Overworking - angst + fluff

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Tw: cursing, mention of overworking, insomnia

Vox's pov:
As I got up I realized that Val has already left for work, so getting out of bed I decided to see the moth before I head to my own department in the V-Tower.

"Hey Val"
"Voxxyyy~ How are you baby~?"
"I'm fine Val, just wanted to see you before work"
"Awe~ your so nice Voxxy~ anyways, hope you have a great day bye~"
"Bye Val.."
As I left Val's...show..I went to mine and got started on some work I left from yesterday. When one of my employees came up to me half way.
"Uh sir.."
"What do you want"
"Um Valentino wants to see you"
"Alright..tell him I'll be there soon"
"Uh well actually, he's here"
"He's outside right now"
"Even better..*sigh* send him in"
"Of course"

"Ugh about time you let me in"
"What do you want Val?"
"Ooo~ Voxxy why so hostile?~"
"Ok, ok, I just wanted to see how you were doing~ repaying the favor~"
"*sigh* Well thank you but I'm doing just fine."
"Mhm- Ok whatcha doin' now?"
"Just some work from yesterday nothing special"
"Hmm...Sounds like you could use a break..your always working"
"Sorry Val but I can't..I-"
"-Have to do your work or it'll never get done- yeah yeah I know but Vox you always overwork yourself" Val implied cutting me off. Trust me if I wanted to take a break I would- well more as if  I could take one..but I can't, I just can't.
"Sorry Val.."
"No no no you didn't do anything..I'm just worried..you are always overwhelming yourself and it's not ok.."
"I know..here how about this...how about I finish this up and we can go out for lunch?"
"Alright Voxxy~ Don't do too much, ok?"
"I know I know"
I didn't know..I really wanted to do my work but I also wanted to make Val happy so I guess I didn't have a choice but to take a break.

An hour later

"Yea Val?"
"It's been an hour, last time I checked you barley had 30 minutes worth of work left."
Shit...I totally forgot
"Oh yeah..Sorry Val I just got carried away, here I'll take a break now. Let's go for lunch"
"Hm..alright Vox just-...you know you can let me know if something is wrong.."
"I know Val but nothing is wrong I'm fine"
"Alright then, let's go"

After lunch bc idk what to put

"Alright Val well thanks for taking me out but I better get back, I still have some papers to do"
"But Voxxyyyy"
"Val please..I need to finish these last few"
"Fine...but I'm going with you to help and make sure you don't forget again"
"Ok that's fine"
It was in fact not fine- I always get more done if I keep working but now with Val coming he'll make sure I stop..I don't overwork myself I just..like to work- yeah I like to work
But soon enough I was done with the papers with the help of Val. Only, he wasn't that much of a help but he was good company.

"Alright Voxxy your all done for the day, I'm not having you get overwhelmed again with all your work, you can do more tomorrow"
"Fine. What now?"
"Hmmm we can...go to my studio? Or go see Velvet"
"I haven't seen Velvet today and no offense but I don't like your...commercials like that"
"Well you only go in there to help and see me so I would expect so. Now let's go."

