Before Hell - human AU

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Heyyy so I'm going to be using their names they have in hell because I'm not creating new ones (I think it was mentioned that they had different names on earth or sum but idk) this also might be shorter bc I don't have a lot of creativity since their whole life rn is in hell in the show but I am excited to write this!
Tw: s3x-type stuff, smut

Vox's pov:
I was out shopping with Val and Velvet since there was a party happening tonight. I had already picked my suit (his suit he has on in hell just a little more normal looking) but Velvet and Val couldn't decide on what to were. We went to about 10 different stores until they both found something (again same thing just more normal looking) and Val suggested that me and him go back home together...

At their house
"So Val why'd you wanna come home with me"
"Because~ I wanna have some fun~" he said putting his on my cheek so he was holding my face, I was definitely blushing
"Awe Vox why so flustered~?"
"I-I'm not..."
"Oh? But you face says otherwise~"
"Val stop you know that I don't know.."
"Hmmm I don't think I do...~"
"I'm not gonna win am I..."
"Your all mine tonight V..."
Great here we go again...just Valentino playing with me, I'm sure if he got the chance he would go to someone else in a second.
"You know Voxxy...your the only one I feel like this make me feel so...𝓝𝓲𝓬𝓮~"
"I know you would drop me the second you got the chance so cut the act."
"Vox...I would never."
"I haven't done it yet have I ?"
"Well no but.."
"Then you have nothing to worry about bby~ M'kay~?"
"Yeah...yeah sorry Val.."
"No no it's quite alright hun~ just don't underestimate me like that ok? I only love you~"
"Thanks Val...I love you too"
So that was shorter but I did have fun writing it , i might be writing something this weekend but idk also thank you for the views and votes it means a lot anyway hope you all have a amazing day/night bye
Words count: 386

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