A day off - fluff

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This is not a part 3 to "Overworking" but just a nice lil fluff between Vox and Val
Tw: cussing, and maybe others?

Val's pov:
I woke up to Vox sleeping next to me. God he's so pretty he might have an attitude but he can be one of the nicest demons I've meet. As I'm starring at him I feel him stir awake and mumble something that sounds like a "good morning"
"Heh, good morning Voxxy~ how'd you sleep?"
"Morning Val..I slept fine, you?" He slurred yawning in between
"I slept great knowing I was next to you~"
I felt Vox blush at my little statement, it made me laugh a little
"Awe Voxxy are you flustered~?"
"Shush I want more sleep"
"It's my day off I wanna sleep...with....you.."
"Awww Voxxy~"
"Shhhh" he said putting one of his fingers to my lips
"Alright alright I'll go back to sleep"
"Mhmm..." he hummed trailing off and falling back asleep
"Good night love~"
"Wow already asleep" I laughed

It was around 10 am when I woke up again, except Vox was awake just laying in bed on his phone.
"Good morning sleeping beauty" I said to Vox
"Oh Val good morning.."
"How'd that extra sleep feel"
"Huh? Oh, uh nice...sorry I was acting...clingy"
"Oh it's quite alright dear I found it cute~"
"T-Thanks I guess.." he responded while blushing
"Haha, you so funny Voxxy~"
"Ok ok, I'm gonna go make some breakfast do you want some?"
"I was gonna have much since it's like 10 am but I'll go with you.."
"Oh well in that case we can have lunch"
"No no if you want breakfast we can have it-"
"Vox like you said it's like 10 am let's go get lunch, what do you want me to make?"
"I can cook Val-"
"That's not answer."
"Fine...I'll just have whatever your having"

"So what are we having?"
"Oh just A/N (idk what to put so you guys can put whatever)
"Oh ok"
"Is that ok?"
"Oh yeah yeah"
"Alright then~"

"It's ready darling~"
"Oh wow Val this looks good..."
"Awe thank you Voxxy~ go head, eat" I thanked him while sitting down
"Oh..Val...this is amazing"
"Thanks! I made it they way you like it"
"Mhm, thank you.."
"Of course.."

Once they finished
"Here" Vox said
"Give me you dishes"
"Oh no it's ok I can wash them"
"Vox it's fine-"
"You made the food so I'll clean it up. Now give my the plate"
"Alright! Here ya go, happy?"
"Very, thank you."
"Right. I'll be on the couch imma put on a show . M'kay?"

"Alright I'm done what do you wanna watch"
"Hmmm I don't know. Any good movie or show ideas?"
"Not really.."
"So there is one"
"Well yeah but there's only one season and like- 8 episodes.."
"Oh? Well what's it called?"
"Uhm... 'Percy Jackson'..."
"Oh yea I've heard of that you wanna watch it?"
After they watch it
"That was pretty good Voxxy-"
I looked down at him to see him asleep next to me leaning into my side. He's so cute when he sleeps, that might sound weird but whatever I think it's funny how he gets so flustered so easily. As I was admiring the other I felt him move around and wake up...
"Is..it over?" He asked while rubbing his eyes
"Yeah and I thought it was pretty good"
"Nothing just thought you would think it was weird or something..."
"Awwww Voxxy nothing you like is weird"
"Thanks Val..."
"Mhm! Anyways what do you wanna do now?"
"Uhhhh sleep?"
"Vox you've been sleeping all day don't waste you day off just to sleep"
"Alright then we could...you know..."
"Oh Vox don't flatter your self too much you always are and will be a bottom or at least with me"
"Hey! I could definitely top you!"
"Wanna bet?"
"If you can top me without any...inconveniences turning you into my bottom I'll...𝓡𝓮𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓭 you~"
"And if I don't?" He said starting to blush
"Then I'll finish by topping you~ do we have a deal~?"
"Ok then let's go~"
So...that was fun to write. Do any of you want a part 2 with smut or something? Again please give me ideas for chapters hope you have a nice day/night byeee
Word count: 745

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