chapter 5 - escape

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[author's note: umm somebody has reuploaded this on ao3 without my permission 😭 I'm not sure what to do here..]
Alastor knew it was risky but he definitely had to take the chance. During the middle of the night the Radio Demon slipped out from the room. His ability to sort of melt into the shadows helped a lot here. He assumed Vox was asleep but he had no way of truly knowing. This damned technology was too confusing for him to understand. But he wasn't making any noise so.. he had to have been.
Alastor quickly made his ways through the streets of hell. He knew exactly how to get back to the hotel. Hopefully nobody would question him when he returned.
He glanced at his collar with a scowl, tearing it off with no hesitation and throwing it in a nearby alley.
The awful beeping started and Alastor made away from that location quickly.
He finally made it to the doorstep of the hotel. Slowing opening the door to be met with Angel Dust, Niffty, and Husk watching a movie together. It was quite late at night, perhaps Angel had just gotten off work.
"Ohh! Smiles! Where have ya been?" The kinky spider said turning his head to the demon standing in the doorway.
He had his hands wrapped around Husk, something was definitely going on between the two...
"Just finished taking care of some business affairs is all! Nothing more, nothing less." The Radio Demon replied with no real answer of his whereabouts.
Husk rolled his eyes at this turning back to the movie.
"Boss! Boss! I kept the hotel clean while you were gone... the roaches were all sacrificed hehe..." Niffty expressed her achievements to the Radio Demon with eagerness.
Alastor never quite understood her strange behavior but she was a good crazy, one that he liked. "Very good, I'm glad you are as enigmatic as ever Niffty!"
Alastor patted her head before making his way to the stairs, heading towards his room.
Everyone got the memo to not bother him, though Angel gave a strange stare.
"What's up with Smiles over there?" He said making a gesture towards the demon going up the stairs.
Husk sighed, making sure Alastor didn't hear anything before he spoke in a low whisper. "Something going on with the Vees.. not sure who but I saw the limo parked outside the day he left. Had Voxtek's symbol on it."
Angel's eyes widened, "well it must be Vox then right?" The kinky spider prayed it wasn't Valentino. God forbid anyone fall into Valentino's hands.
Husk nodded, "Most likely, but I'm not sure what's going on with them."
Angel turned back towards the movie, "Well Vox is definitely a freak himself.." he muttered.
"Val tells me about his kinks and shit.. it's not light either."
He shuddered thinking about their previous conversations. Angel was one for a lot of sexual stuff but those kinks were just too far for him.
"Yeah? I never took him as that kinda guy.." Husk said seeming completely uninterested.
"Are you serious? Whiskers, why is Alastor dealing with the person he hates most? You know he has a.."
Husk cut him off, not wanting to hear anymore about the TV Demon's kinks, "I don't want to hear anymore about this. Whatever it is, I'm sure Alastor can handle himself."
While the two demons conversed, Alastor was in his room grabbing some things.
He finally had his staff after what seemed like forever, and got into a fresh suit.
He couldn't stay for long, this was probably the first place Vox would look after he realized he was gone.
Alastor quickly slipped into the shadows leaving the hotel behind and now he appeared in the center of the Lust ring.
Not somewhere he would typically choose to go, it wasn't his fancy.
But this was the last place anyone would expect to find him.
He began to walk around as other demons shrouded away from him in fear. Oh how he loved the look of uncomfortableness in their eyes.
He decided to sit on a bench for awhile and people watch.
Perhaps he could find some prey.. someone to kill.
Something to distract himself from the fear in the back of his head that Vox would do something awful to him when this little game of hide and seek was over.
No.. the Radio Demon wasn't afraid of others. People were afraid of him, that's how it always has been.
So what was this feeling in the back of his head?
Meanwhile back at the V Tower, Vox was wide awake. Additionally he was livid. The one thing his little toy wasn't supposed to do had been done.
It was 5 in the morning at this point as Vox had pin pointed the location of the collar. The beeping wasn't just for fun, it gave him the location of Alastor at all times.
After making his way to a random alleyway within the center of the Pride Ring. Not only did Vox find the discarded collar, he had various ideas for punishment brewing in his head once he got his hands on the Radio Demon.
The TV Demon whipped his head around with the collar in hand.
Where the hell could Alastor possibly be?
The hotel? Definitely not.. he wasn't that stupid.
He wouldn't go to his broadcasting tower either that was also too obvious.
Vox racked his brain, trying to think outside the box.
"Damn IT!" Vox said smashing a lamppost and terrifying a few nearby sinners.
With a reassuring smile and acting like he had normal behavior he waved them off menacingly.
Vox decided he needed to relax a bit, Alastor wouldn't be able to hide for long.
Perhaps he'd take a trip down to the Lust ring.. catch up with Asmodeous. The two loved to talk about... various forms of lust together over a drink once in a while.
Telling him about his newly found pet would be interesting.. though he didn't know how well his friend would take that.
Something about love being natural or some crap.
Vox rolled his eyes, he knew there was something between the two. Love? Well that's what Vox felt, but if he needed to drag it out of the Radio Demon. Who cared?
Nobody, Alastor was owned by him now after all.
Vox sighed before opening a portal to take him down to the Lust Ring.
This would be an interesting situation for sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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