Chapter 19

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October 25th, 1968

Wilbur Beloved –

I woke up with bottles around me I didn't even notice how I was back in Maddie's. Shit. Another bad trip. I groaned as I coughed once more. My chest palpitated in the rhythm of my pain as I smiled. The normal at this rate–oh crap! I'm supposed to go drop Drew off! What time is it? I glanced around, trying to use the sun as a hope. To my luck–the windows held the night sky. Which meant I woke up at my casual time for these events. I staggered out of the house, my head feeling lighter than usual as I stepped into the car. I felt my head ready to crash as I sneezed. "Shit–I must've...banged my head or something." I groaned, starting at the car, and began to drive in my horrible state. This time, my driving was noticeably worse as I was swerving more than I liked. My only main mission was to make it back home to Drew. I can't leave the kid after everything. "You're getting good at noticing your body deteriorate." A voice called out as I quickly glanced to spot that Hexune again. It took a seat next to Edith as her jaunted head glanced at me. Her soft beady eyes pierced me. "What..." I mumbled. "Keep your eyes on the road. I already saved you from alcohol poisoning today." It said as I assumed that's why my body felt so weak and exhausted at the same time. "What do you–" I began again before it rolled its eyes. "Just don't focus on me! I'll be with Edith." It said, chuckling slightly as I glanced up at the rearview mirror. Spotting both of them gone. My eyes glanced back at the road as I felt them squint. It felt impossible to keep them open for a long period at this rate.

I made it in time, my watch unironically clicking at 3 am. I had completely forgotten about it until now–which seems rather stupid but my body is slowly failing. And it was obvious. I exited the car, heading towards the front door before bright headlights flashed me. "Wilbur?" Nova cried out as I winced. My head now throbbing with the impact of light. That fucking asshole–must've snitched..."Nova?" I spoke out as she turned off her car lights and approached me. "I thought you were asleep, I wasn't expecting you to be out...where were you?" She asked, staring in concern at my state as I shrugged. "Maybe seeing a hot babe. I don't know, that was a lie. There's no hot woman waiting for me." I said, weakly forcing a smile as my state made it hard to force my usual happy attitude. "I'm assuming this is all sarcastic, but it's...3!" She hissed. "Drew has school right?" She asked instantly. I paused before nodding. "Let me sleep then–I need to drop him off," I said, opening my door now. Nova sighed as I decided to turn the question around. "What are you doing up?" I asked. Nova, looking nervous, chuckled. "I'm keeping an eye out on you that's what! Ever since the cops reopened Maddie's case–adding Red to it–I don't want you to be next!" She said as I groaned. "Why would I be next? If I were, you'd be next maybe. Stay home and let Glam defend you." I spat as I stumbled inside. I grew rather outraged. Red? Red's a victim? Does nobody remember what Red was like towards me? He was practically licking his lips when he saw what was past my boxers! I should be the victim! Why is everyone so sympathetic!? He got what he deserved!

"Wilbur–" Nova called out again as I turned around. "They–They found a whole ton of substance in his home...and a red string board. You're written all over it...That's, why I wanted to tell you...I know it's stupid but the cops woke me up at 2:54 and I couldn't sleep. There's even rambles about...that angel you claim on always seeing." She said, her nose softly twitching as I hung around the door. I leaned against it as I sighed. "And now you believe me?" I spoke out as Nova softly nodded. "Wilbur—if you ever need therapeutic help–" She began as I snorted. "Oh! So you assume it's a mental issue! I'm fine, Nova. I'm nothing like what you're assuming. If I wanted to do it, I'd do it in the same fashion as someone we both know well." I said bitterly before turning and closing the door. Slamming the door in all honesty as I huffed. "I need sleep," I muttered to myself.

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