Chapter 17

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A few days have passed sonce I saw Iva at the cemetery. I wish I hadn't seen him because that makes the whole thing even more complicated. I can't just go back to him, not after everything that's happened. 

At least Apollo is starting to feel a little better. His concussion is getting better, the bruising is starting to ease up but he still doesn't want to talk to anyone. I haven't seen Mary Ann since the hospital either, although I wonder if she has told Apollo about Ivan and I. 

Does Rocky know?

The first day back at work. I sit down at my desk in silence and for once nobody bothers me with stupid remarks. On the contrary it almost seems as if everyone is trying to avoid me, but that's more than fine with me.

When I finally finish the nerve-wracking article about Apollos condition, my nerves are no longer playing along. I'm angry, frustrated and sad, so I decide to do something I never do. 

Going to a bar. 

I walk out of the office to the first best bar I can find. When I go in the first thing I notice is it's pretty crowded and loud. I take a seat at the bar and order myself a glass of wine. After the first sip I already cringe at the taste. There is a reason why I don't drink. The stuff just doesn't taste good.

My attempt to distract myself doesn't work out as I'd hopen when some sleazy guy hits on me fron the side. 

"What's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?" I run to the side and a man in his mid-40's, with black hair and brown eyes is standing in front of me. 

"I prefer to be alone." And with that I turn my gaze away from him.

"Aww come on sweety, I'll buy you a drink."

"No and now leave me the hell alone!" I scowl at him. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to go to a bar as the guy doesn't take no for an answer and even puts his hand on my lower back making my whole body immediately stiffen up. 

"Come on don't be like that. You don't know what you're missing out on. I bet you are one of those fiery red heads too." He whispers in my ear as I try to free myself from him. 

Just as I turn around, I see a hand on the creepy guy's shoulder. He immediately turns to the man who interrupted us and I can't believe my eyes. 


"The lady told you to leave her alone" his voice is calm but I can see it in his eyes that he's about to tear this guy apart.

"Dude, you better get lost!" I raise my eyebrows in surprise by this man stupidity to believe that he can actually stand a chance against Ivan. But he doesn't even look at him instead he pushed the guy to the side and offers me his hand. I take it as he gently pulls me out of the bar with him.

"How did you know that I was here?" I ask as soon as we're outside. 

"Sergei saw you here and told me." 

I nod as we stare at each other, neither of us really knows what to say. He leans down towards me, but before he can say or do anything we are interrupted by a man screaming.

"Hey, Russian!" both of our heads snap in the direction of the voice as we see the same guy from the bar coming towards us and he has two more men in two. "This is far from over!" 

My heart starts to race faster in my chest the closer the men get to us,, but Ivan gently pushes me aside with his huge hand. They are now all standing right in front of Ivan as I press myself closer to the container that is right behind us.

"Gentelmen, I assure you, you do not want to mess with me."

"Heard that boys, we don't want to mess with this bastard" the second guy taunts him but Ivan remains clam as he starts to take his leather jacket off and trows it on to the floor. I swallow hard and feel my heart skip a beat as one of the guys suddenly pulls out a knife. 

I can see Ivan's fist start to clench and at that moment the guy from the bar starts to attack him but just within seconds Ivan grabs his arm which was holding the knife and with a swing the guy drops the knife as Ivans fist slams into his face. 

A loud crack is heard followed by a loud painful scream as blood starts to stream down the guys face. Ivan had just broken his nose with one punch. 

"KILL THE BASTARD!" he shouted as the other men lunged to attack. the men surrounded him but Ivan knew very well how to defend himself. Blow after blow, the men fell to the ground while I cowered more and more into the darkness. 

Flashbacks of the fight played in my head and I cloud only see Ivans fist colliding into Apollos face. 

I let out a soft cry as I feel a hand softly an my shoulder. Ivan kneels infront of me and holds out his hand. He helps me to stand up again and wraps his jacket around me. 

"Thank you."

"Da" he replied as we start to walk. Neither of us really says anything, but that's not necessary at the moment. When  arrive at my apartment I turn to him and hand him his jacket back.

"Would you like to come in?" He nods as we enter and sits himself down on the sofa. For several moments I just stand there in front of him unable to form words. I turn away from him with a thousand thoughts racing through my head.

I hear as Ivan stands up and slowly makes his way towards me.

"Looks like heroes do exist after all?" I allude to a statement that Nikolai made on Ivan's behalf after the fight in Vegas. Ivan says nothing as he takes a tep closer to me and when I try to take a step back my back hits the wall behind me. 

"Maybe", he says softly leaning down to my level. 

"Ivan, what are you doing?" My voice breaks off as he gets closer and closer to my face. 

"Only what you want me to do" he murmurs as he places his hand on my cheek and without a menet of hesitation he kisses me. A slight moan escapes me immediately as it feels like time is now standing still.

I've missed him so much!

The kiss is tender but there is still something dominant about it and I never wanted this moment to end. Ivan presses me gently against the wall as his tongue begs for entrance which I am only too happy to grant. My hand moves to his neck as I pull him closer to me. 

Ivan takes his time, almost as if he doesn't want to leave a single spot in my mouht untouched. I lean myhead back slightly and flick my tongue lightly ove rhis lower lip, provoking an unexpected reaction from Ivan. 

I feel his hands wrap around my butt as he lifts me up. I wrap my legs around him as he pushes me against the wall again. It could have gone on forever, but a sudden thud from outside snapps us back into reality as we break the kiss. 

Ivan puts me down gently while I try to calm my heartbeat.

He leans his forehead on mine and looks into my eyes. "I know you hate me for what I have done, but I need you and I will wait until the day comes that you can love me."

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