Chapter 4

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January 19th, 1958

Wilbur Beloved —

Watching over the construction of our diner build, Red realized we never actually had come up with a name for it. We've been more focused on the finances and cost of buying out the building than thinking of naming it flew right over our heads.

"I say we name it just Diner," Glam mumbled, chewing on a burger as Red groaned. "That's boring and pathetic!" He cried out as he slammed his head against the table in dismay. "Well—why don't we not get so physical and think of a name? We already know the cuisine on the inside so why not work off of that?" I suggested, Glam slowly smiling at me and putting down their burger. "You're right. That might get us farther than just 'Diner.'" They spoke out as Red dug into his shirt pocket and pulled out a pen pad. He accustomed himself to write first, before turning the small paper around and saw the first Beta name for the Diner.

"Glamorous Crew Diner?" Glam read out before the realization hit on them with how hard this is going to be. "Well, we could maybe fit Family on there," Glam suggested—nodding his head towards me as I felt rather embarrassed. I really am the family man in this trio. "Maybe..." Red nodded off, flipping to a new page and scribbling something else. He flipped around the pad to expose us to another name.

"Crew's Family Diner."

Glam only frowned before snatching the pad and ripping the new name off. "Hey!" Red cried as Glam tossed the paper down. "We're not naming yourself, 'Crew' " Glam spoke mockingly as Red frowned. "Then make up a name smartass!" He responded as Glam grinned. "That's what I'm doing since I am the brains of this establishment," Glam called out, grabbing Red's pen and writing down something else.

"A Red's Family Diner."

Red paused, staring at the name before scratching off 'A.' We all sat in silence as we tilted our heads a bit. The two lifted their eyes off the heavy paper to see if I had any corrections needed. "I think that's perfect, especially since the Diner is red," I mentioned. Red grinned back at me and turned towards Glam.. "Glam you are the smartass!" He cried, slapping Glam's back. Physically making Glam grin in discomfort. I grabbed the pen pad and glanced at it, Red's Family Diner. It seemed perfect, almost amazingly accurate. Even though the more logical path would be to choose the name first and then decide on the recurring theme. Maybe this would bring Nova and Maddie in more—I wouldn't mind some outside opinions when it comes to decorating. "I guess we can call that sign company now hey?" I said, looking back at the two across from me. They smiled and nodded, all of us finishing our coffee and leaving the restaurant.

Nova Starlit —

Maddie and I were in the living room when Wilbur and Glam burst through the front door. Glam's been carpooling in Wilbur's car lately and it's been a massive save since our economic situation isn't what you'd call 'wealthy.'

"Hello, gentlemen!" Maddie called them out as she waved and hollered in a joking manner. Wilbur instantly noticed and approached as Glam sunk back a bit. "Well, I see you two got comfortable," Wilbur commented, seeing how Maddie had buried herself with pillows and blankets while I sat on the corner with only a few pillows and a blanket. "Can two gals not chat while their men go off?" I said, grinning a bit as Wilbur rolled his eyes. Glam finally approached the conversation—shoving Wilbur away in a joking manner and making him fall right next to Maddie. Wilbur groaned on impact before wrapping his hands around Maddie as a piece of me felt somewhat...jealous. I'd wish someone would treat me the same way Wilbur does to Maddie. It sounds so hopeless, yes but—they're so happy even if they had a couple of roughhouses. "Well, to spark up some news—the Diner is already starting its development," Glam announced, making me snap out of my bliss. "Oh really? That's awesome." I said as Glam beamed a smile. "I know—the best part is that I named it." They said, placing their hands on their hips as I pat the seat next to me. Signaling Glam to sit down with me since it was obvious Maddie and Wilbur were too busy with each other's presence. Glam felt resisted but decided to sit anyhow as Maddie giggled a little loud. "Wilbur!—You're seriously thinking of letting us decorate?" She cried out randomly as Wilbur was more so buried in the tons of pillows to hear a clear response. "What? What does he mean by that?" I called out as Maddie fixed herself back to face me, and smiled. "He's saying when the building is done we're allowed to decorate! And he's even thinking of letting us be the first waitresses before they hire anybody else." She said, clapping her hands together. He's...good god this bastard is really prominent! "Really? You're not joking right?" I called, pushing myself back to see Wilbur nodding. Smiling as I turned back to see Glam in shock. "N—Why? Can we not be allowed to have an establishment to ourselves?!" Glam disapproved as Wilbur fixed himself into a sitting position—instead of lying down. He looked at Glam and only smiled. "Well, it'd be good for us. And great for us to cut back on wages since well...we're just starting like you announced." He spoke as Glam groaned. I rubbed Glam's arm and softly smiled. "Hey—that just means we all get to spend more time together. Makes us not feel like total strangers when this starts to take off." I spoke out as Glam paused a bit. Before nodding and collapsing. "Fine...that...that makes sense." They said quietly as we all sat there and chatted.

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