Chapter 9

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The next morning I wake up and let last night sink in. 

The interview
The park
The kiss ...

My first kiss.
My very first kiss.
My very first kiss with the man who would fight one of my closest and only friends...

Involuntarily I have to think of Mickey. His voice all too familiar "You are a dangerous woman who weakens mens knees." I just can't help but think what he would say about the fight. Would he tell Apollo that he has lost his mind or would he agree. As good as he was as a trainer and manager, he was stubborn as a boxer.

After a quick shower, I get dressed and head off to wrok. Just in the door I already get the dirty looks of the "men". I try hard to sneak unnoticed to my place, unfortunately unsuccessful. "How come such a little thing like you asked most of the questions yesterday", Paul presses me.

Christopf also feeds in my direction at this moment. "Just like every woman gets some kind of power", he scoffs as he winks at Paul. "You have everything for the next articles?", his tone is harsh. I look up at him and just nod. "Three articles by tonight. The interview with the russain by the end of the week! Got it?"

After giving his order, he adjourns back to his office. "What's gotten into him", I ask myself as  I get down to work. In fact, I need the whole day for the three articles. As a journalist, well actually an author as I prefer to call myself, writing should nit be so difficult for me, but I don't want to put Apollo or Ivan in a bad light. Boxing should not be about politics, but about the sport. That's what Mickey had alwaysed preached, and I believe it.

After i finidh, I leave the building to go home. Involuntarily, my thoughts turn to Ivan and to last night. A part of me knows that it is wrong to get involved with the "enemy", but another part    can't help but imangine it for a moment.

As I walk up the stairs Ivan is standing in front of my door. My legs stop as if rooted to the spot and my breath is taken away for a moment. 

"Prosti" (Forgive), Ivan begins. "I didn't mean to scare you." My eyes stare at him. He wears a shirt and his military pants and boots.

"Ivan", my voice slowly catches. "What are you doing here?"

"I said I would like to see you again", he says while making room for me to unlock the door.

"How long have you been standing here?" my mind doesn't quite want to grasp it yet that he is actually standing in front of my door and now in my apartment. Ivan slowly approaches me, gently takes my small hand in his huge one and gives it a soft kiss.

"Um ... do you want something to eat? I could cook something quickly", I stammer out, while my head asks me if I've completly lost my mind.

Ivan just nods and I point him to the couch to sit down. 

"Do you like your work?" he asks me as we are finishing our meal. "I like to write, but not really for a newspaper. I prefer to write for myself." I tell him what the deal is between Rocky, Apollio and me and why I, as a woman get to ask the most questions.

"You should write again",he encourages me. I'd like to read something from you. Someday."

We sit together on the couch. Ivan is so close that I can feel his body without him touching me. 

"Um ... Ivan", I start very carefully. my body trembles alittle before the next question, but I know I have to ask it. "What is this between us? So I guess ... um, what do you want from me?" I barely manage to say, not looking at him. I feel his fingers gently greaso my chin and force me to look at him. He moves in even closer.

"I want you. You fascinate me, Lexa." He pulls me closer to him. His tounge asks for entrance and I grant it only too gladly. Ivan's hands sneak around my waist and before I realize it he lifts me off the couch onto him with so little effort. He continues to kiss me, his tounge not mising a beat. My hands travle uo and down his enormous chest to his rock hard abs. His mouth wanders along my neck. He sucks and bites it while I hold on to his biceps. His mouth cintinues to wander up to my collarbone over my breast. His hands are from my back to my ass. He bites on a certain spot and a moan escapes me, to that he pulls me even closer to him. 

Somewhere my brain turns on after all and I find my strength to tear myself away from him. "Ivan wait" I gasp tenssely for air. "I can't"

"Did I do something wrong?" he asks, confused. I shake my head no. I guess its time to come clean.

"I've never ", I don't have the right words. "I've never had a boyfriend", I try, hoping Ivan will understand.

He comes closer to me. "I won't do anything you don't want me to",  he assures me. "We are waiting."

I can almost feel my heart jumping for joy. We talk for hours, but unfortunately the fight comes up when Ivan asks me if I'm also coming to Las Vegas. "Probably" I start. "Christoph will surley want me there for the articles of the fight." Ivan nods.

"Good, I like you there."

"Are you nervous before the fight?"

"Net. I do not fight. I destroy." I feel my breath leave me and my eye widen. I stare at Ivan not sure what to say. "I ... I know I have no right to ask you this, but can you promise me something?", he looks at me and then nods slowly. "Please don't hurt Apollo too much." He nods slowly again. I change the subject and Ivan also soon makes his way back to the hotel. 

"Good night, Lexa" he says and kiss me passionatly goodbye.

After Ivan left, I still have to think about his words. "I do not fight. I destroy." I know I'm not allowed to talk about something like that. It's not even that I don't trust Apollo, but I saw at the press conferece how strong Ivan really is. Apollo and Rock both went flying when Ivan pushed them.

I just hope everything goes well and we can just look forward after the fight.

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