me." Karib stated as she stared at me with that faraway expression. I rolled my eyes and returned to sipping my tea. What does it take to achieve peace and quiet?

"I hope you don't mind if we take her away for an hour or two."

"Mom, can't we go another time? I feel a little nauseous." I didn't want to go hopping off with them; what if she ran away again, ignoring my calls? Even if she did talk to me, it was disconcerting since she didn't answer at all.

"We've been putting this off. We'll only go look at several outfits; you won't purchase any. You might find an outfit you like." She grinned widely and moved to my side, bumping her hip into mine. My body staggered into the high stool. I was simply not in the mood.

"It'll be fun. You'll most likely see a dress you like and be able to buy it or pay down the price."

When she mentioned seeing a dress I loved, she meant seeing a dress she liked. I know I won't have a say in the outfit I desire. This wasn't my wedding, it was theirs.

"Mom, we still have the engagement party." This was the fourth time I reminded them about the celebration.

"Be vibrant." There was nothing to get excited about. I want to marry her because I love her. I truly like Karib, but my family was pushing something else.

I turned around and saw Divya sitting alone in the living room. I grinned as I made my way over there. Leaving my mother chatting away.

"Here you are again. Hey."

"Hey, I'm primarily here because Fatima wants me here. But I will admit that I can feel out of place at times." She remarked, gazing toward the kitchen. Where everyone was joking with Karib.

"They appeared to adore her a lot. Not every family condones homosexuality." My mother does not condone it; she almost flipped when she found out I was seeing a woman, but when she discovered Karib owned the mall, all thoughts of homosexuality vanished from her mind.

"I suppose they do." I remarked this while taking a seat next to her. "Do not feel out of place. I'll say you're family, too." ...but she was better.

"It's lovely to witness the two halves come together." She said.

I grinned.

"Are you thrilled to see which dress you might see yourself in walking down the aisle?"

"Please don't remember me as my wedding day approaches. I still think it's too early to start searching for dresses or even talking about weddings." I believe I wanted a honeymoon before the wedding.

"You're the only soon-to-be bride who isn't very enthusiastic."

"I truly am." I take one final drink of my tea. "They should not have me roaming throughout town, going from store to store." If I could, I'd tell them I liked the first outfit I saw. But I know they won't believe that nonsense.

I sighed when Karib touched my arms. Her touch was the only thing in the world that could calm me. "Are you alright?" She asked.

"I am OK." She pecked my lips. "Uh...Are you going to be here when I get back?" I was worried about her. I grabbed for her hands and squeezed them gently. "If nothing occurs at the mall."

My brow wrinkled; it wasn't a satisfactory explanation. "I could go another day. Plus, it's too early..."

"It's sort of fun; I believe you should go and enjoy yourself." As she pecked my lips again, I shook my head in disagreement with what she had said. Nothing is exciting about wondering if she is still here when I return.

She has been quite unsteady during the last few weeks.

"Divya, please pardon me for just a second." I remarked, setting my cup down and leading Karib out onto the porch. I wanted some fresh air; it was too stuffy indoors with a greedy family. She rested me on her chest.

"Why are you worried?"

"Because you're not telling me anything. You assured me that when we were engaged, we'd get right into telling each other everything." I spent the entire trip telling her everything about me. Not once did she tell me anything about herself. She provides me with nothing.

"I understand, but it's all jumbled in my brain."

"Just talk to me, please."

She shook her head and bent down, softly holding my neck and kissing my lips. I murmured, melting into her embrace. "I'm not sure how to tell you."

I sighed, clutching her shirt. "Please promise me that when I return, you will be here. Please." I beg, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry; I'm like this. Like I'm letting you down."

I sniffled and shook my head. "You aren't disappointing me; you've done so much for me. I apologize for needing more of you than I do money."

She chuckled, softly reaching up to my face and pushing my curly tresses behind my ears to drop a tender kiss on my cheeks. "Well I wish the money is all you need."

"I'm different, remember."

"That's why I want you as my wife."

"And you make no mistakes, right?" I recall her stating that she had made a mistake. What mistake was it?

Her brow wrinkled, and her worried heterochromic eyes looked back at me. Nobody can conceal the agony in their eyes. Eyes don't lie.

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