Chapter 28

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February 19th, 1972

Cara Webb –

I never felt more stupid than allowing Samuel to leave the house. Why did I assume it was the right idea to let him out while everyone who goes alone never returns? I groaned, ruffling my hair as Liam–our youngest brother– glanced.

"Where's Sam?" He asked, drinking from the juice box as he glanced at the photos that sat scattered.

"He...He went to go talk with his old boss." I mentioned softly. "The same guy that allowed Drew to come?" He asked, smiling in almost approval.

Oh yeah, I forgot. Samuel would bring that kid over for Liam. Liam's...a tad bit special so I'm not surprised. They were ironically in the same grade level.

"Yeah, Drew's father that we keep hearing about on the news," I spoke emptily. The pit in my stomach grew as I couldn't even feel any sort of comfort. "I think...Sam might not be making it home though," I whispered, watching Liam frown. "Don't joke about that! He always comes back. He always has! Even when Папа и мама were arguing, he'd help us study!" He complied. I smiled faintly as I exhaled. "God, I hope so. But I think he did something so stupid this time." I muttered, pushing the photos together and closing the beige folder.

The hours strung out forever as I glanced at the clock. It's been a month, a month without any contact from Samuel. I hope the dumbass didn't mess up with that confrontation. I get what he was doing, he wanted to give us a chance to regain a balance. Not be known as victims by the Diner's owners. It's one to be incognito from our parents, but trying to get blasted by the press makes it hard. I exhaled as I remembered what I was told. Don't even attempt to approach him if I don't show. Go to the police and run to his house with them by your side. How come he didn't do that himself? Boys and their arrogance against the mindset of women. Thinking we're weak.

Grabbing my bag as I adjusted it around my shoulder I announced my departure.

"I'm just gonna go get us some groceries, okay Liam? Don't answer the door you know that." I called out as Liam responded from his room with an "AYYYKKAAYYY!!!" It made me smile, but remember how Liam's just only 13.

It makes me wonder how well this kid's gonna grow up to be. Instead of turning right for the normal commute to the grocery store, I turned left and towards the police station. I'm not going to watch my older brother disappear without a figure cause that old man picked a fight against the wrong woman.

I approached the front desk of the police station and rang the bell, watching rather a rookie answer as he looked more so conflicted seeing me stand there.

"Yes miss?" He responded as I smiled in an attempt to be friendly despite the panic slowly creeping up. "I'd like to have some sort of backup–I think my brother may be a part of that disappearing list you have right up behind you," I mentioned, pointing and staring at the list.


The rookie flew around in his chair to stare as he groaned, seemingly as tired to receive these.

"Is it urgent?" He asked as I seemed rather flabbergasted. "Of–OF COURSE! Good great god! What is wrong with you? It's my brother missing and the fact that one of those two men is still out there makes it worse!" I cried as the rookie held his hands up in defense.

"Alright–just fill out this paperwork and–" I slapped the clipboard away as the rookie frowned. "No. I'm not wasting my time. I know who and possibly where he'd be, 'cause unironically he went to attempt to talk to Mr. Beloved!" I cried in annoyance. The rookie, pausing, glanced at me up and down. His eyes widened as he grinned.

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