chapter 3 - forceful goodbye

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Alastor sighed as noon drew closer. He knew Vox would keep his promise, and there was no getting out of this. He walked out of his office for the first time since yesterday, "This is simply agitating.." he grumbled to himself grabbing the last of this things and plopping them in the lobby. Husk was at the bar wiping a few bottles, "Headin' somewhere boss?" Husk asked eyeing the few suitcases Alastor dropped.
Alastor thought he'd made it clear to Husk not to pry. But he guessed now he had to tell him something, after all he couldn't bring Husk or Niffty along with him. "Husker! My friend, I need a favor out of you!" Alastor said with a knowing smile. Of course the bartender couldn't refuse anything he asked, Alastor owned his soul after all! Husk rolled his eyes as a sigh escaped his mouth, "What is it?"
Alastor's eyes narrowed with a wide grin spread across his face. He would miss messing with the souls he owned. "If you haven't figured it out, I'm going to be leaving for a while." The Radio Demon said nonchalantly. Husk knew something like this was happening but he thought Alastor was somewhat committed to the hotel. "Really? Where are we going now?" He said with a tired look in his eyes.
"Not we, Husker. Only I am leaving!" Alastor corrected with a haughty smile. "That's where my little favor comes in! I need you to keep me updated on the hotel! If anything.. happens. Let me know and I will find some way to fix it!"
Husk raised an eyebrow but he knew better than to question any further. Last time he overstepped his boundaries, he didn't appreciate being dragged by the chain.
"You and Niffty will remain at the hotel while I carry out some... contractual obligations.." Alastor said the last part hesitantly. He didn't want Husk to know his current predicament with Vox. Husk nodded, still curious about Alastor's odd behavior. But he wouldn't delve in any further, curiosity killed the cat after all.
The moment arrived, the clock struck noon. Alastor felt dread build up in his gut, why did he have such a horrible feeling about this?
"Alastor? I haven't seen you all day!" The Princess of Hell greeted him as she walked out from the kitchen. "I was just helping Angel cook lunch.. I'm not sure how someone can burn everything they touch.." she shuddered thinking back to when Angel Dust had somehow burnt cereal.
Charlie noticed the few suitcases Alastor had with him, "Oh! Are you going somewhere Alastor?" This made Alastor slightly upset.
If he had any obligation to this hotel besides his own entertainment it was to be there for Charlie.
He would never admit this out loud but he had formed a small bond with the princess of Hell.
She was almost like a daughter to him...
"My dear I have some business to take care of further in the Pride Ring! Don't worry, I will still keep my promise to you, just call me if there's any problems!" Alastor spoke reassuringly to Charlie, although he wasn't sure he'd be able to keep his promise. He wanted to.
Just as Alastor finished speaking a sleek black car had pulled up to the curbside of the hotel, "..It seems I must be going." The Radio Demon swore he almost felt emotion for a minute there.
Charlie felt a pang of sadness, "I'll keep in contact.. okay? Have a nice business trip..!" She tried to remain positive, she too had grown a small bond with Alastor.
"Hurry up! Mr. Vox is very impatient!" The driver shouted out the window, clearly not wanting to face Vox's wrath.
Alastor smiled one last time at Charlie before patting her head and waving to Husk who was now in conversation with Angel Dust.
"Goodbye, Charlie." He said before picking up his bags and heading to the car.
After sitting in the backseat, the driver reprimanded him. Clearly he didn't know he was speaking to.
"I will do as I please, tell me...Do you know who you're speaking to right now?" Alastor smiled wickedly as static distorted his voice and the air around him.
The driver quickly took a hint and shut up, the Radio Demon was still not to be messed with.
After a quiet ride they had arrived at the V-Tower, and as Alastor stepped one foot out the door, he was swarmed by a large crowd of reporters. "Get that incessant trash out of my face." Alastor hissed referring to the cameras surrounding him. He began to push past the crowd with force before a hand pulled him to the side. They were somewhat hidden from the crowd now, "I'm so glad you could make it." Vox said in a hushed whisper. Knowing that if Alastor had any say in this he would avoid this place like the plague.
