Voxs ADHD part 3

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Tw: cussing, mention of ADHD

Vox's pov:
I woke up quite early and went straight to my work. I needed to move or do something or I swear, I'll go crazy. I canceled all my meetings and broadcasts since I had a lot of paper, but load and behold- I finished it all early so I told my assistant to get me Velvets and Val's if they had any since they don't really do theirs. A got a good amount that would last me till a little over 1pm. So without hesitation I got to work.

Val's pov:
I woke up around 11am and noticed that Vox wasn't there, he's probably eating or in his office. I'll go to my studio and get some work done. I suddenly got a text from Velvet.

>Hey bitch, I was going to do some work but I guess I already did because Mellisa told me I didn't have any, wanna grab some lunch. I asked Vox but he didn't answer yet- nor did he read my text
Sure thing Vel, but wdym he <
hasn't answered you is he in his office????
>Lol, idk but I'm hungry so lmk soon. Yeah?
         I will just gonna check up on Vox..
>alright see ya lattah big V
See you Vel <

I got up and ready, and went to see Vox.
As I got to his office I noticed that his employees were outside of his office, I asked one of them why everyone wasn't in the office and they said that Vox told them to leave so he could focus better. I went into the room and was absolutely distraught at what I saw...Vox was completely shooken up and was doing a shit load of work, his leg was bouncing, his right hand was tapping on random things and most importantly..he had tears in his eyes as he looked at what he was working on with a frustrated face....
"Vox? What's wrong...are you alright?"
I saw him jump and look at me with wide eyes
"V- Val?" He managed to say almost crying
"Oh my- Vox? What's wrong baby.." I asked once more walking up to him
"N- Nothing just uh-"
"What are those papers, they aren't yours?"
I peeked at the papers scattered behind him on his desk- wait...those are MY papers and is that VELVETS PAPERS TOO?! WHY IS HE DOING OUR WORK??? IS THAT WHY VELVET HAD NO WORK, BECAUSE VOX IS DOING ALL OF IT AND MINE?!?
"Vox what in the world are you doing with our papers?! You can not exhaust yourself like that!"
"I- um..."
"No, your not doing this. Get up now."
"Get. Up. Your taking the rest of today and tomorrow off- you know what your not gonna work until your meds arrive or if I'm here with you because I'm not having you do this every day till then."
"What!? Val you can't do that!"
"I just did now let's go or imma pick you up and make you." I said with a worried but stern voice
"I'm not leaving and you can make me"
"Wanna bet?" I went up to him grabbed his arms so he can't push me and picked him up
"No Vox now shut up before I do that for you too."
I cut him off by bitting his neck gently then sucking on the spot before kissing his neck in multiple spots
"A-ah..Val...st- stop it..."
I continued to do the same thing over and over, bitting, sucking, then kissing him all over. I knew he'd shut up, he loves when I give him this type you affection.
"Val...mff..oh, right there right there..."
I guess I found his soft spot at the sound of the pleasure in his voice so I stayed at the spot and began moving my arms down his body as I sat down in his chair
"Teleport us to our room Voxxy~" I whispered in his ear pulling away from his neck, and he did. In that instant I texted Velvet that we weren't coming and started to take off Vox's suit...
"Oh..Voxxy what a pretty body you have~ so perfect~" I again whispered sending a physical shiver down his spine
"Oh? So you like when I complement you? How bout I keep doing it?"
"yes..please.." Vox muttered lowly but I still heard him
I began to rant on and on about him and his structure and how perfect it is, how I love him so much..(better than fucking him i would say) each sentence I said was met with a satisfied sound or movement from Vox. After almost an hour I decided to stop and just kiss him passionately hearing him moan and stutter was the best thing ever in that moment. I then pulled away letting him catch his breath before laying down next to him, pulling him up to my chest cuddling him and rubbing one of my hands on his back.
"God Vox your so pretty..I love you so much"
"Tha- Thanks Val I- I love you too.." he said stuttering. I laughed a little at him "Your so cute Voxxy~"
"No I'm not" he said flustered
"Yes you are you are so pretty and handsome, I love you so much~"
"V-Val stopppp...."
"But why I can't tell my pretty boy how amazing he is~?" That nickname. I knew would get him
"Your w-what?" He asked even more flustered than before
"My pretty boy~ Did you not hear me?"
"I-....." he couldn't even speak with how much he was blushing
"What's wrong Voxxy? Flustered?"
"Really? Your face says otherwise~" I said teasing him
"No it *yawn* doesn't.." so he's tired? Mind as well get some sleep before dinner
"You tired Voxxy~?"
"Just a little.."
"Then how bout we sleep some before dinner?"
"Yeah..." he muttered before getting comfortable in my hold, I shifted on my back so he was on top of me draping my wings over us then a blanket so we don't get cold
"I...love you" he said quietly but since he was so close I heard him
"Love you too pretty boy"
"Ok ok...I love you too Voxxy"
"Vox? Damn already sleeping.." I said before falling asleep with my boyfriend in my arms

               Now we wait for his meds
Yayyyyyy another long chapter!!! I had a lot of fun with this one and I am def gonna make a new story if you have any requests please do share and I hope you have an amazing day/night! Bye!
Words: 1133

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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