chapter 1 - soul auction.

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The Vees all sat together watching as the previous sinner had been sold, walking shamefully offstage. So far, everything was dull. Velvette scrolled through her phone, paying no attention to the stage. Val had purchased a few unlucky souls to star in his future projects. Vox was simply uninterested, that was until the next sinner stepped up on stage.
The whole room went silent.
Holy sh!t.
Vox almost malfunctioned from the surge of adrenaline traveling through his wires.
Despite the position he was in, Alastor had that everlasting grin on his face. He looked cocky even.
With a shaky voice, the announcer spoke, "..By request of Queen Lilith.. the Radio Demon is up for auction."
Velvette looked up from her phone for once, interested on how this would play out. The two other Vees glared at Vox knowingly.
Lilac chains formed around Alastor, showing his soul really was owned by the Queen of Hell herself.
Of course there was speculation of the two's relationship, yet Vox couldn't believe it.
This was too good.
A snicker came from the group; This was one of Vox's sickest fantasies coming to fruition!
"Must I auction myself? Oh how disappointing! Well I am quite the performer, so I suppose I don't mind!" Alastor chimed with a cunning grin. He thought nobody would dare to take the Radio Demon.
"Hmm.. perhaps we'll start off with 600? I am an overlord after all!" His eyes narrowed, scouring around the room. Nobody dared to speak, or move even.
"Going once?..." Alastor held his staff, pretending to be uninterested. He knew nobody would take the chance of owning his soul, he would rip them to pieces.
Vox watched anxiously in his seat, adrenaline pumping through his wires. This was simply too good... he fumbled to grab his number.
The Radio Demon surveyed the trembling crowd, with that sinful smile. "Going twice?.." 
Alastor would finally be free.. these wretched chains would no longer hold on him.
He was depraved of doing whatever he pleased, Lilith wasn't too bad. But he despised being under anyone's control, no matter how lenient they were.
When there seemed to be no takers, Alastor's grin only became more amused.
He began to walk back behind the stage, content with his newfound freedom. Before an irritating voice broke through,
"I'LL TAKE HIM!—" Vox quickly shouted before reading, "..Number 0651, six hundred dollars for the Radio Demon!"
Alastor turned around quickly, his neck cracking inhumanely.
The crowd quickly looked at Vox who smirked in his satisfaction.
The TV Demon found the stares to be relishing, everyone knew who owned Alastor now.
"Who.. DARES?—" He felt a static form around him. He quickly spotted Vox who was smiling at him after his little outburst.
Velvette snickered, she looked excited for Vox and herself even. Alastor refused to look at Valentino, he already knew he had that sick grin plastered on his face.
Alastor was displeased, if he had known the Vees were going to be here...
he would have never obliged with Lilith.
"Sold!" The announcer said thankful to get the Radio Demon off the stage.
His pernicious smile made everyone in the room uncomfortable.
Alastor watched with dread as the chains around his body turned from lilac to neon blue.
That smile of his never faltered but his eyes narrowed. He was irritated.
Vox could tell, if you paid attention to his eyes, a lot was revealed.
Alastor wouldn't comply so easily though.
He turned around and began to walk as fast he could backstage before he was yanked by the chain, quickly meeting Vox's screen.
"Ah.. ah.. ah.. you can't run away from me anymore Alastor." Vox said with a demanding tone.
Alastor truly hated this, freedom was dangled in front of him and this pompous television had the nerve to claim him.
"How funny! I wasn't running away.. I simply didn't want to see your face!" Alastor quipped.
If Vox wanted to choose this route, then Alastor would make it as hard as possible for the TV overlord.
Velvette giggled at the insult, while she barely knew Alastor. She always had thought his snide remarks were funny.
Vox shot her a dirty look, hinting at her to shut her mouth.
He quickly focused back on Alastor with a possessive look in his eyes. It almost made Alastor shudder, "That's too bad.. you'll be seeing me a lot more from now on." He snickered, yanking the chain playfully.
Alastor jerked with the movement, how humiliating...
But he wouldn't let this humiliation get to him, no, he wouldn't falter. A smug grin was on Vox's face, a distinct comparison to the forced smile Alastor had.
"You will regret this.." Alastor said through gritted teeth, "I promise." Small bursts of static floated around him he tried to conceal his frustration. But he seemed to have a little temper to him.
Vox only smirked at this, "Oh? I don't think I will.." The TV Demon snapped his fingers and the chains disappeared. Alastor only replied with a narrowing of his eyes.
The chains were still there.. Alastor could still feel them. They weighed more than when he was owned by Lilith.
Vox grinned as he prepared to leave along with the other Vees who were all snickering and laughing.
"Goodnight, Alastor~"
Vox made sure to give one more gloating smile before catching up with his colleagues.
Alastor turned instantly, he could get out of this somehow right? These constraints surely have an exit.. they have to.
Alastor would find out, nobody kept the Radio Demon for long...

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