chapter 4 - bedtime

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Despite every protest Alastor made against sleeping in the same bed as Vox, here he was against his will.
The bed was comfortable, Vox clearly held back no expense when it comes to comfort. That didn't matter to Alastor though, he didn't even sleep most days. The Radio Demon was more bothered by the fact that Vox had chained him to the bed. Meaning he couldn't escape a night with the TV Demon without him noticing.
"Are you comfortable little deer?" Vox spoke as he brushed Alastor's hair.
Alastor didn't want to give him the satisfaction of a response but he noticed how Vox grew more annoyed when he didn't...
"This wouldn't be too bad if it weren't for these gaudy chains.." Alastor quipped as he lifted up his hand to show off the annoyance keeping him in place.
"Maybe if you weren't such a flight risk then I wouldn't have to worry about you running off while I sleep.." Vox snickered as he ran the brush through the Radio Demon's hair.
"Jesus Alastor, when is the last time you took care of yourself?" The TV Demon said as he brushed through the final knot in his hair.
Alastor rolled his eyes, "Oh please, we're in Hell. There are greater things of importance to me besides having untangled hair."
Vox laughed, "Really? The Radio Demon is too good for a little hygiene?"
Alastor glared distastefully, "I wasn't planning on looking my best for you." This interaction gave Vox a fantastic idea, "That's fine and all.. but you do have to take care of yourself.. being my pet and all."
He brushed a hand through Alastor's freshly brushed hair, "How does a bath sound?"
Honestly to Alastor a bath sounded like heaven, his body was so tense for the entire day. His muscles could use the relaxation.
But he didn't know if he could trust Vox, what was in it for him?
"I would accept but I'm inclined to think there's a catch." Alastor said eyeing the TV Demon suspiciously.
"Oh I can't fool you can I? Come with me, you'll find out the conditions soon enough."
Vox laughed as he pulled the Radio Demon up and towards his bathroom.
Alastor watched the mischievous glint in Vox's eye. This was certainly no favor for the Radio Demon.
Vox paused for a moment before his smirk broke the silence, "So, you're going to take a bath. But I can't trust you in a room alone.."
Alastor listened, begrudgingly, but he still listened.
"So you'll take one with me." The TV Demon stated blankly. His smoldering gaze never leaving the Radio Demon.
Alastor's forced smile returned, "You must be deranged if you think that will ever happen!"
Vox grabbed Alastor's wrist possessively, "I don't think you're in any position to make demands here.." the TV Demon had this certain look to him that Alastor disliked.
Alastor grumbled and ripped his hand away forgetting the previous warnings Vox had given him.
The TV Demon didn't take this well as he grasped Alastor tightly by the shoulders.
"Listen, little doe. I don't want to rip off your arm, but you're really not giving me an option are you?" He spoke in a condescending manner that Alastor despised.
They both panted slightly as there was a moment of silence between the two.
Vox decided to speak first, "Now, unless you want your arm severed. I'll prepare the bath and you'll get undressed got it?"
Alastor felt his heart rate accelerate crazily.
There was no way he could.
This was too... intimate for him.
"Vox... I don't-"
The Radio Demon was cut off with a demanding voice, "—You heard what I said.. now go."
Vox turned around to prepare the bath, the sound of the faucet ringing through Alastor's ears.
His face began to feel hot and splotchy as he slowly unbuttoned his many layers of clothing.
He felt his uncontrollable heart rate and found it hard to bear the strength to face Vox again.
He had nothing to cover him, nothing to hide his shame, nothing to defend himself with.
Alastor didn't have to turn around, instead he was pulled towards the tub by the nude TV Demon.
The Radio Demon couldn't find it in himself to speak, what was he supposed to say?
Vox stared at him like he was a piece of candy, something sweet to gnaw and make marks on.
The Radio Demon noticed Vox's body, how could he not? It was right in front of him.
He was nicely built compared to Alastor's skinnier frame. Alastor's inner train of thought was cut off by the sensation of the steaming water prickling his skin.
"Oh.. Alastor.. you look just.. stunning." Vox said as he began to relax in the bath.