"I'm glad you enjoyed me being ran over by your stampede of reporters! Now may I go?" Alastor's forced smile was evident again.
Vox laughed, pulling Alastor along with him as they went through a series of hallways and elevators. "Of course not! Alastor you know how this works." Vox said with a bit of seriousness in his tone.
Alastor felt he was unable to speak, Vox was holding his hand. The TV Demon surely knew he was not a fan of touch?
Vox awaited a response and looked to Alastor who had that blotchy red look on his face.
A small smirk formed on his face.
"Alastor? Can you answer me?"
Alastor snapped back to reality with a harsh look on his face, "If you couldn't tell, I don't feel like conversing right now." He tried to cover up that embarrassing moment with his signature fear mongering.
"You look a little red.. is something the matter?"
The elevator door had opened but that didn't stop Vox from teasing his newly owned soul.
"Your technology is full of errors, I'm sure you're malfunctioning." Alastor denied as he ripped his hand away.
At times Vox enjoyed the Radio Demon's feistiness but he needed to assert some rules. Before Alastor got ahead of himself, "If you rip away from me one more time, I'll rip your arm off. I'd advise you to listen." Vox said with a cunning smile as he grabbed Alastor's hand once again.
"Besides, you'd be lost without me." He said leading Alastor to his room.
Alastor had a less than pleased look on his face, he hated being told what to do. He was used to getting his way.
"Your room is getting a few last renovations so you'll stay with me tonight."
Alastor's face wrinkled up, "Absolutely not, I'd rather sleep in the streets."
Vox laughed, "Oh? Don't tell me you're afraid of me?"  Alastor scoffed at this, "No, I just prefer not to sleep next to hot garbage." The Radio Demon would die before sleeping in the same bed Vox.
The TV Demon smirked before pulling Alastor to sit on his bed, "So you think I'm hot?" He smiled as he picked Alastor's words apart. It was fun to see his reactions, it made the Radio Demon all the more desirable.
A few bursts of static surrounded Alastor, who looked pissed. "Hot garbage does not correlate with attractiveness." He spat out with venom in his words. His smile was so forced, Vox wondered if it was painful.
Vox laughed once again, "I think you forgot you have no say in this!" He said getting slightly closer to Alastor who shuffled back.
This only made Vox snap his fingers and pull Alastor close by his chain.
"Oh Alastor, you are such a feisty soul. I'm going to have so much fun with you." Vox added with a possessive look in his eye. The same look that made Alastor repress a shudder.
Keeping Alastor held tightly by the chain Vox completely changed the subject, "Did you say goodbye to your little hotel? How was your final day?" He spoke nonchalantly as if he didn't look like a psychopath moments before.
Alastor paused but quickly responded when he noticed Vox beginning to look annoyed, "I wouldn't say they were permanent goodbyes.. but it was normal." Alastor quickly spoke not wishing to be yanked by the chain once again.
"Speaking of the hotel.. can I ask you something?"
Vox just loved the idea of Alastor asking him for permission to do anything. It fed his ego in all the right ways.
"Of course, what is it?"  He said with a gloating grin that Alastor wanted to wipe off his face.
"Will I be able to visit periodically?.." Alastor asked hesitantly. He didn't know why he felt a feeling of dread in his stomach as he did so.
Vox's expression quickly changed to one of annoyance. Didn't Alastor understand why he was moved to the V-Tower?
"No, unless the princess cleans up her act. You will not be visiting the laughingstock of Hell. No more ties to the Hazbin Hotel?" He spoke dominantly, "Got it?"
Alastor wouldn't mention the multiple ties he still had with the hotel, if Vox never knew he couldn't stop him right?
"Crystal clear." Alastor said with a mischievous grin that Vox didn't like.

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