chapter 2 - pulling the chains

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Alastor was free to do as he pleased for a while.
It was nice to forget about the embarrassing situation he had just been in. Once he arrived back at the hotel Charlie was happy to see him. Everyone else? Not so much. But that was irrelevant to Alastor at a time like this.
Usually he would enjoy pestering everyone but he simply has no interest today.
There are more important matters at hand.
Husk shoots him a strange glare, most likely wanting to know his dilemma.
Alastor's only response was a narrowing of his eyes and a grin that told him to not pry.
"Alastor! We were so worried about you, where have you been?" Charlie said immediately rushing to the Radio Demon's side.
Alastor noticed Vaggie rolling her eyes.
"Oh everyone? How kind of you all to be worried about me!" Alastor patted Charlie's head, reassuring her of any worry. The Radio Demon could hardly tolerate anyone else in this damned hotel besides the princess. She was just a sweetheart. Besides he wasn't here for friends, he was here for entertainment. But now..? Partially a safety precaution from Vox.
There was no way Alastor would go to him willingly, the TV Demon would have to drag Alastor out of this hotel first.
"Dearest princess you mustn't fret about me! I am perfectly fine! You have a hotel to manage, and now that I've returned I can assist you!"
Alastor quickly changed the subject from his small disappearance. He wasn't looking for an opportunity to share the fact Vox was now his owner.
"I won't ask anymore if you don't want me to.. but if you could help me with this?.." Charlie directed Alastor upstairs.
Following her down the hallway, Alastor noticed that his room, or his office had been busted into.
Charlie grimaced looking at the damage, it was not pretty.
"While we were sleeping someone attacked the hotel, Vaggie was able to scare them off after warning them about you.." She trailed off.
Alastor noticed through all the rubble a gift box with his name on it. It was wrapped in navy blue and adorned with a red bow.
Charlie looked confused as she followed Alastor's gaze, "That wasn't there last night." She said picking it up and handing it to Alastor.
Examining the gift, Alastor peeked at the gift tag.
It read: from V.
He rolled his eyes, with no reason to doubt it was Vox behind the gift.
"May I have a moment of privacy, dear?" Alastor asked politely, urging Charlie to leave.
Thankfully, the princess wasn't one to pry so she quickly left.
Immediately after Charlie disappeared, Alastor's forced grin slightly dropped. "What could this possibly be?" He grumbled with false joy.
Unraveling the fancy bow he hesitated opening the box but pushed past any fear.
He wasn't afraid of Vox, or any of the Vees for that matter.
His eyes widened slightly looking at the object in the box.
A collar? Did Vox think he was going to wear this?
He scoffed throwing the object to the side which apparently was the wrong move.
Once the object hit the ground it began beeping repeatedly. It was very irritating.
He looked around quickly making sure nobody was here, before he began to fumble with the collar.
It wasn't too bad, it was a black collar with expensive gems around the base.
Perhaps Alastor would have even worn it if it weren't for the solid gold "V" dangling from the wretched object.
Alastor scowled as the beeping seemed to grow louder, "How do you turn this incessant thing off?"
After a few moments of fumbling with it he decided to hide it under his office chair's cushion.
He quickly began to repair the room with his magic but that came to a halt after someone appeared through the hole in the wall.
"Alastor! Oh I see you've opened my gift." Vox rudely invited himself in through the broken wall. "Do you like the renovations I've made?" He said quickly invading Alastor's personal space. He came up from behind and wrapped his arms around the Radio Demon.
So Vox was behind the destruction of his room.
Alastor immediately jerked away from his grasp, he hated being touched.
"What are you doing here?" Alastor said with a fake grin, "—you're not welcome in my hotel."
Alastor continued to repair the damages to his office, trying to seem unbothered.
Vox only laughed at this, "Oh please, I don't care if I'm not welcome! What you say doesn't matter anymore does it?.." He lifted up the cushion on Alastor office seat and picked up the discarded collar.
Quickly invading Alastor's personal space again, Vox stood behind Alastor clasping the collar on his neck. The TV Demon couldn't help but admire his newly found property.
