Chapter 26

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June 24th, 1971

Wilbur Beloved –

Home. What a hollow feeling it is to say. A home is where you feel warmth and closure, where nostalgia can rip and bury itself into the walls. Where if you walk into it–you can feel the life trapped in it.

My home never granted that. It was soaked with horrible and aching memories. Giving clear and present showcases of negative emotion as I could watch myself be the asshole or victim in all of them. I couldn't face the man that I was there, nor even now since my only course of action nowadays is violence. I had gone hunting, a sort of fashion to try to ease my blood-ridden mind. But shooting small deer doesn't do much. Especially when you watch the animal lip and twitch on the ground and reconnect it with the sight of your old "friend." I removed the arrow from its head as I left the corpse there to rot in the woods. I found myself trailing around and hunting smaller animals, like raccoons and possums. Watching the life leak out of these animals doesn't give the same guilt you'd wish to find out about a human. Someone of the same species. I shot the crossbow crisply at another deer and it impaled its neck instantly. I approached it as I decided to grab its horns. Ripping and messily chopping them off.

I tossed the antlers and hides into the trunk as I decided maybe to sell them. Maybe even chop off my horns and watch myself ache and cry like the animals. I entered my car as I started my way back to my home. Or well a shelter.

I opened my door to be greeted with the same ache and pain that screamed. To only my surprise, when I tossed the antlers with the rest of the pile I had stored up–I spotted Hexune staring at me. It looked rather upset, nearly glitching almost.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" It screamed, kicking at the bundle of antlers from the deer I had collected.

"Growing myself a nice collection, it's a good sort of therapy though I've also heard its sociopathic behavior," I mentioned, walking over to the kitchen sink to wash my bloody hands.

"Maybe because you are one! What on earth was that hurricane's behavior? Being buddies with Glam despite knowing who killed Nova?!" It cried annoyed, glaring into the back of my head as I stopped the water to dry off my hands with a towel.

"I don't find myself enjoying my hallucinations attacking me in my lowest moment! So of course I stayed with Glam despite knowing whose work it was in that bathroom cause someone was sensitive!" I recalled, feeling an annoyed grin bloom. Hexune chuckled softly before shaking its head.

"Oh, so you're calling me sensitive? I could've left you to get raped by Red so long ago but did I? I could've not allowed the first hit on him." It spoke, grabbing my arm as it tugged me upwards. To stare at it–not making me realize how it was growing rather to Red's height...maybe even slowly forming into him.

"W–Well still you did something and proceeded to make me do the worst thing possible! I'm not even surprised you were that angel!" I shouted, tugging myself off as it backed up. Removing its shapeshifting ability and growling.

"Who. WHO told you that." It demanded, shaking the house with its voice.

"That fucking lil demon girl you keep allowing to shove my trauma far up my ass," I spoke sarcastically, watching it shrink even more and chuckle to itself. Muttering and sounding like a curse in a language I couldn't even understand.

"Awhh, what's wrong? Someone upset?" I joked, grinning and glancing at it. "Someone doesn't like feeling played with like a little doll?" I continued, walking past it to grab my collection of antlers to shave.

Hexune chuckled to itself, grabbing me by the scruff of my neck and lifting me. It was now severally glitching, struggling to choose a prominent form to stay in.

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