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Chapter 19

Inaya POV

On my way out of the counseling facility, I had a chance to glance at the poorly shot photo. It didn't have much to give, but I did get to see a few, including Karib's alleged mental ailment. I wasn't surprised; I simply didn't realize it was kept a secret from me. Did she not trust me yet? Or was she afraid I'd run away? Telling someone you have a defect is difficult because you may never see them the same way again.

But we're getting married? That's enough, right? Have her lay out everything. Perhaps she was waiting for the vows to be said.

All I could tell was that she had OCD, which was a condition, and DID, which is also a disorder. I couldn't figure out what they were, and how a condition could be as serious as Doctor Mazed said. Even depression was more hazardous than disorder, right? My father blows his brain off because of his mood, because he woke up and determined that today was the day he would stop not feeling. I understand Karib's feelings; after all, when my father committed suicide, all they said is he was a weakling.

Karib didn't want to admit her vulnerability since being weak is regarded bad in this world. You must constantly be powerful and able to fight.

I wonder who her new therapist was. Or was she actually not taking any, as Doctor Mazed claimed? Now that I think about it, I regret not getting her number since all I wanted to do was talk to her about it.

I strolled in the dark through the house. Throwing off my slippers and running my foot on the carpet was the greatest thing I could do. I went to the phone to see whether Karib had phoned, but all I received were a lot of messages from my relatives. I know that if they haven't annoyed me in one manner, they will find another. Thank goodness I barred them from my cell phone.

I can't entirely block them because a part of me wants to know what's going on in their life.

I decided to call Karib's phone. The goal was to phone her till she answered me. I'm not sure whether I was prepared for the unpleasant emotions that filled my stomach following our 'short discussions'; she always sounds wounded. As if she were fighting someone or something. Which she may be. But what?

My spirit transported out of my body as soon as I heard her iPhone ring close by. My body twisted slightly to watch her phone light up in her hands. I shuddered because watching her heterochromic eyes shine in the dark was so unnerving. But she was here...

She came back. Was she going to disappear again? I turned the phone off. "Karib, you almost scared me!"

"I did?" Her deep voice emerged from the darkness. It seemed like strolling down a scary street, but I made my way to her. Something tells me she did not want me to switch on the lights.

"How long have you been there?" I shuddered again; how long had she been watching me with those eyes? They were right; when you know anything or a secret about someone, you don't perceive things the same way you did before.

"Come here, baby." She quietly said. I strutted nervously approaching her. I'm meant to be delighted she's back.

But knowing she may vanish again causes me nothing but anguish.

She divided her lap and then tapped it, motioning for me to sit. I instantly sat, ready to be in her arms again. "Please stay this time..." I took a timid breath out.

"It'll be okay, baby." She proceeded to take off my thin cardigan, revealing my spaghetti strap top. "Where you been?" She asked. I rolled my eyes and turned slightly on her lap. Shouldn't I be the one to ask her where the heck she was?

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