At Velvets fashion studio

"Y-you did Velvet.."
"Oh so now we're talking back?! Your fired!"
*leaves studio crying*
"God it's like no one here knows what they're doing."
"Hah! Velvet, looks like everything is uh- oh nvm" I was saying until I saw one of the girls running out crying, probably because they weren't pretty enough- jeez I'll never understand her and her working tactics
"Oh! Vox, Valentino! Hey"
"So we're just gonna forget about all of that?"
"About what?"
"About how you just- never-mind me 'n Val just wanted to see how...things were going"
"Oh well as you just probably saw that girl had no sense of fashion! Can you believe it Vox? None she didn't know anything!"
"Oh I could just never guess..anyways I was forced to stop work for the day because apparently I "overwork and overwhelm" myself"I said mocking Val's countless times saying it before
"You do" both of them said on sync
"Vox not trying to over step but you very much do overwork yourself alllll the time so I was honestly a little surprised when I saw you with Val"
"Wow thanks"
"No problem"
"Anyways- would you wanna do something or are you just gonna keep talking" Val said finally speaking up
"I'm up for whatever" Velvet replied
"I don't care."
"Aww come on Voxxy don't be so negative~"
"Right..what would we do?"
"Hmm how about we watch a movie?" Velvet suggested
"Oooo~ What Kind though?"
"Hmm what do you think Vox?"
"Huh? Oh, um I don't know just whatever you guys want.." I said while starting to lean up against Val. Geez maybe I do overwork sometimes- nah I'm just tired..yeah just tired
"But you always put us first. You can choose"
"Velvs really I don't care what we watch just choose"
"Come on Vox..pleaseeeee-"
"Stop- just-..*sigh* Val what do you wanna watch"
"Voxxy, you look..really tired..are you ok?"
"Yeah Vox you do feel more..lifeless right now"
"I'm fine..just choose what you want to watch
Or I will choose something you like for you"
"Vox- you really seem tired are you sure you ok?.."
"Yes Val just please, one of you choose something..."
"Fineee how about the new Barbie movie?"
"*yawn* Sure.."
I knew they were concerned about me but I was just a little tired..I just need some sleep and I'll be fine
"Vox? Vox..VOX"
!! "Sorry what did you say?.."
"Nothing you just- here."
"What? Your obviously tired, so let me carry you"
"NO PUT ME- Put- put me..."
"See? Just go to sleep for now hon~ I'll wake you up in a bit mkay?~"
So maybe I was a little tired and maybe I fell asleep in Val's arms because it was really warm and comfortable but that doesn't mean anything!


I woke up to Val gently shaking me awake saying that the movie is ready so guess I had to watch it.
Throughout the movie I really zoned out and missed parts so it wasn't that clear to me what the movie was about, nevertheless I forced myself to stay awake for Val and Velvs. That's not bad..right? I was pulled out of my thoughts from Velvet screaming.
"I do agree I like the part where-"
"Voxxy" Valentino said cutting himself off
"You still look um tired did you sleep at all during the movie"
"Um y-yeah just uh.."
"Ok ok! So maybe I stayed up to watch for you guys.."
I jumped. I heard Val yell before but not like that...I felt tears prick up in my eyes and he must have noticed because his whole mood changed
" *gasp* Vox hun...I'm sorry I'm just worried..really worried" he assured, then he pulled me in for a hug.
Shit. No no no don't start crying, not in front of them...
"Vox you can cry..it's ok" Val said while rubbing my back- god why did he care so much why is he doing all this, saying all this- I felt tears running down my face/screen. Fuck. I'm crying..I was again pulled away from my thought from Val..pulling away and just looking at with one of his hands on the bottom of my screen where my chin would be...just looking at me..
"I'm sorry Vox..I just..."
I closed his voice out. And about every other sound I could hear. It was too much- why was HE apologizing I'm the one that screwed up I'm the one that keeps worrying them, god why wont he just- "SHUT UP" shit. I said that out loud..fuck- no no no just breath your fine.
"Vox I-.." he trailed off looking at Velvet for help.
"Vox are..are you ok? Like- do you wanna talk about it? Or..." Velvet. Velvet finally said something-
"No..sorry I think Im just tired...sorry for snapping at you two. You didn't do anything wrong it's just-.." I didn't even know what to say in this situation..this rarely happens.
"No no, your fine just- overwhelmed..again. Just get some sleep and we'll talk about this another time. Ok?"
"Yeah Vox let's just go to sleep.."
"Yeah..yeah ok"
"Alright then~"
We all got comfortable and soon enough, I feel asleep I don't know when they did but I do know that I feel asleep fast

Valentinos pov:

Vox has been worrying me today- well both me and Velvet. He started crying, he never cry's... now we're in bed and of course he feel asleep first. I feel asleep not too long after Velvet and him. I knew we had to talk but not right now, right now he needs sleep. And that's what he's getting.

Wow, well that was a lot
Let me know if you would want a part two or something else I could write :)
Words: 1630

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