Chapter 18

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April 2nd, 1968


The story's growing rather long.


It seems so.

It's also growing sappy and emotional. I don't want to deal with that. I'm putting on a damn show!

I need to entertain these intolerable gods since they're putting me on the line. My god line is at risk. I can't go back to that punishment of being a mortal bound. I already watched those barbarians in the Medieval Ages do that! Well–I have to admit. It was interesting watching them burn a fox girl at the stake.

But that's beside the point!

If that stupid Red Television decided to try to change his own story, I had to kill him for it. Who the hell wants to watch a man rape another man just for his pleasure?


(You see what I did there?)

That bastard was getting on my nerves anyway. I hope he's enjoying his lovely purgatory since he was so intolerable and annoying. I need another person, I need more time to develop this story. It's not cutting it. Wilbur's using Drew as a lifeline...which if I say so is also off-script. Whatever that Red did ruined my already set timeline! Drew's meant to hate Wilbur, not cling to him the same way his father is! We all know this–Drew is meant to be this drastic and explosive teenager, not this kid going into his final years of elementary school! Fuck!

I need someone new.

Red's shocked face wasn't to seeing Wilbur wake up from his supposed brain injury. It was seeing me throw the ax and pierce his dumbass. It was me forcing the amazing adrenaline into Wilbur. These are my puppets. I need another one then. Someone to fill in Red's place. Maybe Hell might hold some actual interesting new characters.

I opened a small portal as I forced myself onto the first level of Hell. Glancing around as I groaned. "You're all so boring!" I whined as the damned glared at me. I strolled around before not even realizing I had forgotten to change my form. Nobody's most likely approaching me due to the fact of this Angel roaming. I morphed my body into the "version of Red" I like to use and suddenly saw the demons run towards me. Several tried to make me sign a contract for them to use my power. That's not what I want. I want someone who'd willingly get into my story! Someone who wouldn't mind being killed for the sake of the plot. I decided to go slightly deeper into Hell, skimming past the mortal souls and into the demonborns. The imps and others as you may assume. I glanced around before watching a woman sit idly. Staring off into the roof of her containment as I grinned. Perfect! I waltzed up to her as I leaned against the bars of her enclosure. "They locked you up?" I said. The woman rolled herself around. "If you're here to insult my animal parts, I've already heard everything." She muttered. Animal parts?! Oh, my lucky day! I don't have to morph this imp! "Ah–well, you see. I can save you." I said, hearing her turn around as she leaped at the bars. Making my slick and closed approach collapse. I slightly freaked out from the sudden interest of this imp woman. "Really?! And take me out of here? They don't like me since I keep supposedly messing things up." She said, muttering slightly as she scratched her cheek. I grinned at this opportunity and sighed. "Oh–I can. I'll even bring you to a place where animal parts are rather looked at as normality than a disgusting feature!" I said, turning to fully face her. "It only takes a simple shake from my hand, and I'll get you out and into a chance of new life. Redemption if you want to assume it like that." I said, feeling my hidden wings thrive in excitement. She's the perfect replacement! I'd only have to focus her on the objective ahead and hope she doesn't ruin any more of my set storyline. "Deal!" She said, not even thinking as she shook my hand. I grinned as our hands departed from each other as I opened a portal rather underneath her feet. Launching her into a white void to allow me to customize her.

I followed in the trail as she looked rather amazed. I ruffled my wings out before turning towards her. "You'll be called...hmmm...maybe Ivy. You look like an Ivy." I spoke as Ivy–now gasped. "A name! Wow! I never was gifted a name before!" She spoke. "Well, now you have! Ivy...uh. You can think of the last name yourself. You're now this...hippie gator cat woman. And I'll make sure you'll always see me. Like this man called Wilbur Beloved. Oohh–he's divorced and an addict." I mentioned, recapping slightly to Ivy as she nodded. "Actually. I don't have time. Do you mind if I blast your brain with every memory I have?" I asked. She mindlessly agreed, allowing me to flick her forehead as she gasped and groaned. " many great taunts!" She said, grinning as I nodded. "Do whatever, don't be weird. If you are–you're going back to that jail." I mentioned as Ivy nodded.

At the snap of my fingers she was gone–and so was my crisis. Now, the show can continue.

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