Admirable. Woonhak

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There was always something about the way  Woonhak pushed his glasses up while he tried to concentrate on something. It surely made you concentrate on him though. Even  if he wasn't trying to concentrate or just pushed his glasses up to be comfortable it kind of turned you on a bit.

And not in that way but in a way where you got butterflies. You felt like as if you were the happiest person after seeing this unbelievably handsome sit in front of you. You felt like he was the one you'd look for hours and never get bored staring at.

You could do that for hours, sit and just admire him for hours.

And there you were trying your best not to foolishly smile while he solved sample papers of maths in front trying his best to concentrate while you concentrated on him  more than the paper in front of you.

You held your pen firmly trying to control your self but couldn't as you let out a giggle when out of no where woonhak pouted which quite made your heart burst in bliss.

"What happened?" He asked, looking up from his book as he pressed his lips together causing his bread cheeks to look puff. Oh he looks like a muffin! You thought as you shook your head in dismiss while still smiling like a fool. 

You focused back on to the papers in front of you that foolish smile still in your face as you controlled your self to not let out a scream. As woonhak shrugged and did the same.


You have never got a electric shock in your life but you always felt a electrifying shock in your body when ever you body brushed across his. You got goosebumps multiple times whenever he brushed his body to yours. 

And you felt it now too your body brushing to his while you fought back your urge to hold his hand and keep in your pocket just like how you saw some male lead do this to the female lead in a drama. Woonhak hums, looking at you as he thought what happened in library when you guys were studying.

"Why were you giggling in library?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing as a pink hue appeared on your cheek. You shooked your head.

"I just saw something cute at that moment that's why." You replied. You kept in hands in your jeans pocket, lips pressed together as you fought with yourself to not to look at him but you couldn't and looked him found him looking at the starry sphere.

"Is it full moon tonight?" You asked, looking at the sky as you saw the moon lit up the sky. You knew he liked to study about space  and specially moon.

"The moon looks very admirable today, right?" Woonhak says looking at you as he found you already looking at him with eyes forming hearts which yearned his attention.

"I admire you woonhak." You say subconsciously. Your eyes boring his as he gulps at your statement not in awkward but in way that he become nervous. He become nervous because of your beauty not only the outer but inner beauty which got displayed by your words.

And as if the gravity was attracting him towards you, he come closer and closer his eyes now boring your cherry lips as you tried to remain still. He asked for your consent by looking at your eyes as you nodded. He tried to lace his lips on to yours but miserably failing as he didn't have any kind of experience in kissing someone.

His lips landed near your mouth, making him back away because he wasn't able to give you a magical perfect kiss you have talked about before with him.  He turns his back on you in embarrassed as he lets out a loud sigh. You quickly hold his hand making him look at you.

"You are so admirable woonhak, that I like you." You said it with so ease that even you were surprised at yourself. Woonhak walked closer to you towering your small body.

"But I wasn't able to give you a perfect kiss!" He says, looking at you with doe eyes as you chuckle at his silliness and grab his collar to lace your lips with his, placing them properly where he wanted. He widens his eyes at your action, melting into the euphoric feeling it gave him. You pull away out of breath but you don't forget to ask.

"Now tell me do you like me back or not?" You ask, your eyes boring his as you guys were still in the position they were when you kissed him.

"I do really like you y/n" he says chuckling as you loose your grip over his collar and pull him in for a hug. 

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