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Chapter 14

Inaya POV


"We are here!" Karib exclaimed joyfully as the car parked perfectly in her suburban house parking slot.

"I could tell from the moment you turned in." I laughed.

"You could?" Her eyebrows furrowed. "I figured my boring conversation about my business would have put you to sleep by now." She muttered, getting closer to my lips.

"I'm truly fascinated."

"Would you like to be my partner in crime? I've had numerous companions, but you'd be different."

"Oh, really? how come."

"You aren't a part of me—not yet. If you get what I mean." She grinned.

She tenderly pecked my lips and pushed her palm to my ears. "I wouldn't mind having you be a part of me." Her tongue gently touched the inside area of my lips.

I flinched as something hit the car. She sighed and gently pulled away. "I bet it's those fucking kids." She growled coldly.

"Do you uhm, dislike children?"

"I have dick, I have a 100% chance of having children. I despise it when parents indulge their children and allow them to become bothersome to others."

"What happened?"

"A ball hit my car."

"It's only a ball." I spoke quietly, gazing across to her. She chuckled, revealing her teeth. She violently ripped the seatbelt off. I stretched out for her hand and gently squeezed it. "I'll handle it."

I opened the door and went out; on my side, I saw what appeared to be a basketball. I pick up the firm, orange ball and give it a couple bounces. I looked up just in time to see a small girl, around eleven, strolling over from the neighboring home.

"Hey?" I gave a warm grin. I used to play basketball, and I absolutely sucked. The only thing I know how to do with the dang ball is bounce it around till I get to 100.

"This is your ball?"

She nodded, revealing a shy grin. Aw, she's adorable. "Do you play often?" I inquired while handing her the ball.

"Not much." Her superb vocal response.

"So far, you've got the height. So—"

"Lucy! Lucy!" A woman called anxiously. I suppose the girl's name was Lucy, since her eyes widen in horror. A woman in her mid-forties hurried over to us. "I told you not to speak with her. Come!" She shouted, avoiding crossing the grass. At the same time, Karib approached and stood by me.


"Bye." She whispered, then dashed away. Well, it was strange.... I looked up and saw Karib smirking.

"Seriously." I deadpanned.


"What was that all about?"

"It's the suburbs; everyone hates each other." If it was hatred, her eyes would show it, not fear.


Classical music played in the background while Karib and I softly rocked and swayed in one other's arms. I felt so calm and at ease with her. My toes were on the tops of her feet, and I loved how she moved me across the large living room.

"So, how was the lamb chop?"

"Chewy." I bite my lips and stare up at her. Despite being on a little stand, she still overlooked by a few inches. So tall. Her hand felt wonderful around my waist, and now that I think about it. I've never danced like this before, despite attending several high school dances. We were always uncomfortable, bashful, yet crazy. But we were never so romantic and nice.

"I believe I could have cooked it a little longer in the garlic and rosemary sauce." She pondered aloud.

"That's not to say I didn't like it." Her eyes met me. "I like it chewy, and I enjoy the choice sauce." I've cooked lamb chops before, and this is precisely how I did it.

"Where did you learn to cook?" I inquired, thinking she'd tell me a story from her history.

"I miraculously cooked it." I was watching her the entire time. She did not miraculously prepare it. She understood precisely what she was doing in the kitchen because of how resilient and focused she was. She either takes cooking classes or her parents educate her.

Upon reflection, she never discussed her family as much as I do.

"The sauce was excellent; how did you learn to create it?" When she doesn't want to answer my inquiry, she kisses me since she knows how much it makes me melt and forget what I need to know. "Lucky guess." She spoke as her lips touched mine.

"Liar." I kissed back. She chuckled softly, "Maybe I'm a liar." She grinned, and I could feel her fingers moving for the zipper on my dress. My breathing tightened, and I swallowed. Her next hand gently held my chin.

"Not good."

"What is not."

"To lie."

"Don't worry, you can trust me." The zipper's pur has come to an end, and she gently removes the dress from my flesh.

"How can I be so sure?" I took a breath.

"You'll just have, sweet pea." Her light chuckled, lightening the intensity of the moment, but I paused for a second as her gaze darkened again, leaving me with a sensation of want in my gut.

"Your skin is very gorgeous."

I could feel my body heating up, making me appeared like a ruby diamond. "I have stretch marks and blemishes..."

"That's what makes you gorgeous." She said, forcing my chin up even further, before kissing me with blazing love and intensity. I sighed and extended my neck to deepen the kiss.

"Let me take you." She growled. She grabbed the back of my head, her kissing me becomes aggressive, for my thin lips. Regardless of my trepidation, I nodded. I yelped as she snatched me off my feet and carried me up the stairs. 

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