Alastor was definitely no eye sore...
"Don't you like it?" Vox teased, admiring the Radio Demon.
Alastor quickly tore it off with a delightful grin which received a displeased look from Vox.
Vox snapped his fingers and those chains, the reminder of who owned who appeared.
Alastor was quickly tugged towards the ground, he never stopped smiling.
He wouldn't succumb to technology so easily right?...
With another tug of the chain Vox smiled with an equal amount of haughtiness.
"You know.. you don't have to wear it. But if you don't... I heard Velvette was designing some lingerie for Val's latest film. It's either this, or you can start your modeling career."
He held Alastor's chain in one hand and the collar in the other.
"What will it be? I can call up Velvette now.. if you want..." Vox smiled looking down at the demon beneath him.
Alastor couldn't really disobey at this point, there was no wiggle room. Now that Vox had demanded him to choose, he had to obey.
With an irksome glare he mumbled, "I'll take the collar.."
Vox's smile only widened as he snapped his fingers. The chains disappeared but Alastor could still feel them.
"Oh good.. good.. see it's not so hard listening to me is it?"
Vox had a condescending tone as he lowered himself to the ground, securing the collar on Alastor neck.
For the first time, the Radio Demon felt his face grow hot. Was this embarrassment?
He didn't give Vox the satisfaction of a response instead only glaring at him.
Vox pulled Alastor up who quickly ripped his hand away.
"I am capable of standing on my own, thank you." Alastor smiled but there was resentment in his tone.
"Can you? You seem to be getting a little red. Is this disgusting hotel making you ill?" Vox said with another vexing smile.
Alastor tried to ignore the hot and blotchy feeling on his face, "I assure you, nothing is the matter. The princess and I keep this hotel quite polished!"
The forced joy in Alastor's tone became more evident the longer Vox stuck around. The TV Demon didn't mind the feistiness though.
"..I never insisted against it. But you should probably say your goodbyes soon." Vox said watching as Alastor began to finish up fixing his once crumbled office.
"Excuse me? What for?" He said narrowing his eyes, turning to Vox. The "V" hanging from his collar dangled with his movements.
Vox awaited the reaction from the Radio Demon after this one, "Oh, you're moving into the V Tower. Did I forget to mention that?" He said with a knowing smile. He didn't forget, he just wanted to drop the bomb on Alastor.
"No, I am not." The Radio Demon refused plainly, this was his estate, investment, entertainment. He would not simply leave because Vox said so.
But did he have a choice in that anymore?
Lilith was mostly lenient with Alastor, he never had to deal with restraint against his choices.
This was very different...
"Yes, you are." Vox said getting close and personal once again. He put a firm grasp on the Radio Demon's shoulders. "I've had a room prepared for you right next to mine, you're lucky I didn't make you sleep in a cage." He snickered.
Alastor didn't find the joke as funny.
"This is my investment, you cannot tear me away from it." He grinned harshly, Alastor couldn't just leave Charlie in the dust like that.
Despite her silly ideals of redemption, he found her ideas to be quite charming.
"Oh I can do what I want, and I can't have my new pet hanging around in the laughing stock of hell. I don't care if she's Lucifer's daughter, she's ruined her reputation." Vox said sternly, not giving any wiggle room for Alastor to take advantage of.
Alastor smiled so hard his face looked like it would split in half, "Oh? Really?" He said gritting his teeth.
Looks like Vox had annoyed him enough for now, with a chuckle he let go of Alastor's shoulders.
"You shouldn't resist so hard, Al. It will only make it harder for you. Especially once you're living in the V tower."
Alastor's smile never faltered, "I suppose it will."
Vox enjoyed a challenge, the feistiness of the Radio Demon only excited him.
"I'll get out of your hair for now, pack your things. I'll have a driver waiting for you at noon tomorrow." Vox ordered before destroying the wall Alastor had just fixed.
"See you tomorrow my little Radio Demon~"
Alastor sighed, beginning to fix the wall again as Vox left.
With the rest of his day ruined Alastor remained in his office, packing his belongings as he was instructed to.
Tomorrow would just be peachy, wouldn't it?

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