The Radio Demon had no power within him to respond, he couldn't tell if it was because of his fluster or because of the way Vox kept staring at him.
"Why are you so quiet? Don't tell me you've never.."
Alastor quickly cut him off, "Be quiet, let's get this over with."
Vox chuckled as he dunked Alastor's head back gently into the water.
He began to lather shampoo in his hands and began to scrub.
"I'm perfectly capable of doing this on my own." Alastor hissed as Vox massaged the shampoo into his hair.
"I know, but this is a good excuse to be close to you.. so I'll take it." Vox replied with a smirk.
With that statement, Alastor noticed how close they were.
His face began to feel hot again but he hoped it was unnoticeable in the warmth of the bath.
His hair was dunked gently back into the water.
"This is simply humiliating.." Alastor added as he brought himself back up.
Vox laughed which only made Alastor hate him even more.
"You're just so.. adorable. Do you know how red you are right now?"
Alastor cursed himself for being so easily flustered.
"Calm yourself, it's only because of the steam." The Radio Demon lied.
"Really?" Vox said with an amused tone, "it's nothing to do with this?.."
The TV Demon had suddenly gotten a lot closer to scrub Alastor with a lavender scented soap.
Alastor tried to jerk back but Vox held him in place.
"Damn.. you.. pompous piece of sh!t televison—"
Alastor muttered under his breath with a flustered expression.
"What was that?" Vox smiled as he began to wash closer to more intimate areas.
Alastor thrashed out of his grip and swiped the washcloth away from the other demon.
"I can handle this myself.. thank you." He grumbled as he waited for Vox to leave.
Vox could have gotten angry but the Radio Demon's feistiness was simply too cute.
"You're not ready for that? Aw.." he said in a condescending tone as he stepped out of the bath.
"It's better this way.." he smirked knowing Alastor was a virgin.
"Everyone knows that I own you now.. but I'll be gentle when I decide to claim you.." he said with a smooth silky tone.
Alastor glared at him, he was done with the TV Demon.
"Not going to happen! Haha! You are funny with those silly ideas of yours!" He said with a forced smile.
Vox only smiled back, despite his resilience which should be punished. He was going to make Alastor eat his words sooner or later.
"Just come to the bed when you're done." Vox said wrapping himself in a luxurious robe which unsurprisingly had his initial on it.
The TV Demon left the room and Alastor finished bathing himself in peace.
Once he had finished he had put on the silk pajamas Vox had left out for him. They were red.. like he knew what he would prefer.
Alastor put on the comfortable pajamas before making his way over to the bedroom.
Vox sat there awaiting his arrival with his iconic smirk.
"Not so bad cleaning yourself huh?" He said motioning for Alastor to lay beside him in bed.
Alastor rolled his eyes, now he smelled like Vox. What good was it to smell like his enemy?
The Radio Demon partially obliged by sitting at the edge of the bed. But that wasn't good enough for Vox.
"Beside me." He demanded with no room to argue.
Alastor sighed while moving closer to the TV Demon.
With a content expression Vox wrapped his arm around his pet.
Alastor tried to get comfortable but how could he in a position like this?
Vox had his eyes closed but he spoke with a warning, "Oh, and if you try to escape while we sleep. I'll take away every privilege I've given you so far. Maybe I'll consider ripping off your legs.. then you won't be able to run for a while."
He finished his sentence with a chuckle as if it was funny.
Vox knew Alastor could regenerate, any powerful overlord could. But he'd still feel the pain and that's all that mattered.
"Oh please you wouldn't be able to catch me if you tried.." Alastor said with amusement in his tone.
Vox turned to look at Alastor, eyes wide open.
"Run from me, I dare you. Please give me the opportunity to act out all my disgusting fantasies on you."
Alastor shuddered as Vox pulled the blanket over the two.
"You know who you belong to..."
Vox muttered as he began to fall off into slumber.
Alastor looked to the ceiling, questioning whether or not he should try and anger the TV Demon.
If he was never caught, then how could Vox get the chance to punish him?
Alastor's face contorted into a mischievous smile.
He would disappear tonight; Give Vox a good scare.
He wouldn't be able to keep up with Alastor.

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