Chapter 21

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Still frozen with shock and betrail I start throwing random clothes into my suitcase. I still can't believe that I'm actually going to Russia! How in the world can Rocky be so stubborn? Wasn't it enough for him to withness what happend with Apollo ... and Mickey, doens't he realize what too much pride does to a boxer?

A knock at my door rips me away from my thoughts.

"Ivan" I take a step back to make room for him to enter. I haven't seen him since the press conference and he's flying to Russia tomorrow. 

Rocky, me and the rest won't be leaving for another three weeks. 

"Lexa", his lips gently graze my forehead as he trails his hand behind his back and presents me with a bouquet of red roses. "I have missed you."

"Ya skuchal po tebe tozhe" (I've missed you too), I hope I've said that right, but by the way that Ivans eyes light up I'm pretty sure of myself. 

"Your Russian is getting better and better.

"I've made an effort to learn", I admit shyly as we sit down on the couch and cuddle up. Part of me is extremly scared of the conversation we have to have before he leaves. 

"Are you nervous?" I ask uncertainly. 

"Net. I am looking forward to going back home, but I have been think long and hard, Lexa. About us." My heartbeart suddenly increases its speed and my palms start to sweat.

"After the fight, I want to make it offical with us. I don't want to hide you. I want everyone to know."

"But what will your team say? And Nikolai? After all, you're acting as if Ludmilla is your wife." What would my friends say? I have such a panic about what's going to happen once Rocky finds out. How is Apollo going to react? What if they never want to see me again? 

"I don't care about that, Lexa. I mean it when I said no more secrets and that includes not treating you as a secret. At the press conference, I had to hold back not to tear Nikolai limb from limb for the way that he spoke to you."

He take my face in his huge hands and rests his forhead on mine. "And the fact that you are learning Russian also helps enormously."

"Why?" I ask him, confused. 

"Because you are finally coming home to me, Lexa."

"As a reporter", I state but Ivan just shakes his head. 

"Kak moya zhena", he says firmly. I stare at him for multiple seconds as a combustion of thoughts and feelings overwhelm me. Is he proposing right now? 

"You are coming to Russia with me as my wife. Ludmilla doesn't matter. Nikolai doesn't matter ." 

Oh, now I understand. Of course that make much more sense, after all Ivan and I havent even ... stupid language barrier!

I just look at him and start to nod slowly in agreement. 

"Can we wait until the fight is over?" I ask gently. Not able to imagine how my friends would possibaly react once they found out and to be honest the las thing that Rocky needs right now is destraction. No, he has to stay focused and fully concentate on his training. Just like Ivan. 

"Of course. I can't wait to show you my county. I'm sure you'll love it." The pride in his voice is hard to miss. I just hope he's right and above all, I hope that everything will go back to normal, after this fight.

If only I had known what to expect in Russia. 

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